Faster Than Tron? Really?

Modern* PrismMTG


zapyourtumor says... #1

Vorinclex, Voice of Hunger might be good here.

Deck looks fun, the only problem is the price. :(

August 27, 2017 11:44 a.m.

PrismMTG says... #2

Yeh great cards but I don't know what to take out. Most of my mana makers have lower mana cost so I get off the ground fast. And if I evr use this deck, it will be with my friends and I can just playtest it to use it.

August 27, 2017 12:02 p.m.

Rev_Lycan60 says... #3

I love the deck and it's concept. For some reason I feel like taking Omnath out and maximizing Llanowar Elves, Elvish Mystic, & Elvish Archdruid. Is there a reason for not maxing them out?

August 31, 2017 9:50 p.m.

PrismMTG says... #4

@Rev_Lycan60 Thanks a bunch for the upvote! I think in this instance you could go either way. I prefer to keep Omnath, Locus of Mana because I don't think that I can consistently generate the 10 mana for Spawnsire of Ulamog or the 20 mana for the ultimate ability in a single turn. And Omnath let's me tap all my extra forests seeing as how this deck doesn't do much during your oppenent's turn. I found that this mana quickly piles up so that I can do what I want with my late game creatures.

August 31, 2017 10:21 p.m.

Rev_Lycan60 says... #5

That makes sense and I see where you are coming from. If it is not far fetched to ask, how soon have you noticed a build up of extra mana?

September 1, 2017 6:05 a.m.

PrismMTG says... #6

Extra mana doesn't really come into play as you have complete control over what is yours. You can tap exactly the amount of mana you need so overage is rarely a problem. If I do find I have extra mana I usually burn it on a simply massive Endless One that popped into your hand earlier in the game.

September 1, 2017 8:12 p.m.

PrismMTG says... #7

Or search for a eldrazi win condition with From Beyond and play it in the same turn.

September 1, 2017 8:15 p.m.

lagotripha says... #8

August 11, 2018 10:02 a.m.

ancientskull says... #9

Have you considered using the early-game ramp strategy of Utopia Sprawl + Arbor Elf? It's a great way to ramp mana fast, and lets you get even more value out of your Vernal Bloom. The Arbor Elf could likely replace the Elvish Mystics, not sure what you would swap for the Utopia Sprawls. Love the deck, +1!

August 13, 2018 9:20 a.m.

PrismMTG says... #10

@lagotripha, Thanks for the suggestons and the +1! I'm having a tough time deciding what to replace for Early Harvest. I'm thinking 2x Endless One and 1x Omnath, Locus of Mana. Is this good or should I change it around a little?

August 13, 2018 1:05 p.m.

lagotripha says... #11

Test. Playtest playtest playtest. Have a list of what you want turns 1-5 and see how often you get it. Your swap sounds ok, but there is no substitute for testing. You can know the odds on any card coming up, but its easier to see the lines of play when they are in your hands. It all depends on how you want to play it compared to how it does play, and that needs testing.

I wouldn't put in more early harvests than mana ramp tools. At least a 2/1 or 3/1 ratio of mana doublers to early harvests sounds ok- because you really need a doubler to get value from harvest on time.

August 13, 2018 1:45 p.m.

PrismMTG says... #12

lagotripha you are completely correct. Testing is the only way I'm going to perfect this. I am glad that my swaps check out tho.

@ancientskull, you are also correct Arbor Elf would pull more weight than Elvish Mystic because it can tap for 1 or more Green whereas Elvish Mystic can only tap for 1 Green unless you lvl up Joraga Treespeaker which has never been in the gameplan. I don't think that Utopia Sprawl fit's in the deck. It has much more of an aggro playstyle, pumping out turn 2 Steel Leaf Champions and other three drops. It would basically function as abother land, allowing me for a turn 2 Omnath, Locus of Mana. What it wouldn't do however is get the ramping power off Vernal Bloom and Early Harvest. That's why I just don't think Utopia Sprawl fits in this deck.

August 13, 2018 2:27 p.m.

Silverdrake says... #13

This is hilarious and I love it, +1 from me.
If your plan is to go huge fast, have you considered Doubling Cube? This isn't exactly a tried-and-true archetype so I can't say for certain whether or not it would be any good but might be worth a shot. T1 joraga, T2 level it up + play cube, T3 arbor elf + vernal bloom, T4 tap for 12 mana, use cube up to 18? Seems deec

August 23, 2018 10:20 a.m.

PrismMTG says... #14

@Silverdrake Thanks for the +1! Especially now, where the deck is ranked every +1, comment and folder helps! I will do some playtesting for Doubling Cube. If I'm going to replace anything with Doubling Cube it is probably going to be Early Harvest Omnath, Locus of Mana, Heroic Intervention, or a combination of the three. Until playtest in is done however, it will go into the Maybeboard for other players to consider.

