I had to settle for certain cards my shop had in place of certain cards I have here, such as Boros Elite for Soldier of the Pantheon and two Gyre Sages in place of two Elvish Mystics. I also only had two Experiment Ones, so that was a slight bust. I threw in two Loxodon Smiters (SO good in the Blue match-up ;) ) and a Mistcutter Hydra. No Simic Charms either :(. Also, had to sub in guild gates for sjocks, because I didn't have enough $...
First Round: Selesnya Aggro. The first game was close; however, his deck ran much faster, and I couldn't keep up. Second game, this deck was a joke to him. lost 0-2.
Second Round: Izzet Turn-Burn(Get it?). The first game, I won. I flooded the field and both Archangel of Thunes out. That's pretty much a win-win for me. Second game, Blistercoil Weird blew me up. Didn't know it could be sued so flexibly. Third game. WHAT?! YOU KILLED THUNE WITH A WHAT? Frostburn Weird, screw you. Yeah, burn and pump decks aren't too pretty for me.
Third Round: Izzet Rematch(Same opponent!). I won the first game easily. A 4/4 Mistcutter Hydra and some beefed up Cloudfin Raptors and Loxodon Smiter. I won. Second game, he burned me for 12 damage and used Spellheart Chimera as a 6/3. Not pretty. Third game, I won. Yes, I beat the guy who had just beat me. Knight tokens and Horizon Chimera plus a flashed in Mistcutter Hydra thanks to ole' Prophet of Kruphix was my win-con there.
Final Round!: Mono-Blue Devotion!!!(AKA Screw you, Thassa.). First game, MNistcutter Hydra again. There's only one in the deck, but he came out again. I lost in a tight match-up against an unblockable Thassa and Nightveil Specter. Second game, Wow. Mistcutter Hydra AGAIN! I shuffled, I swear. He's a 7/7 this time. It was over fast. Third game!! I was at two life, and then the unthinkable happened, Loxodon Smiter! I LOVE YOU! A 4/4 uncounterable for three mana, yes please. Phew. Luckiest top deck ever. Got put at two life and lost a few knights and my prophet, but Smiter hit for the win. Note: He was at 14, I was at 2. I would not have won if I hadn't flashed in a Smiter. All thanks be to the holy Loxodon Smiter.
So, overall, I think I may need a Nythkos, Shrine to Nyx in here, but not for sure. Also, Rapid Hybridization was a nice card for me that night. I need removal, or at least more ways to draw into threats. Any ideas, guys?