FDN - Dimir Control

Standard EastsideRock

SCORE: 744 | 1527 COMMENTS | 257268 VIEWS | IN 375 FOLDERS

Noctem says... #1

how did the deck perform for gameday?

October 24, 2016 8:31 a.m.

EastsideRock says... #2

Wiggyman Actually pretty solid list there! I'll head over and comment.

Noctem Personally I own the deck on MTGO so gameday for me is everyday :) Been tweaking and fine-tuning considerably since the PT as the format warps in all kinds of directions. The recent additions of 2 Ancitipates been helping a lot with consistency. We might make a few extra changes this week as the meta seems like it might stabilize around UW Flash. Our match-up against them is not great but not horrendous either so I'm not sure if it's worth tweaking too much as I don't want to lose our edge VS the other decks. Gideon is certainly a pain in the ass though. More testing is in order.

Paging DarkAngel367 Did you manage to go to gameday with the paper version?

October 24, 2016 10:51 a.m. Edited.

EastsideRock says... #3

The bigger GB Delirium decks that have a strong ramp route are also worthy opponents, do consider and keep them in mind when tweaking. I bet we will see a lot of those this week.

October 24, 2016 11:08 a.m. Edited.

kickerv says... #4

EastsideRock, Noctem, DarkAngel367, me and my playtest partners been working on my Grixis Control build. We saw Shota play and then our light bulbs turned on. We didn't even finish watching his first match on camera. We torn my deck apart and went to the whiteboard in the war room and started from scratch. Game up with our 75 and then playtested for a week while making tweeks here and there, and then took the deck to Game Day and took 2nd place.

You can find my deck on my profile. Link goes to a legacy version

October 24, 2016 2:30 p.m.

EastsideRock says... #5

kickerv Awesome! Congrats on your 2nd place! Which deck ended up in first? Was it a good match?

Noctem I just played a couple matches VS the RB grindy zombie Scrounger/Haunted Dead/Amalgam deck, and let me tell you the Weaver of Lightning was the MVP! They can rebuy their stuff everyturn, so in the end it was just a matter of casting many spells at their EOT to clear the way just enough for the kill, and weaver helped a lot making situations of 2 for 2 become 2 for 3, or even 2 for 4. He sat along side Kingpin, they looked like BFFs <3

October 24, 2016 5:48 p.m.

kickerv says... #6

EastsideRock Thanks. When I lost first round, I was paired down so I never made it to table 1. Table 2 was playing for 2nd or 8th. Crazy I know. The one that took Game Day was G/W aggro/midrange. The pilot of the deck is the best at my LGS. He is always winning. The guy knows his decks. Can't fault him for that. My only bad game was the first round when I didn't get the draws to win. The toughest match was B/W control with massive lifelink. Every creature had lifelink. First game he did get up to 32 life, but I was able to draw a radiant flames and then turn and go. A flipped thing in the ice 2 wandering fumaroles online swing, flash in gearhulk at the eot then gearhulk awoken horror 2 wandering fumoroles and a unlicensed disintegration on his only creature finished him. 3rd game was cahndra turn 6 dead turn 9. Kept his board clear of anything and everything.

Here is a link to my decklist.


October 24, 2016 6:55 p.m.

DarkAngel367 says... #7

I went 2-3 first game day and 2-1-1 second game day, my losses were all against control decks... with heavy, and I mean like 8-12 counters spells mainboard heavy!!

Other than that though the deck performed VERY well against things like red-white vehicles and black-green delirium. But I've got to run more mainboard counter spells for my meta now so my winrate against those decks are going to be lower.

October 25, 2016 7:46 p.m.

EastsideRock says... #8

kickerv Awesome, thx for the clarification. Seems like you definitely know what you are doing. Persistence, you'll beat this guy next time! Also, your LGS's pairing system SUCKS Selesnya ballz!! lol

DarkAngel367 Tough call, you want to keep some edge VS all aggro decks but definitely tweaking the main a bit VS your meta's very heavy control makes sense. My control full-on boarding plan is usually:

  • -3 Flames, -3 Harnessed, -3 Grasp/Disintegration (depending if they are counting mainly on Fumarole + Burn OR if they are running Fatcasters.)

