

Welcome to my Feather Voltron deck. It's a classic Voltron deck, but focuses on buff spells rather than equipment. This was one of the first decks I bought pre-built (I bought it alongside a Sliver's deck, so more like tied for first lol) and have come to love it with all my heart. I've evidently changed it since my purchasing of it but it's such a precious deck to me that I had to change it; I wanted to see it reach the pinnacle of what I believe it could be.

I've found it to be a turn 6 win on average. I feel as if it's a fairly rounded deck, and can survive most play groups that aren't super controlling. The idea behind this deck is to be able to play the most amount of buffs as possible for the least amount of mana. That way we're being highly efficient with your mana while simultaneously inflicting the most commander damage possible. It's also a surprisingly cheap deck to build for such high efficiency for wins and fun.

The Run Down

I have trawled through many cards, scoured for many hours and have chosen cards that I believe are some of the best CMC-to-buff value. There may be some newly printed cards that I have missed but as of Baldur's gate I think I have found the best ones.

I may have missed some so if you feel, please comment ones you think I should add.

I have made sure every creature that isn't Feather, the Redeemed has been specifically chosen to either assist Feather (Livaan, Cultist of Tiamat, Iroas, God of Victory, Smelt-Ward Minotaur), assist in spell casting (Birgi, God of Storytelling  ), have "passive" damage/ abilities activated via spell casting (Guttersnipe, Smoldering Egg  , Kiln Fiend, Spellgorger Weird, Young Pyromancer, Electrostatic Field) or retrieve spells from graveyard (Dreadhorde Arcanist, Mavinda, Students' Advocate)
- One should always run removal spells. Fell the Mighty is perfect for this deck because it targets a creature, meaning you can bounce it back for a constant board wipe. Plus I've added a few board wipes in the sideboard should the play style require a lean towards such cards

Any feedback is appreciated. Thank you for taking the time to read through my decklist. Hope you're having a great day and enjoy :)


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97% Casual


Date added 2 years
Last updated 2 years

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

3 - 1 Mythic Rares

15 - 4 Rares

21 - 4 Uncommons

32 - 5 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 1.93
Tokens Elemental 1/1 R, On an Adventure, Spirit 1/1 W
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