Favor of the Dead God

Standard jermtube


Jay says... #1

Looks pretty good, here are a few fixes I might make:

Replace Orzhov Charm with Gods Willing

Make room for 2x Thoughtseize to deal with Control

Drop Blightcaster , maybe for Fabled Hero

-1 Gift of Immortality +1 Gift of Orzhova

These are mostly preference things, but I think it should help this run more smoothly :)

October 6, 2013 1:42 p.m.

nbankee says... #2

Have you thought about using more Enchantment Creature list of new Black/White Bestow creatures:


I think I would switch 2x Lifebane Zombie for 2x Nighthowler

Maybe add in Heliod, God of the Sun or even Fiendslayer Paladin You would have the lifelink from him and be able to swap out Gift of Orzhova for maybe Dauntless Onslaught to get the 'Up to Two Target' creatures and hitting Multiple heroics being able to target two creatures.

Sorry if my suggestions are not what you were looking for.

October 6, 2013 1:45 p.m.

jermtube says... #3

nbankee and Jp3ngu1nb0y, thanks for the suggestions! I'm sort of leaning towards cards that have BB in their mana cost to justify Erebos, God of the Dead in here, and trying to include less WW mana cost creatures for the same reason. There is a slight lifegain theme with the Tormented Hero / Blind Obedience / Gift of Orzhova to allow me to pay life for card draw without too much of a worry (while keeping auras relevant), but Fiendslayer Paladin unfortunately sets me farther from getting the Dead God out. The enchantment theme is strong here, so I'm hesistant to remove all of my Blightcaster s and Orzhov Charm s, although I can definitely tone it down. I feel like Nighthowler really shines in a BU mill deck.

October 6, 2013 1:51 p.m.

nbankee says... #4

Ok so you're going for a Lifegain/Devotion to black theme but are wanting to keep it very B/W. Makes things slightly easier to give you some tips.

Have you thought about running Sanguine Bond ? Would trigger off Extort from Blind Obedience .

You could maybe even drop 2x or 3x High Priest of Penance and replace with Tithe Drinker for the early drop extort and lifelink or even Vizkopa Guildmage ; she lacks Extort but can give Lifelink to target creature; and also has Sanguine Bond built into her "1WB Whenever you gain life this turn, each opponent loses that much life."

October 6, 2013 2:01 p.m.

jermtube says... #5

ah yea good idea nbankee. i'm going to tinker around with that idea and see where it takes me!

October 6, 2013 2:06 p.m.

nbankee says... #6

Alright, awesome :] When you make some changes drop a comment with me tagged so I can take a look at the awesomeness you've created :D! +1 from me btw.

October 6, 2013 2:14 p.m.

Morokai says... #7

You could potentially use Hopeful Eidolon to get some early enchantment out on turn 1, as well as give you another aura to cast later on. it works very nicely when combined with Ethereal Armor and Sphere of Safety .

October 6, 2013 2:28 p.m.

jermtube says... #8

Morokai that's a good consideration: most of my creatures already have Lifelink, or will if i get Whip of Erebos out, but that's a good 1-drop enchantment idea. and nbankee, this is the new deck list.

October 6, 2013 4:14 p.m.

nbankee says... #9

I am really liking it looks like you can do some nasty thing's here; Have you thought about using Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx It's a great land especially with you aiming towards a lot of black devotion.

October 6, 2013 5:42 p.m.

jermtube says... #10

hmm haven't thought about using that land, nbankee, i think its because there aren't any high cost creatures that are of one color, like Griselbrand was.

October 6, 2013 5:47 p.m.

nbankee says... #11

That is very true you do have a rather decent amount of low drops in all black; When do you think you are gonna get to play test this deck?

October 6, 2013 5:50 p.m.

I like the flavor, but One Thousand Lashes really should be replaced with Doom Blade . Using Enchantments for removal is really awkward even in Limited play unless we're talking about Detention Sphere because it hits ALL the things.

October 14, 2013 2:44 p.m.

jermtube says... #13

fluffybunnypants you have a good point. including Doom Blade makes me want to take a look at the rest of the removal i have in the deck and reconsider how many of them to include. namely, Hero's Downfall and Orzhov Charm . considering that Agent of the Fates has some built in removal, i was thinking about One Thousand Lashes as more of a pressure card (presuming that Erebos, God of the Dead is in play.)

October 14, 2013 2:47 p.m.

You should be running 4x Desecration Demon for pressure in the 4 drop slot.

October 14, 2013 2:55 p.m.

Shrivan says... #15

I would only take 1x Erebos, God of the Dead , if you have one in play it's basically drawing a dead card. Also I would probably drop Blind Obedience since you want to achieve black devotion and get Underworld Connections or Dark Prophecy .

November 15, 2013 11:42 a.m.

jermtube says... #16

Shrivan good point. i haven't taken a look at this deck in a while, so i think i can fir some more of those black enchantments in there. i just liked Blind Obedience 's Extort so early, since the lifegain can be used as a weapon later on.

November 15, 2013 2:50 p.m.

DasSandman says... #17

I would Drop Spiteful Returned in favor of something like Fate Unraveler .

January 29, 2014 11:55 a.m.

jermtube says... #18

DasSandman i don't feel like this deck really benefits from Fate Unraveler as well as Spiteful Returned . The aura creature boosts Ethereal Armor while also providing a 2-drop that guarantees loss of life, whether or not it actually connects. Plus, the deck has a Voltron subtheme so Bestowing it onto something like Agent of Fates or even Tormented Hero triggers the Heroic ability while making something bigger to attack with. I can maybe look into things similar to Vision Skeins in this block to justify it. Fate Unraveler does have a decent 3/4 body so I can see if I can use it to attack with as well. Thanks for the suggestion.

January 29, 2014 12:04 p.m.

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