  • +5 counterspells, +1 Summonings, +3 Transgress

Your BFFs in control matchup are PWs and Summonings because the PWs-hate is so light these days, and unless they are running white with enchant removal, Summonings is going to take over. Against your meta I would probably try to cram-in at least half of that sideboard plan.

October 26, 2016 10:39 a.m.

Riculf says... #9

Been running this deck for about two weeks now and I really enjoy it, is there any room for thing in the ice in this deck? it just seems like such a good card to not be running.

October 26, 2016 11:48 a.m.

EastsideRock says... #10

Hi Riculf, happy to hear that! Thx for dropping by!

Some people like TITI, some don't. Personally I'm not a fan because I don't want the trigger to affect the casting of my spells. I don't like situations where it's on the board with other of my dudes and I actually don't want it to trigger and bounce my Kalitas (for example)...or even worse let's say I am rumbling with some dudes and opponent casts something at instant speed, now if I want to interact with it, I lose my attack. Other than that, it isn't very resilient and is a pretty horrible top deck in late game.

That said I do recognize a lot of good things as well about it, but in the end I guess it just really comes to this essential question ''do I really need it?'', which the answer is no for me (I took out the sweet Demon of Dark Schemes for this reason as well, while powerful and useful, I simply didn't really need him as much as the rest of my threats which did a better and more consistent job for me). As long as I am surviving the early-game and start grinding opponent in the mid-game, he's not gonna have any ressources left anyway and my hand will still be full of answers, at this point even a Little Girl could finish the job! Sick 40 turn clock bro!!

October 26, 2016 1:28 p.m.

kickerv says... #11

EastsideRock The pairings that my LGS uses for Gameday and FNM is the same one that all the big tournements uses. The Pro Tour, SCG Open, Grand Prix's, etc. The system really sucks balls. There was one time, I went 1-3 going into round 5 and I was paired up and playing for championship. Another time, I went 4-0 and got paired down and played for second (there was another person that was 4-0 as well). The way it was explained to me was it was based on win percentage for placement and pairings. Example, First round I win 2-1 and another wins 2-1 and 2 others win 2-0, I will play the other winner that went 2-1 in the round. Hopefully this makes sense. Also, the person that was piloting G/W is our local Level 1 Judge. He is always winning every tournament. I have beaten him once in 2 years. That was because my merfolk modern deck smashed his affinity modern to bits.

Riculf - I would have to agree with EastsideRock on the use of TITI. It really depends on what type of control deck you want. With EastsideRock's version, it looks to mainly run black for alot of spot removal. Let them resolve, then remove. TITI doesn't work good for this type. The type you want it for is a counter control type deck. TITI works well in that. 1 counter left on TITI, flash in Torrential Gearhulk, flashback a draw spell, bounce their creatures and your gearhulk, to play when you need it again. If you have Goblin Dark-Dwellers on the field, it is okay to bounce it back because you get to flashback another spell next turn. Also, the use of TITI is good way to save your dudes if your opponent is trying to kill your gearhulk or dwellers. Just remember that it says "whenever you cast" this is key for these types of combos. They play a Stasis Snare on your gearhulk, then you play an Anticipate, TITI flips before Stasis Snare resolves, now Stasis Snare doesn't have a target so it is basically countered. Now you have a 7/8, drew a card that you wanted from the top 3, and you saved your gearhulk.

Here is the link: htpp://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/grixis-says-no-2/

October 26, 2016 8:28 p.m.

DarkAngel367 says... #12

Just wanted to say the Stasis Snare would still resolve (target are chosen when it enters the battlefield not on cast), so they could still get your Awoken Horror  Flip with it.

October 27, 2016 11:56 a.m.

Noctem says... #13

I was thinking the same thing DarkAngel367. Stasis Snare resolves. You choose targets when it ETB's. Flipping thing in the ice the way it's described is actually a little silly.

October 27, 2016 1:47 p.m.

