Fear The Herd - Minotaur B/R Aggro [Budget Modern]

Modern Aureoloss


Have you thought of Deathbellow Raider? Maybe evn Obelisk of Urd as well.

August 17, 2015 8:32 p.m.

Darkrminer says... #2

I have also made a Minotaur deck B/R Minotaur. I use Gnarled Scarhide and Deathbellow Raider as my turn1 and turn2 creatures. Also Oracle of Bones has a nice effect to possible play a instant or sorcery without manna cost. That would help in getting a Flurry of Horns out cost free. I also enjoy Felhide Petrifier 's global ability to grant all minotaurs Deathtouch. some Lightning Strike + Ultimate Price to remove obstacles from the opposing players life. I added in Evolving Wilds form mana searching, I was having issues not drawing enough mana prior to completing this deck. I've played a few times with it and really didn't have much issues mana wise, I may rotate them out with something else

Hope this assists you with your deck ideas. I also just picked up the game almost a month ago myself.

August 17, 2015 8:43 p.m.

Aureoloss says... #3

xworkoutxfiendx Thank you for the suggestions! I have been mulling over Deathbellow Raider and wondering if it would be a better idea to include Ash Zealot despite it not being a minotaur, or stick with a minotaur for a 2 mana drop. Obelisk of Urd sounds great. I'll see if I can get my hands on them for a good price. My friends and I are new to the game, and trying to keep the decks to a $50 max.

Darkrminer I had a look at your deck. Great ideas there! I have some Felhide Petrifier cards on hand already, though this deck does so much damage and is so aggro, that it's really meant to win early. I'm trying to avoid deathtouch since it's in my other deck in every creature. Oracle of Bones is a great suggestion. I'll try and get my hands on them to test them out.

Thank you guys!

August 18, 2015 12:22 a.m.

No problem Aureoloss. I started magic last year and minotaurs were my first deck.xminotaurs of mogisx. Also try and get another Mogis, God of Slaughter. Even though he has indestructible he can be exiled so its nice to have a back up that either gets rid of opponents creature s or the opponent takes damage which adds up quick.

August 18, 2015 7:30 a.m.

lazarusdraigon says... #5

i find in the modern setting, lands that ETB tapped can be too slow. it is with that in mind that i suggest Dragonskull Summit instead of your guildgates and bloodfells. maybe the R/B shockland, Blood Crypt, as well in place of 2 Mountain and 2 Swamp if you are going to be even faster.

August 23, 2015 3:43 a.m.

Aureoloss says... #6

lazarusdraigon Thank you! I definitely plan to get my hands on those lands as soon as I'm able. My local game shop is out of Blood Crypts, unfortunately, but Dragonskull Summit will definitely speed up my play and help me be more aggressive.

August 23, 2015 12:50 p.m.

lazarusdraigon says... #7

i'd also drop the Shocks and throw 2 more Wild Slashes in since wild slash is strictly better (same cost same +additional affect)

August 24, 2015 3:07 a.m.

IHATENAMES says... #8

I suggest:a swamp for Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth looks like a good trade.

I don't play modern but I think Twinflame might help a little as well for copying warcaller or skullcleaver

I am playing minotaurs in standard My FNM b/r good stuff/ minotaur deck (for now)

August 29, 2015 11:33 a.m.

Aureoloss says... #9

IHATENAMES thank you. I'm trying to keep the deck around $50, so I haven't included any expensive lands. Of course, for it to be the best it can be, it would need some better lands, but I'm trying to work with this budget in mind.

Twinflame is a great idea. Adding it to the maybeboard.

September 1, 2015 10:51 a.m.

You could put in some Gnarled Scarhide for the one drops, then there is Deathbellow Raider and Felhide Brawler for some two drops

September 1, 2015 11:01 a.m.

zertsdfg says... #11

Hum.. You are in search for T1 play, and you play black..Discard comes to mind! You probably should get 5-6 Thoughtseize and Inquisition of Kozilek. That is the best T1 you can get.And Gnarled Scarhide will help also. You need a T1, or you'll be too slow. Just try playtesting against any serious merfolk list, and you'll understand why you need to be faster.Oh and please get back from Hero's Downfall to Dreadbore.Hero's Downfall is not good enough for modern, and that's it.

