FDN - Dimir Control

Standard EastsideRock

SCORE: 744 | 1527 COMMENTS | 257233 VIEWS | IN 375 FOLDERS

EastsideRock says... #1

Onahail The 14 dmg to the dome in 2 turns might be enought to justify the one copy of Intimidations, will be trying that out. Also, I've been having a copy of Dismissal in the side ever since Marvel was banned ;) And it's been doing great work. I don't see what would be wrong with inserting a copy of Pull man, go ahead a try it out!

doraemon1088 Thx for sharing the link here! It's a really sweet card but as Onahail mentioned, for this much mana, I would have hoped to counter the spell, or perhaps at least give us the choice to redirect the damage to a creature for some removal potential. Still a very sweet card!

June 26, 2017 4:28 p.m.

TheBooman says... #2

I say it is sweet art

June 26, 2017 4:41 p.m.

Onahail says... #3

So I'm thinking of ways to make get the bolt value out of Unlicensed Disintegration when Hour of Devastation comes out. I feel like Sunset Pyramid would be worth giving a shot to considering its cheap, provides card draw for 3 cards, and scrys for us when it runs out of counters which is always nice. It's not an artifact that you would mind drawing later or seeing in your opening hand.

Another one I'm thinking of is Mirage Mirror. I'm not 100% sure how well it would perform but being able to copy anything besides planeswalkers on the battlefield is an effect I'm sure we could find use of. Even if we use it to copy a creature as a blocker it becomes a 2 mana removal if even trade or could copy a bigger creature to kill your opponents creatures. Imagine using this to copy an oppoenents Glorybringer and attacking and exerting with it.

June 27, 2017 9:15 a.m.

LordNahkiin says... #4

I might be stupid, but is this better than Dynavolt Tower?


Onahail I personally like the idea, but what would it replace?

June 27, 2017 6:25 p.m.

eragon795 says... #5

Illuminate21, No, it isn't better than Dynavolt Tower. You have to be able to play one and two drop spells before it can deal more damage, and you don't get the choice of not putting a doom counter on it. It looks cool, but doesn't work properly for this deck.

What are everyone's opinions on 4-colour control at the moment? I have recently made an Atraxa coloured deck which has done very well, because it can have a delirium subtheme (Ishkanah is amazing!)

June 27, 2017 7:45 p.m.

LordNahkiin says... #6

eragon795 Im not talking about this deck specifically, im talkin about a deck with a curve that can be designed around it. Just cast 6 spells with cmc 1-6 to deal 21 dmg to opponent. You would need it early game, not late tho. Ik it sounds like a lot, but it can be done

June 27, 2017 8:57 p.m.

EastsideRock says... #7

Guys Guys Guys STAAAPHHH!!! There is no way we will ever be playing some kind of engine like this in our Grixis Control list. All we want is draw/filter/removal/counter/win-con and we want to play the BEST of those without any curve restriction or condition enabler whatsoever. I think that Tower is an AWESOME card, but the best tower decks would ONLY have spells and ways to make Energy which is not what we are doing.

Since you guys brought it up though, I definitely think Tower is still better than this new janky card haha. Think about it, you have to drop it, and then make sure to have your deck curve out perfectly....you're just gonna get gangbanged by Zombies/Snek & Friends/Vehicles before you even have the time to remotly make an impact...I mean we are currently running only answers and the very of them too and we STILL sometimes get trampled.

If you have an idea for a deck, you need to zero-in on what's it's trying to do. All these engines are not just casual swap-in swap-out cards, they are ALL-IN build around cards.

Cheers! :)

June 28, 2017 12:31 p.m.

LordNahkiin says... #8

EastsideRock Im not trying to say Imminent Doom is a card that can go in a deck, just a card that can be brewed around. Btw while it might seem almost impossible to be able to chain cards to deal 21 dmg to opponent, it can work. Especially since we have a ton of X spells like Pull from Tomorrow (If I remembered the rules correctly). Id prefer to cast 6 spells from 1-6 than any spell roughly 18 time for Dynavolt Tower

June 28, 2017 6:42 p.m.

