FDN - Dimir Control

Standard EastsideRock

SCORE: 744 | 1527 COMMENTS | 257232 VIEWS | IN 375 FOLDERS

BrownBearsable says... #1

I understand that flat exiling the new gods is the best form of removal but would an additional scarab feast in the sideboard be worth it do you think? It would allow you to kill the opposing god then exile from graveyard. Say you attack with hulk and the chump with their god thinking it will come back. Or you spend a piece of removal then exile from opponents graveyard. Also I'm not sure on the exact ruling but in response to the scarab gods activated ability can you in response exile the cards from the graveyard targeted to cancel out the ability or is the exiling of the creature part of the cost? Thanks for all your help. Just want to be prepared to debate these situations when I attempt to do it and my opponent doesn't agree.

July 14, 2017 5:54 p.m.

LordNahkiin says... #2

"2UB: Exile target creature card from a graveyard. Create a token that's a copy of it, except it's a 4/4 black Zombie."

Im guessing since the colon separates the cost and effect that your able to respond to the exile trigger, with something like Scarab Feast. Plz correct me if I'm wrong, this is a good question.

July 15, 2017 4:37 a.m.

MadLuckKing says... #3

You are correct.

July 15, 2017 11:28 a.m.

EastsideRock says... #4

Waddup waddup guys, how's the deck been doing in your Metas!? I've been slaying a lot of artifact decks lately, they got nothing on us! I did recently swap out the mainboard Magma for the 2nd Abrade which is fantastic.

I just updated the description as well.


July 22, 2017 3:39 p.m.

BrownBearsable says... #5

At last nights fnm I finally got to try it out. Went 1-3. I punted my first match pretty bad. Second match I one. He was playing a home brew green white deck that was not really much to shake a stick at. I crushed him. Third match I won my first game lost my second and third. He was playing temur energy and had the nuts draw and I got mana screwed. My fourth match was against another grixis deck this one was built aggro though and they had too many creatures in hand and I got land screwed first and second game. Overall the deck was wonderful most of the losses were my fault. I am still learning control and hope to wield it better next time. Love the deck though! Never saw bolas once all night. Couldn't seem to draw him.

July 22, 2017 7:01 p.m.

EastsideRock says... #6

Thx for the feedback man!

Regarding mana-screw, for what it's worth; it's extremely rare that I'll keep the first hand if I don't AT LEAST have 3-lands (not kidding at all)*. Then if you get 2 lands in the second draw, it's fine because you also get to scry and tuck any card that's not a land. I strongly suggest you do the same! (if you weren't already of course)

*One exception is if I drew 2-lands and Anticipate.

July 22, 2017 7:37 p.m. Edited.

BrownBearsable says... #7

Yeah I kept only 3 landers. My fourth match I had to mull to five. My starting hand was bolas two hulks two glimmers Chandra and a swamp. Second hand was a swamp a disallow two negates and a Chandra. Third hand was four lands and a supreme will. I don't have great luck.

July 22, 2017 8:03 p.m.

EastsideRock says... #8

But you do have great memory haha!

July 22, 2017 10:24 p.m.

sitri_ says... #9

I am glad I read the comments about Hulking the Oblivion in at instant speed; that is a fantastic bit of rules lawyering that can hit like a truck.

However, I, like this deck's author, am running the very similar Memory instead. Isn't it a better target anyway? The first half of the card gives you time to find a more permanent solution while not giving away card advantage. Also, using the second half to reload during the opponent's end step is pretty solid.

July 23, 2017 12:24 a.m.

ceji3 says... #10

I know people have been talking about The Scarab God a lot, but i just wanted to add my opinion. When you play him, it is usually only at 9 mana, so you can activate right away. its tough for your opponents to remove both the 5/5 and a 4/4, and since it can be activated as an instant, you can get rid of certain gods for good with a removal spell and generating a 4/4. I don't disagree that against some decks it could be a tempo loss, but it seems like it could generate some great value.

July 23, 2017 9:19 a.m.