September 9, 2015 11:17 a.m.

Aureoloss says... #12

zertsdfg great feedback! I've actually removed the Hero's Downfalls and switched up the removal with a third Dreadbore and added 2 Terminates. Still trying to find 3 more Dragonskull Summits to speed up the deck, but having no luck locally. Being in Canada means that buying it from TCGplayer adds about $3 in shipping and 30% difference in the dollar, which throws off the price a lot.

I'll definitely get the Gnarled Scarhides. I was against it initially because a T2 Ash Zealot would go in and swing with first strike for 2, but at least Scarhide will get buffed by Kragma Warcaller mid game if needed and swing for 4 (at least).

What's the issue with Hero's Downfall? If you don't mind me asking. I actually removed them to add them to a different deck and would like to know what's up with them.

September 9, 2015 2:43 p.m.

SoundTramp says... #13

Hero's Downfall isn't a bad card per-say, it's just too slow for the modern format (there are decks that win turn three or even turn two in modern).

September 11, 2015 1:28 p.m.

Korlus says... #14

To expand on the earlier point a bit more, Modern is a format in which most game-changing plays happen in the first four turns of the game. As such, (almost) all cards in your deck ought to be good during those turns. Similarly, all removal in Modern ought to be 1-2 mana or fantastic. Examples: Path to Exile, Terminate, Abrupt Decay, Dismember.

If you are playing against Affinity and they have a Vault Skirge with a Cranial Plating attacking you on turn 2, you don't want to have to take the 6-7 damage because your removal spell costs 3. Similarly, your turn 3 play to kill their Skirge is not going to bring you back into the game, meaning the card struggles to be relevant until turns 6+ when you can play it and another business spell in the same turn.

Other common modern situations as examples as to why 3cmc removal is really painful:

  • Turn 5 against Twin, post-board they play their Splinter Twin on Pestermite. In response, you Hero's Downfall the 'mite. In response, they Dispel your Downfall. You are left unable to play a second 3cmc spell, even assuming you were completely untapped. You also, later, have to fight cards like Mana Leak and Remand, making that 1cmc extra cost relevant even into the late game.
  • Playing against Amulet Bloom, they get a good Titan draw and land a turn 2 Titan on the play (or a turn 3 hasty titan, again on the play). You have no response and so take 6-16 damage because of it. They could even land a turn 1 non-hasty Titan, and you wouldn't have an answer until turn 3.
  • Against Living End, they go off on turn 4 and return ~4 creatures to the battlefield. You can kill one of them and start to take large amounts of damage.
  • Playing against Tron: Turn 3 on the play they land a Karn and exile a land. You don't get to 3 mana to cast it until too late (otherwise, Downfall vs. Tron is one of the best matchups).

There are other examples besides, but the point being that in a format with relatively few planeswalkers, it is an overcosted creature kill when you need cheaper spells to deal with the faster decks.

September 13, 2015 6:33 a.m.

Korlus says... #15

Have you considered cards like Forked Bolt, Flame Slash and Terminate?

Depending on budget, they fit into different sections. Slash is good in the sideboard if you have problems with goyfs or Exarchs (E.g. Jund and Twin), and can be decent in other matchups. Terminate will often be better than Dreadbore, because it can be used at instant speed.

September 13, 2015 8:50 a.m.

Aureoloss says... #16


I've got the 2 Terminates in there, which are awesome, but I'm hanging onto the 3 Dreadbores because my meta sees a lot of planeswalkers, and removing them for 2 mana is just beautiful. Would you say to go for Forked Bolt over Twin Bolt? Flame Slash is definitely a good sideboard option against many creatures.

October 1, 2015 5:30 p.m.

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