EastsideRock says... #14

Hey guys, been facing WAY to much control. I'm turning the dial gradually, -1 Grasp +1 Negate

October 27, 2016 6:02 p.m.

kickerv says... #15

DarkAngel367 and Noctem. After talking with a level 3 judge in my area, I got clarification on the the scenerio I described earlier. Do everything like described, but let Stasis Snare resolve then when target is declared (after it has entered the battlefield) then cast then flip then return then nothing happens. Here is how the stack would work:Stasis Snare castStasis Snare ResolvesNEW STACKTorrential Gearhulk TargetedAnticipate is castThing in the Ice  Flip ability is triggeredThing in the Ice  Flip trigger resolves bouncing Torrential GearhulkAnticipate resolvesStasis Snare target resolves and does nothing because the target is no longer a viable target.

It is all on the timing of when to cast your stuff.

October 27, 2016 6:34 p.m.

DarkAngel367 says... #16

Not a single non-land 4 of in the deck now.

Also I'm glad I'm not the only one getting stuck playing against a bunch of control decks.

October 27, 2016 6:37 p.m.

DarkAngel367 says... #17

I'm pretty sure if Stasis Snare targeted Thing in the Ice  Flip, it would still exile Awoken Horror  Flip even if it flipped, because it the target is still there.

October 27, 2016 6:47 p.m.

EastsideRock says... #18

DarkAngel367 Man the control hype is bigger than I anticipated....aggro decks aren't really a problem so I also just swapped a Flames for a Transgress between Main and Side.

October 27, 2016 6:59 p.m.

kickerv says... #19

DarkAngel367 You are correct. But in my scenerio I described Stasis Snare targeting Torrential Gearhulk. Let the Stasis Snare resolve then when ETB trigger ability goes on the stack, then do as described to fizzle Stasis Snare. Now if Stasis Snare etb ability targets TITI, let it unless you have Summary Dismissal in hand and want to save TITI.

October 27, 2016 7:16 p.m.

DarkAngel367 says... #20

Sorry I guess I misread it, kinda messy - it looks like it was supposed to be in a list.

October 27, 2016 7:41 p.m.

kickerv says... #21

DarkAngel367 Yeah it was kind of messy, my bad for that. But its all good. We are all here to help each other out.

October 27, 2016 8:50 p.m.

KillerCam251 says... #22

So I took your list to an FNM and played it on MTGO and all I can say is this deck is sick. I went undefeated at the FNM and beat Jeskai Control with this list. I think alot of people forgot how good Chandra, Flamecaller was. Some interesting takeaways I have is I boarded out Kalitas alot (granted there are next to no GY strategies at my LGS) and am thinking of running 2 more Goblin Dark-Dwellers in his spot just to fully abuse the flashback nature of this deck, with that being said I replaced the 2 Liliana, the Last Hope with an Ob Nixilis Reignited and 1 more Saheeli Rai mainly because I traded away my only 2 Lili's. Now in my opinion I think Saheeli and Ob work a little better, since a good chunk of the deck is flashing back instants and sorceries Saheeli's -2 is very valuable and if you get to -7 her after you side in Noxious Gearhulk it's just brutal. Ob Nixilis works really well with Saheeli as well, many games I hade both out and would scry with Saheeli and draw with Ob. Also Ob was very good in the control matchups if you invest in protecting him until you can get his emblem and pretty much your opponent will kill themselves drawing cards or you flashing back Glimmer of Genius. Just my .02 cents. Awesome list!

October 29, 2016 7:31 p.m.

EastsideRock says... #23

KillerCam251 Awesome to hear!! Congrats on your FNM triumph! Thx for sharing your Lili replacements, I know that some also don't have them and Ob/Saheeli are dirt cheap right now.

P.S: Chandra is still pretty much indeed still the strongest card in the deck. SOOO many games tilted my way because of her, she's brutal and effective. Happy to get 6 more months!!

October 31, 2016 7:26 p.m.

EastsideRock says... #24

Hey guys, how you been doing? The deck is still doing great online. The aggro decks have practicly vanished so I brought in the second copy of Transgress in the main. I put Saheeli in the side, she's definitely the most flexible spot in our 75 and I just thought that I might actually prefer her there, kind of like a surprise finisher VS control and grindy matchups (namely the GB delirium these days).

November 10, 2016 5:14 p.m.

DarkAngel367 says... #25

So I missed the last three standard nights at my LGS but I finally went again last night.

I was the only control deck.

I got crushed all four games! Sometimes I hate how my meta changes so often.

November 10, 2016 6:20 p.m.

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