EmperorWalrus says... #2
I have everything BUT verdant catacombs. Anything to replace those?
Also, love the deck, +1 from me.
December 13, 2015 8:22 p.m.
Servo_Token says... #3
Really, the fetches just need to be black, so Marsh Flats, Bloodstained Mire would be ideal. Otherwise, anything really fits into the land slot. Filter lands, Check lands, anything you've got that comes in untapped will be fine.
December 14, 2015 11:48 p.m.
Druid_of_Blight says... #5
Wow this deck looks awesome. Though I was wondering if there was room for The Gitrog Monster here, the card has crazy synergy with Loam and Retrace cards. Not to mention a 6/6 Deathtouch is a solid beater. I think maybe running a 2 of him, thoughts?
TheAnnihilator says... #1
So, I tested with this deck just a little bit, and I intend to play it at my Modern FNM today (I'm ALWAYS on blue, so I hope they keep horrible hands against me! xD) -- firstly, I want to say that you've done a REALLY good job of tuning this.
For example, when I took the list and was trying to see what it was made of, the first thing I did was to cut white to see if it could get away without the 4th color -- which it can do. But Lingering Souls is a huge plus, so I know exactly why it's in here.
Anyways, I toyed around with numbers, tried it w/o Pox (you have to get used to playing Pox correctly) and ultimately ended up with about the same list -- so kudos to you, ThatJunkMage!
Anyways, I did end up making a tiny few edits, and I want to know how you feel about them. Keep in mind, my meta has virtually no aggro and lots of midrange/control/twin decks. Without further ado:
My Version
September 5, 2015 10:10 a.m.