I discovered this combo on my own. I looked online and it seems only a few others have found it as well. But I have yet to see it done in EDH format.
I have every G/W creature with persist in the deck and also most of my creatures have awesome ETB / LTB effects once given persist.
Academy Rector - Who doesn't love Her? Gives so much perfection to my field. If I don't have a sac outlet, I pull Perilous Forays. If I don't have tutors or some type of persist creature / generator, I pull Defense of the Heart (most of the time). If I have a good set up already, I pull Fecundity for drawing as much as I want or Cathars' Crusade to buff others infinitely.
Aerie Ouphes - great persist creature. Wipes out EVERY flyer.
Antler Skulkin - amazing persist generator. I love paying 2 mana to give infinite 3/3s and life with Thragtusk(:
Captain Sisay - Perfect General instead of Melira, Sylvok Outcast. Opens up the amazing color of white (also more persist creatures) and amazing search engine for other things
Champion of Lambholt - If I pull off an infinite sac combo, I will kill an opponent every turn with this guy.
Dauntless Escort - Great responder against board wipes, and amazing to sac every turn when given persist.
Devout Lightcaster - you better hope you don't run black, or I'm coming for you.
Dosan the Falling Leaf - great card to search for early game if threatened by counters (pretty much any deck with blue, haha)
Eight-and-a-Half-Tails - great legend to bring out to counter many spells
Heartmender - persist? why not. Plus great ability in case they destroy my Melira, Sylvok Outcast somehow
Hornet Queen - believe me, you do not want me to go infinite sac on her, lmao.
Iona, Shield of Emeria - Once of the funniest cards to play in my opinion.
Kitchen Finks - persist & infinite life all in one! saves a card spot(:
Kithkin Spellduster - persist and enchantment destroyer! plus I love that it sacs itself
Linvala, Keeper of Silence - great legend again. Can ruin a lot of decks until dealt with
Melira, Sylvok Outcast - The core to my deck. This is my "Deadeye Navigator" of
Rofellos, Llanowar Emissary - AMAZING MANA RAMPER! I love that I get to search for it too(:
Safehold Elite - ALL THE PERSIST! *fist pump*
Solemn Simulacrum - infinite card draw and infinite mana ramp? K thanks
Soul's Attendant - Inifinite life gainer
Stoneforge Mystic - Great to get out my non-legendary equipments like Skullclamp or Swiftfoot Boots
Suture Priest - inifinite life, plus annoys opponents(:
Sylvan Primordial - destroy ALL THE LANDS! and enchantments and artifacts(: then mana ramp like crazy
Thragtusk - infinite life, infinite creatures, sweet.
Trostani, Selesnya's Voice - infinite life again, not to mention I get to search for her.
Twilight Shepherd - awesome persist creature with great ability
Woodfall Primus - this is my "Harmonic Sliver of the deck, haha.
Wurmcoil Engine - Have not yet got to go infinite with him yet. But will surely piss several off when I do(:
Yavimaya Elder - sacs itself, draws cards, AND mana ramps. What's there not to love?
Altar of Dementia - Once I can sac infinite, I win with this.
Ashnod's Altar - infinite mana producer
Birthing Pod - Even if I don't have my combo out, this card is VITAL to have. I am always willing to sac creatures with this, helps out with my combo tremendously.
Cauldron of Souls - such a beautiful card
Conjurer's Closet - With tons of ETB/LTB effects, why not cast this if I don't have my combo yet? haha.
Eldrazi Monument - i like that it makes me sac a dude. Its abilities are incredible, and if I dont have my combo yet, I just won't cast it for a turn or two.
Lightning Greaves - Many tutors for this, gotta protect my Melira, Sylvok Outcast
Mind's Eye - If I get stuck not being able to cast something or if I have extra mana, this brings great card draw.
Planar Portal - this is like my Demonic Tutor, but with flashback over and over and over again. I mana ramp well. Casting it won't be an issue.
Sensei's Divining Top - Staple for this type of deck, obvious choice.
Shield of Kaldra - yes there are cheaper alternatives. but this one is legendary.. hint, hint.
Skullclamp - infinite sac? why not draw some shit?
Sol Ring - obvious staple.
Swiftfoot Boots - another protector for my Melira, Sylvok Outcast