EastsideRock says... #9

Hey I wouldn't mind not untapping to steal an Ulamog :D


June 28, 2017 8:09 p.m.

EastsideRock says... #10

New Bolas-flavored wrath to work with :D :D :D


June 29, 2017 10:43 a.m.

EastsideRock says... #11

Another good card-draw card to our arsenal! INSTANT SPEED YUSSSS!! RIP Kefnet...lol


June 29, 2017 10:45 a.m. Edited.

Onahail says... #12

What do yall think about using Ob Nixilis Reignited

June 29, 2017 11:38 a.m.

MadLuckKing says... #13

He's good in sideboard against midrange decks, and control mirrors as an additional win con.

June 30, 2017 7:25 a.m.

EastsideRock says... #14

All right fellaz!! HOU was fully spoiled today. I'll be making a first draft with HOU cards very shortly and start testing on Cockatrice!!

Some cool potential support cards that were spoiled today:



June 30, 2017 10:04 p.m.

LordNahkiin says... #15

Since we now have 8 cycling counters and a bunch of cycling control cards, Ill probs be testing this out as a deck. Janky and control is perfect for me :3

June 30, 2017 10:08 p.m.

EastsideRock says... #16

Jesus Christ we got an untapped TRI-LAND!!! :D


June 30, 2017 10:10 p.m.

MadLuckKing says... #17

More like an untapped tri-filter-land that gives you 1 life.

I'm also going to be doing some testing, wanna win the Bolas game day mat ;p

July 1, 2017 1:28 a.m.

EastsideRock says... #18

Wussup guys, first HOU draft already up!! Currently testing on cockatrice!

July 2, 2017 4:29 a.m.

25Stevedpb says... #19

I think that this deck looks great! However maybe The Locus God could be added as an one of, just for one more win con?

July 2, 2017 1:06 p.m.

Vextierium says... #20

Playing Dark Dwellers is kind of meh when you could be playing a 4/4 flying dragon with haste that kills something every other turn for the same amount of mana.

July 2, 2017 8:15 p.m.

Vextierium says... #21

@25Stevedpb Locus is pretty slow for standard and just doesn't have the versatility that Chandra or Torrential Gearhulk has. Yeah Locus God is hard to kill if your opponent is not playing white, but it feels bad when your opponent just swings a bunch of things at you and kills you next turn anyways. At least with Chandra or Torrential Gearhulk if you are behind you can wrath or flashback a answer/draw spell where Locus God doesn't really do much the turn he comes down.

July 2, 2017 8:23 p.m.

LordNahkiin says... #22

Vextierium GDD is a bit like a toolbox card. While Glorybringer can swing for a ton while killing one creature, Dark Dwellers can help stabilizing by flashbacking any card in our graveyard, like Sweltering Suns, Abrade, Transgress the Mind, To the Slaughter ect. Btw not saying Glorybringer is bad in control, just the reason to use GDD over it.

July 2, 2017 9:19 p.m.

Vextierium says... #23

Illuminate21 I get why you're using GDD, Glorybringer just seems like a vastly better option for the 5 drop slot if you don't plan on running both.

July 2, 2017 10:39 p.m.

EastsideRock says... #24

Vextierium It's about guaranteed value. Even if GDD gets killed on impact, he can flashback something and usually kill something, so you've ended up spending 5-mana to kill something and getting some removal out of your opponent which is still a very a good deal, whereas Glorybringer getting killed on impact nets you absolutely no value and a terrible tempo loss.

July 3, 2017 10:55 a.m.

MattN7498 says... #25

What do you think about Chandra, Torch of Defiance? I've had mixed success with her to either she won me the game because I was able to resolve an ability, soaked damage and was able to keep me alive and sometimes did absolutely nothing. But going forward with Hour of Devastation, I'm unsure if she's good anymore.

July 3, 2017 11:29 a.m.

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