FDN - Dimir Control

Standard EastsideRock

SCORE: 744 | 1527 COMMENTS | 257234 VIEWS | IN 375 FOLDERS

EastsideRock says... #1


LORD BOLAS is back and he is baaaaaaaaadasss!!!!!! I am pretty speechless, I love all 4 abilities, I love the art, I love that he's 7 mana (not 8)....WOW!!! Save those pennies kids, we are DEFINITELY going to be running this!!!


OH! and we also will be getting a 3-mana wrath!!! WOW!!!! Sure there is a downside but I absolutely will be running at least a copy or 2. Against a deck like GB counters where they can have like 4 dudes with toughness more than 3 on turn 4-5, we often just lose that game anyway so wrathing all even with the downside will save us. In later game where we have at least 5-6 lands, tapping 3 to wrath all and keeping a few mana-up will be good enough that the downside won't matter that much. 3-mana also means that when stuck in a pickle, we will be able to wrath again for 5-mana with GDD. Have a Kalitas on the board? Sure he dies too but then we have some zomboes and opponent does not.


June 1, 2017 11:21 a.m.

traffy498 says... #2

Yaaaasssss!!!!! Nico Bolas is here and that Wrath though!!! Eastside, what cards would you suggest picking up this weekend before they skyrocket due to hype???

June 1, 2017 12:27 p.m.

EastsideRock says... #3

traffy498 The only thing that quickly comes to mind is Dark Intimations, but at 5-mana in 3-colors I don't think it will see much play!

June 1, 2017 1:19 p.m.

Noctem says... #4

Grixis Marvel may become a thing now.

June 1, 2017 3:53 p.m.

Noctem says... #5

However, that wrath is honestly terrible. You're wiping the board yes, but you're then giving the effect of Time Walk to your opponent since this isn't a creature deck. You're completely dependant on your lands in order to interact. As it stands right now, you absolutely stick with red for your board wipes since they achieve the same thing and don't cost you your lands the following turn.

June 1, 2017 3:57 p.m.

EastsideRock says... #6

Noctem I really don't agree. Imagine it's turn 6 and you didn't draw enough 1 for 1 removal to control the board: opponent has like 5 creatures of which 3 have toughness of more than 3, Suns is effectively not enough to get you back into the game, your opponent will be left with 2 dudes and dropping more dudes on his turn - If you haven't played GB counters or Zombies, this shit happens fairly often. This wrath becomes like a reset button, and you get to keep 3 lands to 1 for 1 answer opponent's next threat, gives us a chance to get back in the game. I'm not saying I'm gonna go full 4 copies of this but I will definitely at least exchange the Suns in the side for one of those against GB counters and Zombies. We are FAAAAARRR from Time Walk territory here!!...I guarantee this wrath will be saving our asses many times...the 3-land handicap is not that bad at all.

June 1, 2017 5:31 p.m.

TheBooman says... #7

Bolas and Bontu's last reckoning are able to be added on tappedout now, question is what to replace? BTW I am Probably going to pick up pieces of this before they spike soon

June 1, 2017 9:33 p.m.

viperfang4 says... #8

I feel like Cut would be a good card for the deck as it's removal and a wincon rolled into one. Crumble to Dust is also a weird but effective way to stop marvel. Dragonmaster Outcast is also a nice finisher in the side that can put tokens up to deal with things like sphinx of the final word and other threats and slowly win the game.

June 1, 2017 11:32 p.m.

TheBooman says... #9

Cut I agree. facing down that and bolas and control would be devastating

June 1, 2017 11:57 p.m.

Noctem says... #10


Time will tell if the card is valuable, but I'm gonna bet that outside of limited formats like draft, sealed, etc.. the card won't be played specifically because it costs you 3 lands on your next turn. Basically the only time it might be ok to play it is if you have around 6 lands like in the example you gave. I'm not convinced it's going to be used over the red/other black board wipes available.

June 2, 2017 6:40 a.m.