Facebeater says... #11

I used one copy of the The Locust God in my deck at FNM and I really liked it. It's pretty easy to generate an army of flyers with all of the card draw available to us and cycling. One thing I like over it compared to the Scarab god (other than flying), is it doesn't rely on a creature to be in the graveyard - card draw is always relevant. Graveyard hate is more prevalent, and can be a dead card vs the control mirror. Just my two cents though...Haven't tried out The Scarab God yet personally, so I could be wrong haha.

July 23, 2017 10:54 a.m.

Facebeater says... #12

Also looks like the links to the cards are broken still LOL

July 23, 2017 10:55 a.m.

sitri_ says... #13

I have only played one fnm with him in my grixis control deck, but in that experience people willing to trade cars for tempo were ones struggling to hold on, by that time it was too late for them.

I don't remember casting him at five mana, but I know I didn't wait for nine. He seems solid to me.

July 23, 2017 11:01 a.m.

MadLuckKing says... #14

Went to standard showdown, went 3-1.

Won first match 2-0 vs some jank lifegain deck.

Won second match 2-0 vs Blue/Red control. (Lord Bolas came in and stole a chandra flamecaller and glimmer of genius for me, as you can probably guess, I won that game)

Won third match 2-1 vs Green/Black snek (Lord Bolas carried the third game by stealing 2!! Verdurous gearhulks)

Lost third match 0-2 vs good ol' mardu vehicles.

I actually traded out 1 harnessed lightning for the second abrade, since there are a lot of aggro going around and that magma spray is very nice vs scrapheap scrounger.

July 23, 2017 11:36 a.m.

EastsideRock says... #15

That's great man! How many Lord Bolas are you carrying? Seems like he seriously had your back!!

Good meta choice bro, on MTGO I almost haven't faced any aggro decks which is why the Magma was first to go, the 2nd Abrade is great though because I've been facing A LOT of God-Pharaoh's Gift...

July 23, 2017 12:37 p.m.

MadLuckKing says... #16

Just the one pre-release Bolas I got.

I haven't seen a single God-Pharaoh's Gift. like at all, and I opened like 3-4 boxes worth of cards. Am starting to doubt its existence, lol.

July 24, 2017 2:03 p.m.

PupVulcan says... #17

Have you considered our Lord Bolas' favourite spell? Torment of Hailfire

July 24, 2017 7:20 p.m.

EastsideRock says... #18

It's very sweet but I don't think it's playable. Against blue decks the mana invested with risk of counter is not worth it. Against aggro decks with many creatures, it's no going to affect them much. The best use would be VS midrange but these days ''midrange'' decks are pretty aggro and they will just sacrifice a few dudes and lose a few life and resume to smashing your face in!

July 26, 2017 11:38 a.m.

_Delta_ says... #19

The best home for that card PupVulcan is in edh. Where you can make a ton of mana with stuff like Cabal Coffers, Crypt Ghast etc.

July 26, 2017 4:43 p.m.

eragon795 says... #20

Hi everyone! I have made it to the Store Championship for my store and am planning to bring some variation of this. I was wondering whether you guys would help me tune it for my meta and wallet.

I'll clone this deck with what I have at the moment and plan to get hold of, and if you could come and have a look and discuss it that would be really great! I'll post the link soon.

July 28, 2017 11:18 p.m.

eragon795 says... #21

July 29, 2017 12:37 a.m.

Osmlol says... #22

Have you thought about your plans for this deck after rotation coming up? I'm working on building this deck but I am holding off on getting anything from the block rotating out and was curious about your plans to keep it legal.

July 29, 2017 6:45 p.m.

eragon795 says... #23

What are your thoughts on adjusting the removal suite since Ramunap Red is so popular now? Are there any swaps we should make? I know that if I plan to play this against red I'll want more stuff like Fatal Push and Magma Spray, but what would you suggest I cut?

July 30, 2017 5:51 p.m.

doraemon1088 says... #24

I suggest packing in 1 or 2 copies of flaying tendrils. That oughta curb all those graveyard recurrence happening plus providing a feasible mass removal.

July 30, 2017 7:30 p.m.

Vampire_Lord says... #25

Ok so most people have been saying that it's time to put control decks on the shelves and grab another deck to beat mono red I really really do t want to do that so what way can a grixis deck stop a Mono red deck?

July 31, 2017 12:33 a.m.

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