August 23, 2018 10:30 a.m.

wolfhead says... #15

I see what you're saying about Utopia Sprawl since vernal bloom can generate so much more mana,

It just feels weird haha

I love the idea of chaining ulamogs and nuking the opponents board

August 28, 2018 9:09 p.m.

PrismMTG says... #16

@wolfhead Thanks! This was the most popular modern deck on TappedOut a week ago. The system they use to categorize the top decks on TappedOut however, had its 10-day reset(or whatever it is) and due to a lack of new upvotes or comments it fell off.

You can see that it was ranked #15th just a week ago.

August 28, 2018 10:02 p.m.

Burpinator says... #17

These cards may help for control matchups. Autumn's Veil , Avoid Fate , Vexing Shusher Also for an alt win condition with all that mana Helix Pinnacle

September 20, 2018 5:28 a.m.

PrismMTG says... #18

Thanks for the suggestions Burpinator! Some of those are definitely going into the Maybeboard. I did think about Helix Pinnacle as a win-con, but dumping all the Eldrazi was just too much fun to pass up.

November 2, 2018 12:24 a.m.

Kederekt says... #19

Wait, how do you get your cards in exile?

November 26, 2018 11:23 a.m.

PrismMTG says... #20

@Kederekt: They are in your sideboard, which is technically out of the game. It's kinda tricky wording. I had to look it up in the rules book.

November 26, 2018 11:58 a.m.

Kederekt says... #21

Yeah I just looked up the rulings on it too. It seems ridiculous. Like from an un set.

November 26, 2018 12:08 p.m.

PrismMTG says... #22

But it is sooo fun when you get it off. You get to see their face crumple as they realize that no matter their board, they are not surviving all 3 Titans, an It That Betrays and a total of annihilator 50.

November 26, 2018 12:56 p.m.

ancientskull says... #23

So, I just viewed this deck again with recent comments, and it got me thinking; Why bother having more than one of each Titan in your Sideboard? They will legend-rule themselves when you combo off, and those are 'Board slots you could be using to help against your bad match-ups. Just a thought.

November 27, 2018 8:26 a.m.

PrismMTG says... #24

@ancientskull Basically it is to get the value they provide. 2 Kozilek, Butcher of Truth in order to trigger his etb ability twice drawing 8 cards, totally refilling your hand instead of just drawing 4 cards. Then I play a playset of Ulamog, the Infinite Gyre in order to nuke their board or drop an airstike on a specific target. Troublesome things like certain enchantments, or a Platinum Emperion.

November 27, 2018 10:05 a.m.

hungry000 says... #25

I really don't get your justification for not playing Utopia Sprawl . So what if it's used in a Stompy deck? That doesn't make it any less good as a ramp spell. In other words, just because a card makes you think of a certain type of deck doesn't mean it only works in that type of deck. Like, Lightning Bolt is Burn's best card, but it's also used as a removal spell in UR and Jeskai Control decks, which are on the opposite side of the spectrum.

Plus, with Utopia Sprawl, you can pull off the turn 5 Spawnsire win you wrote about in your description on turn 4 without having to play Harmonize to draw the rest of the cards you need.

Turn 1: Land, Arbor Elf

Turn 2: Land, Utopia Sprawl on untapped land, tap/untap/tap land to get 4 mana, Vernal Bloom

Turn 3: Land, you now have access to 10 mana (the land with Utopia Sprawl on it taps for 6 w/ Arbor Elf, the other two lands tap for 2 each) and 3 cards in hand assuming you went first. From here, there are a couple ways to get to 30 mana:

Turn 4: Draw a card (it'd have to be a Spawnsire or an Early Harvest if u had Spawnsire in hand) and then Spawnsire ftw!

If you went second the extra card would give you a lot more options for getting to 30 mana on turn 4, and I'm sure I missed a few routes up above.

But other than allowing the turn 4 win, Utopia Sprawl also just speeds everything else up a lot with Arbor Elf, letting you play 4 mana worth of ramp on turn 2 or a Prime Time on turn 3 (you don't even need any extra ramp to do that), and unlike Joraga Treespeaker , it is also untapped by Early Harvest . It might be worth testing some more untap land effects like Voyaging Satyr and Magus of the Candelabra (Magus especially seems neat; it's kind of like an extra Early Harvest).

Also, here's a Spawnsire of Ulamog deck I saw a while back (almost a couple years ago I think): (Note that it used both Utopia Sprawl and Fertile Ground to great effect). Idk if it helps at all, but it's nice to look at a different take on the same deck to get some ideas. There are also some G Devotion lists that make a ton of mana with Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx + Garruk Wildspeaker .

January 16, 2019 9:52 p.m.

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