Commander / EDH
SCORE: 110 | 98 COMMENTS | 17050 VIEWS | IN 29 FOLDERS
Sorry about that, I just fixed it. Thanks for the +1!
November 24, 2015 10:52 a.m.
InnocentUnicorns says... #3
+1 for the synergy, and plus.. I love Feldon! Nice deck!
December 14, 2015 10:59 a.m.
Have you already looked at Hellkite Tyrant? Especially with Liquimetal Coating, or Mycosynth Lattice as a seriously non-budget option.
Also, some thoughts if you need more ramp:
- Maybe some combo of Infernal Plunge; Desperate Ritual; Pyretic Ritual; Seething Song; Geosurge
- Expedition Map for anything, and as a barely-budget option, Solemn Simulacrum for a basic, a dude, and some draw
- As a non-budget option, Braid of Fire in insane (though only for Instants or cards with Flash)
And a couple other non-budget options, just in case you haven't already looked at them: Sculpting Steel and Rings of Brighthearth
December 31, 2015 12:43 p.m.
MindAblaze says... #7
I combat the "no board presence" problem by using creatures that leave stuff behind when they enter or leave. Mostly goblins, but there are a few other goodies.
You could also use stuff like Crater Hellion to even things a bit.
December 31, 2015 2:17 p.m.
I like the Hellkite Tyrant suggestion. I'll add it if I ever manage to get it. I don't especially need mana acceleration because I have a lot of mana rocks for that, which is also why Scrap Mastery would hurt me pretty bad by killing all of my mana. I like the Braid of Fire suggestion because it lets me use Feldon's ability, but it costs too much. I'll trade for it if I see it though. Same goes for Sculpting Steel.
Crater Hellion would kill Feldon, so that's not an option. Rings of Brighthearth is a great card, but it works better with extremely high cost activated abilities and planeswalkers so it wouldn't do very well with Feldon at 5 mana.
December 31, 2015 2:33 p.m.
I misread the Rings of Brighthearth. It's only 3 mana, first of all. It also will copy Feldon's ability at only 2 mana. If I ever manage to get a copy of it that would be awesome.
December 31, 2015 2:40 p.m.
shaistyone says... #10
I haven't played Feldon, so these are off the top of my head.
Burnished Hart - costs a lot to pull off, but it's some serious ramping
Scuttling Doom Engine - probably won't have to do this for too many turns
Tuktuk the Explorer - leaves a big body behind
Rukh Egg - even better, because it's not a legend
Summoner's Egg - free creatures are good, especially every turn
Deathrender - ditto
Vicious Shadows - things are going to die anyway
Rite of the Raging Storm - your opponents hitting each other is good for your gameplan
Altar of Dementia - milling yourself seems solid
Goblin Bombardment - not a ton of extra value, but could help with pesky creatures
Spinerock Knoll - cheap stuff!
Valakut, the Molten Pinnacle - sweet late game
Sword of the Animist - solid, if not exciting
Grimoire of the Dead - a bit out of the box, but actually matches up with Feldon amazingly well
Greater Gargadon - sac outlet, plus a huge body to reanimate
Insurrection - often game over, but gains value w/unbounded sac outlets
December 31, 2015 3:24 p.m.
here are some other suggestions:
Mimic Vat - a way to abuse your opponents creatures also
Mind's Eye - red doesn't have much drawing power
Chancellor of the Forge - a couple recursions of this will make an army of chump blockers
You can also look at my Feldon deck here: Abused by the Cane
December 31, 2015 5:35 p.m.
That's a lot of suggestions. Deathrender is a great idea, but sadly I never have many cards in my hand because all of red's draw also includes discard so I never have many cards, if creatures, in my hand. I'll certainly try Burnished Hart, Altar of Dementia, and Chancellor of the Forge once I get them. If I had a Mind's Eye it would go straight into this deck. I'd love to give Vicious Shadows a shot but our group is very uncompetitive so there's usually not very many cards in people's hands, except when my friend is using Damia.
December 31, 2015 6:41 p.m.
Stalking Vengeance is another way to get a benefit from creature death
January 8, 2016 1:33 p.m.
Spark0fPrimus says... #14
Second deck I ever built when getting into Magic was a Feldon deck. Love Feldon and love what you've done here! :)
January 10, 2016 12:54 p.m.
From briefly play-testing online, Sandstone Oracle is a great draw engine who also swings overheard.
January 30, 2016 10:10 p.m.
That seems like a good idea. Over my next few games in EDH I'll try and keep track of the hand size of my opponents to see just how well it will do.
January 30, 2016 11:21 p.m.
Do you any budget list for this one? Played a few games with him on Xmage, its awesome!
February 2, 2016 6:28 p.m.
I've been playing Feldon since he was released, and I've had major success killing people with Scuttling Doom Engine. Do you find him too slow? I quite enjoy reanimating multiple copies of him or using Goblin Welder shenanigans.
February 13, 2016 1:22 a.m.
Sorry for taking so long to reply Jensei. I used to have Scuttling Doom Engine in here, but I took him out. 6 damage to an opponent is nice, but I personally prefer hitting creatures, which is why I have Spitebellows instead. If I can kill their creatures, I can create a fake sort of card advantage Feldon doesn't easily offer. Besides, burn is not a very powerful option when there are multiple players all with high life totals. Although I do remember absolutely destroying a Krenko deck with the Doom Engine so it isn't without its perks, it just doesn't sustain your board presence or bring others to your level.
February 18, 2016 10:49 a.m.
PhotogenicParasympathetic says... #21
Hi there! This is a great-looking deck, and Noah has chosen to play it in our next episode of Command and Conquer (super excited to try out Feldon- he's on my list to build eventually). Keep an eye out for the article coming this weekend!
March 9, 2016 5:04 p.m.
Thanks PhotogenicParasympathetic. I'll make sure to see how it does.
March 9, 2016 9 p.m.
MindAblaze says... #23
What do you think about Blade of Selves?
You need 7 mana available and a decent target in the yard, but it seems strong to me.
March 18, 2016 8:41 p.m.
Blade of Selves is probably a great card for this deck. I've only got one though, so it's in the token deck. there's also the slight downside that it spreads the attack out to multiple players. It's great for ETB triggers, but not great for putting one player out of the game. It's still probably worth the addition in the deck, if I had another one. The tokens also don't die, so that's another downside.
March 19, 2016 12:15 p.m.
MindAblaze says... #25
I just keep seeing a magical Christmas land where I reanimate It That Betrays and slap a Blade of Selves on it. Ouch.
AltoSaxy13 says... #1
+1. Cool deck, but why is Warstorm Surge in the maybeboard and mainboard?
November 24, 2015 10:50 a.m.