Fear the Sphere of Superfriends

Standard* Kinetik615


Bellock86 says... #1

U really don't wanna miss ur white and green drops. So I'd suggest every dual with white and green. Temple Garden , Stomping Ground , Overgrown Tomb , Godless Shrine and Hallowed Fountain would be a good place to start. But I'm slightly confused on what ur goal in this deck is

June 30, 2013 6:10 p.m.

Kinetik615 says... #2

I love possibility storm and also safety sphere so I wanted to put them togetherin a deck and i considered different win-cons to put in (assemble the legion, drownyard, creatures, mazes end, mill etc....) but i like d the idea of the planeswalkers as a win con cuz casting one into possibility storm or multiple storms is just fun lol

the d-spheres and o-rings are to stall, the ramp is obvious.......

though im still considerin cutting 1 mana bloom and 1 abundant growth to fit two assemble the legion into the main

June 30, 2013 6:22 p.m.

Bellock86 says... #3

It seems like a sound theory but my only concern is how aggro the meta is right now. I'm worried that even with the stall tactics u run u might not be quick enough. I run a straight up simic deck with a twist and pulled a turn 5 win 4 out of 9 games. Red and white is stupid fast right now running turn 4 wins consistently. The fact that u don't run creatures would actually help you against that as that tactic is to use Boros Reckoner and Blasphemous Act to clear the board and smack you for 13 in the face. Play test it heavily before you build. Like I said, I legitimately like the idea. If it works fantastic. Noone would see it coming i'll tell you that much. Lol

June 30, 2013 6:50 p.m.

Demarge says... #4

I ran a pillowfort deck like this for about a month in a meta that was full of burning tree's and parishes filled with champions, it was The Mana of Possibility Control, I gave up on it because in order to make it effectively stop aggro while not losing it's power against other decks I would have to change my wincons to two Elixir of Immortality which would either force a tie due to a single round not being however long it would take the opponent to draw out or hope they just scoop... maybe I'd keep 1 assemble...

But back to your deck and the mana base issue, the massive amount of wincons is unnecessary, instead focus more on filling your board with enchantments to make sphere better Abundant Growth and Verdant Haven can both work well in color fixing, upping the enchantment count, and even ramping you from 3 to 5. To survive against aggro long enough to setup your pilowfort I'd suggest running Fog and Supreme Verdict . The land I'd suggest going moderately heavy green (just a bit over what the color wheel suggests), then you'll want enough white to be able to cast double white spells, and just enough red to where storm isn't impossible to cast.

June 30, 2013 7:15 p.m.

Kinetik615 says... #5

Definitely appreciate both of your input.

Yea im aware of the meta, this deck is just for fun games, my main deck is an aristocrats build. this deck will mostly be used on our goof around nights and in between rounds.


would you say Verdant Haven is better than Mana Bloom for this deck?

and I know it sounds pathetic but i am utterly lost as to the mana base.......if you have the time any chance you could tell me what you would put in for the mana base specifically ?

the planeswalkers being a wincon is just flat out fun for me lol, if i was gonna build this for actual tournaments i would probably cut them out in favor of other enchantments.

June 30, 2013 7:32 p.m.

Demarge says... #6

Verdant Haven would be better than Farseek , I found Farseek to be a huge problem when I wanted to cast a boardwipe with storm out.

June 30, 2013 8:06 p.m.

Kinetik615 says... #7

so if i take out the farseeks for the supreme verdicts should i do 2 verdicts 2 havens? or 4 verdicts? and would i then i want to replace faithless looting with an instant draw engine like think twice or some other instant im not thinking of? or just forget a draw engine and put 4 verdicts and 4 havens?

July 1, 2013 3:19 p.m.

Bellock86 says... #8

Don't feel bad about mana base issues dude. It took me months to work out my current standard deck and it's only two colors. Lol. And I'm all about the just for fun decks. I built a R/G/W for the same reason. Never won a whole match (usually going 1-2) but I got people thinking and made them laugh when they realized what it was about and gave kudos for a solid attempt.

July 1, 2013 4:01 p.m.

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