TheBooman says... #11

I mean you could use Deathcap Cultivator For the mana so your lands are untapped since it is a mana dork. I'd use all mana dorks to wrath so I don't lose lands to that effect.

Either way I believe that card may be good, but I'm going to see the rest of the set before I spec on it.

June 2, 2017 8:48 a.m.

MadLuckKing says... #12

I think Bontu's Last Reckoning is kinda bad. On the outside it's a three mana board wipe, But really it will cost you at least six mana (three mana the next turn, that doesn't untap). Plus whatever other mana you spend on your other spells doesn't untap. Also if you aren't drawing your 1 for 1 removal you've either gotten a really unlucky draw, forgot to put some cards in your deck, or your in a topdeck war (This would also mean that you didn't draw your card advantage spells). Considering this deck is like 50% 1 for 1 removal.

As for our LORD AND SAVIOR BOLAS!! He is freaking Amazing!! I Love him. His +2 gives us free cards from our opponents deck, his +1 gives us hand advantage, his -4 kills basically every creature but ulamog, he can alao go face for 7!! And his ultimate is the best board wipe for grixis(It deals with ENCHANTMENTS!!, that being said that 7 mana and two +2 activations to do that). Modern-wise I'm going to build Bolas-Tron. (You run oath of nissa so you can cast Bolas with the urza lands).

IMO Cut is kinda meh. It's sorcery speed removal, and when I tested it out, I never needed the ribbons part, I had won regardless of having it or not.

Dragonmaster Outcast though, seems like an interesting idea for sideboard against control. Only having to spend one mana to play a wincon opposed to 6 for chandra/gearhulk, And being able to leave the rest up for counter magic.

June 2, 2017 10:50 a.m.

EastsideRock says... #13

Interesting that yall hating on Bontu's Wrath!! I shall keep my stance! As I mentioned it is certainly not a 4-of, but I'm betting it will see considerable play! Yes even if it virtually cost you 6-mana. The only thing that can Kill EVERYTHING in this meta is Fumigate, it's in white and there are virtually no white control decks. It also cannot be recasted with GDD. I'm definitely going to be testing it by replacing the 4th Suns. Guys; zombies and GB can get too big too quick, this gives us an answer to that, I fail to see how it's not worth the downside. We'll see! :D

I don't like cut either, for the same reasons that King mentioned.

Some of you convinced me of trying out TITI a few months back and that was really the bomb, so good that I maindecked it and I don't see it leaving anytime soon (save fall rotation sniff sniff). As of Outcast against control though, sure but again, unless it's against control I wouldn't run a 1 toughness dude, and then when I'm playing against control, I have no slots left after boarding in all Counterspells, Sphinx, Transgress...Somtimes I even end up putting in both Kalis. In this case in an ideal world I would switch the 2nd Kali for Outcast but I feel that that's too corner-case to do so. Excellent card though, I see the argument for it. Slots are tight!!

June 2, 2017 12:15 p.m.

TheBooman says... #14

I agree that Bontu's reckoning is good, and I believe it'll change things.

As for cut, it really depends on the situation now that I look at it.You may need it, you may not.

Also TiTi is a really good addition lol I am very sad it is rotating in September.. my favorite set is leaving

June 2, 2017 12:43 p.m.

Noctem says... #15

You cast Bontu's for 3, can't untap next turn. So at minimum, it realistically costs 6CMC + whatever else you tapped before or after casting it.

Casting it via GDD is also terrible because then it costs you !!10!! CMC + whatever you tapped before or after.

That's ridiculous. It doesn't even deal with Marvel/Ulamog which is the real problem in the meta. I think it's basically unplayable because of the opportunity cost involved and the fact that there is no way to circumvent the lands remaining tapped. We'll see but man I don't like this card in constructed. And don't get me wrong. I will playtest the card in my cube.

June 2, 2017 1:24 p.m.

