With Notion Thief gone from standard, this deck loses a lot of the humor and stupidity that made it so much fun. However, since a usable replacement does exist in the form of
Fate Unraveler
, who is less silly but still works with the deck, I'm still going to try to make this deck continue to work.
Master of the Feast: The aerial menace of the deck. A fucking ridiculous 5/5 flyer for THREE MANA! Yes, he lets your opponents draw an extra card during your turn, but
Fate Unraveler
makes this a detriment in some way.
Chasm Skulker
: Ho boy! This guy gets bigger the more cards I draw, aided by
Dictate of Kruphix
Dakra Mystic
Indulgent Tormentor
. And even if he dies, I get an army of squids to beat my opponent's face in!
Fate Unraveler
: This gal works pretty nicely; not as fun as Notion Thief was, but actually potentially more effective. Instead of stealing the extra cards given by
Dictate of Kruphix
, Master of the Feast and
Dakra Mystic
, she instead pings them for every card drawn. She also has considerably more toughness then Thief, so is able to block and absorb some burn spells. Fun fact: since the pinging is technically damage, not life loss, Whip of Erebos has a fun interaction with this gal :)
Dakra Mystic
: This little beauty either gives everyone an extra card every turn, or else mills those cards if I deem them too dangerous to be allowed into my opponent's hand.
Indulgent Tormentor
: Another new card, this thing is a draw engine attached to a flying fatty! Great synergy with
Chasm Skulker
, obviously, and he hits pretty damn hard too!
Dictate of Kruphix
: If I even have to explain why this is in here with
Fate Unraveler
Chasm Skulker
, you should just leave now because you're probably also wondering why this RDW deck has so many swamps in it.
Whip of Erebos: A great card for any midrangey black deck, this nifty trinket greatly increases my survivability. It can also resurrect a Master of the Feast later in the game to strike the finishing blow.
Turn to Frog
: Turns strong creatures with powerful abilities into useless frogs. Go ahead, attack me with your Zurgo Helmsmasher, all I have is an untapped
Fate Unraveler
! What can she POSSIBLY do?
Force Away
: In my opinion, a slightly better card then
Voyage's End
. While Voyage has a guaranteed Scry 1 stapled onto it, if I can trigger the Ferocious ability with Master of the Feast,
Indulgent Tormentor
or a
Chasm Skulker
that's been sitting there a couple turns, I get to draw an extra card (buffing up said
Chasm Skulker
even more) and looting for a better hand. Oh, and it bounces creatures, too.
Hero's Downfall/Murderous Cut: Kills shit.