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Fat Bat Says "Eat Your Damn Vegetables!"

Standard* Combo Theme/Gimmick UB (Dimir)




Sorcery (1)

With Notion Thief gone from standard, this deck loses a lot of the humor and stupidity that made it so much fun. However, since a usable replacement does exist in the form of Fate Unraveler , who is less silly but still works with the deck, I'm still going to try to make this deck continue to work.

Master of the Feast: The aerial menace of the deck. A fucking ridiculous 5/5 flyer for THREE MANA! Yes, he lets your opponents draw an extra card during your turn, but Fate Unraveler makes this a detriment in some way.

Chasm Skulker : Ho boy! This guy gets bigger the more cards I draw, aided by Dictate of Kruphix , Dakra Mystic and Indulgent Tormentor . And even if he dies, I get an army of squids to beat my opponent's face in!

Fate Unraveler : This gal works pretty nicely; not as fun as Notion Thief was, but actually potentially more effective. Instead of stealing the extra cards given by Dictate of Kruphix , Master of the Feast and Dakra Mystic , she instead pings them for every card drawn. She also has considerably more toughness then Thief, so is able to block and absorb some burn spells. Fun fact: since the pinging is technically damage, not life loss, Whip of Erebos has a fun interaction with this gal :)

Dakra Mystic : This little beauty either gives everyone an extra card every turn, or else mills those cards if I deem them too dangerous to be allowed into my opponent's hand.

Indulgent Tormentor : Another new card, this thing is a draw engine attached to a flying fatty! Great synergy with Chasm Skulker , obviously, and he hits pretty damn hard too!

Dictate of Kruphix : If I even have to explain why this is in here with Fate Unraveler and Chasm Skulker , you should just leave now because you're probably also wondering why this RDW deck has so many swamps in it.

Whip of Erebos: A great card for any midrangey black deck, this nifty trinket greatly increases my survivability. It can also resurrect a Master of the Feast later in the game to strike the finishing blow.

Turn to Frog : Turns strong creatures with powerful abilities into useless frogs. Go ahead, attack me with your Zurgo Helmsmasher, all I have is an untapped Fate Unraveler ! What can she POSSIBLY do?

Force Away : In my opinion, a slightly better card then Voyage's End . While Voyage has a guaranteed Scry 1 stapled onto it, if I can trigger the Ferocious ability with Master of the Feast, Indulgent Tormentor or a Chasm Skulker that's been sitting there a couple turns, I get to draw an extra card (buffing up said Chasm Skulker even more) and looting for a better hand. Oh, and it bounces creatures, too.

Hero's Downfall/Murderous Cut: Kills shit.


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With Khans of Tarkir right around the corner, it's just about time to say goodbye to one of this deck's main cards, Notion Thief. He had incredible interactions with Master of the Feast, Dakra Mystic and Dictate of Kruphix; and with RTR rotating, we must bid farewell to a host of other cards including the fantastic removal spells Far / Away, Rapid Hybridization and Warped Physique as well as the thoroughly unnecessary but hilariously perfect card Whispering Madness that comboed so well with Notion Thief! But alas all good things must come to an end....well, if you're playing standard, at least. So it's time to look ahead to the new options made available in Khans of Tarkir, as well as revisiting some older, overlooked options. For starters, once rotation hits, Notion Thief will be the easiest card to replace; my 4-drop slots will be filled by Fate Unraveler, another card in Dimir colors that works well with opponent's drawing cards. As for the removal: Murderous Cut, Turn to Frog and maybe Voyage's End will fill the void, along with any other good spells given to us from Khans.


Top Ranked
  • Achieved #56 position overall 10 years ago
Date added 10 years
Last updated 9 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

28 - 0 Rares

16 - 3 Uncommons

2 - 12 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 3.14
Tokens Squid 1/1 U
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