EastsideRock says... #16

Haha Noctem, you do make a good case against it but I feel you guys are evaluating it too much as a center/core card. This card would meant to be played very wisely, not always not often not every game. In this thinking it is not an exciting card, it is not an important card. But I feel that the effect is powerful enough VS certain decks to perhaps deserve its lonely SB slot instead of the 4th Suns. Playing Grixis Control is like being a boa constrictor (wait what? no I'm not stoned right now), we want to be in the position that opponent has no more ressources to deploy but we have a hand full of gas ---> and slowly take control, have them cornered. It happens quite a few times where our hand is something like 3 1-for-1 answers, perhaps a Suns and some Card Drawing cards....opponent has few cards in hand BUT has a board full of dudes which can't all be dealt with effectively and is threatening lethal. This single little top-deck can steal the game back from them!! This is how I see playing it! As a desperate reset button. If we had access to a 6-mana KILL ALL I would most probably run a copy in the side...Suns and Chandra are great but opponents have learned to play around with a lot of +1/+1 counters and anthems.

June 2, 2017 3:42 p.m.

MadLuckKing says... #17

Alright I see it viability now, I guess i was just looking at it as a mainboard card.

June 2, 2017 8:33 p.m.

LordNahkiin says... #18

Ima just put my opinion and analysis out there to see if you guys can agree on certain things. Bontu's Last Reckoning is a powerful card however it has its big downside. Despite it being 3 mana I doubt you will cast it as soon as you can.

Noctem I can understand it being 6 mana to cast, however this is not a card that is just played as soon as the opponent has a couple of creatures. This needs to be played carefully, making sure u destroy most if not all creatures from their hand, checking if they have played em all via Transgress the Mind or such. Goblin Dark-Dwellers is pretty sketchy but it is a way to get out of trouble if u are desperate.

EastsideRock Like I said to Noctem ya gotta be careful playing the card. I admit that this card is powerful however if you play it too early it could in theory end up losing u the game. Although like u said earlier, it is mainly a sideboard card, destroying the threats that could lose u the game anyway. Just don't get too cocky when u play it and u should be fine for the next few turn. Ill also point out that unlike Sweltering Suns this will kill Thing in the Ice.

Being the control/ combo player I am, I also wanna try out As Foretold with Bontu's Last Reckoning. Can't wait till the set is fully spoiled!

June 2, 2017 9:43 p.m.

eragon795 says... #19

How does the deck do against marvel? It's like half my meta at the moment

June 3, 2017 3:19 a.m.

EastsideRock says... #20

Illuminate21 Happy to see that you get it too! Oh and btw the synergy w/ Foretold is hilarious! But I believe the correct term you wanted to use is ''being the JANK player that I am''! Hahaha jk, let us know if you ever end up doing it!

eragon795 The matchup is winnable but it is definitely not favorable (I mean no deck is against it...). Our odds somewhat improve after game 1 as we basically side to be U/R control. Removal-wise I personally usually only keep 4x Suns and 2x Slaughter. The only black cards I usually end up with are Slaughter and Transgress.


June 4, 2017 3:37 a.m.

EastsideRock says... #21

eragon795 also forgot to mention Dispossess

June 4, 2017 4:18 a.m.

Noctem says... #22

4 color marvel is absolutely going to be a thing. It's not even a matter of if. They will be playstesting using bolas in their lists along side ulamog and the chandra's. So yeah, it could be that they end up being the ones to use the card.

June 4, 2017 7:37 a.m.

MTGsoccer13 says... #23

Don't BFZ, OGW, SOI, and EDM rotate when Hour comes out, so marvel will no longer have access to Ulamog, the Ceaseless Hunger if I am not mistaken.

June 4, 2017 10:57 a.m.

TheBooman says... #24

They rotate with Ixalan, not HOU. Another 3 months left mate

June 4, 2017 12:31 p.m.

Noctem says... #25

Yep, 3 more months of this bs standard situation.

June 4, 2017 4:39 p.m.

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