Fate of the Dead

Standard DjinnjerVitis


almalong says... #5

I might have to consider Thoughtsieze in my deck, purely for the knowledge of what is in their hand and what kind of deck to expect, and I'm not sure about Agent of the Fates with only 9 triggers I'm not so sure about him, and the heroic mechanic in general seems kind of lack luster in the current set of cards we have, it will probably get better as theros progresses, but right now it seems like an iffy situation thing, and seeing that r/b Minotaur tribal is becoming a thing in the meta the lifebane zombie does little against that. but seeing as those are more minute issues, the deck overall is very solid, I like it +1

September 30, 2013 2:37 a.m.

DjinnjerVitis says... #6

im rather impressed with the heroic mechanic. to me its much more useful than monstrosity. i havent had any problems trigger the heroic honestly. then again, i also either hold him until i can protect him (via Gods Willing Gift of Immortality Golgari Charm ) or if i have another in hand. worst case, hes a 3 drop 3/2 with DT. its not Vampire Nighthawk but itll do in the format.

September 30, 2013 2:43 a.m.

cptjmaverick says... #7

Wow completely different direction with this deck, love the idea of being able to change your mana base mid game, could really stop an opponents play if you all of a sudden start dropping burn on them in game two after being green heavy game one... would be interested to play against this deck and see how it matches up. Reckon you'd give me selesnya a run for its money, especially with erebos locking out lifegain etc... hexproof may mess you up a little but you do have the force your opponent to sacrifice cards there so thats good! Nice build!

September 30, 2013 2:43 a.m.

DjinnjerVitis says... #8

@cptjmaverick thanks for the comment and +1. my LGS saw a lot of Esper, Selesnya, and jekara's Paladin's Path to Thune (Mono-White, 4 Turn Win) release weekend (which happened to also be Grand Prix Qualifier)..unfortuantely i got there too late to play (was confused on start time) but i did play 3 of those players when they were taking a break and whatnot, and i beat a decent Selesnya, and a janky rakdos brew. i also played jekara and lost :(. watched the Esper matchup's and saw just how rediculous it is in the meta now. Ashiok, Nightmare Weaver does terrible things.

September 30, 2013 2:59 a.m.

almalong says... #9

and people said Ashiok, Nightmare Weaver was horrible, I saw a esper deck on friday with him and the poor sucker across from him with 8 different exile piles with the planeswalker Pyxis of Pandemonium , Psychic Intrusion and other ones I don't remember off the top of my head... it was an esper exile deck and it was horrible to watch.

September 30, 2013 3:06 a.m.

DjinnjerVitis says... #10

haha i didn't see the Pyxis of Pandemonium doing anything, and Psychic Intrusion was a beast in pre-release, although i could definitely see some shenanigans with it in standard.

September 30, 2013 3:08 a.m.

cptjmaverick says... #11

Quite happy i pulled 2 ashiok's from my pre-release winnings now... tempted to cook up something using her maybe... can imgaine it breaks creature heavy decks

September 30, 2013 1:10 p.m.

AKisT3K says... #12

Sin Collector Would do wonders in your 3 drop slot over the Agent of the Fates

Additionally I would use Voice of Resurgence as a 4 of MB. Maybe that along with Gift of Immortality and Cartel Aristocrat

October 5, 2013 12:34 p.m.

DjinnjerVitis says... #13

Agent of the Fates is kinda the basis for this deck. it is how i deal with heavy board presence.

Sin Collector would be a good SB card i think to swap out for Lifebane Zombie . that would give me another option against control (the only matchup that has given me problems).

i think Cartel Aristocrat more Voice of Resurgence and Gift of Immortality would be a whole other deck entirely....me and a buddy were actually talking about doing one of those about a week ago.

thanks for the comment. ill try to squeeze Sin Collector in the sideboard.

October 5, 2013 3:40 p.m.

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