Feldon's Myr Deck

Commander / EDH dethshadowwalker


Deck Update —July 8, 2016

A couple of significant changes have been made to the deck including adding cards such as Akroma's Memorial, Skullclamp, and Koth of the Hammerfoil

Last night, played this deck against my current play group in a 5 way EDH game. For the first time, my deck managed to combo off an infinite damage & mana combo. Over the course of the game, managed to use Prototype Portal to get two copies of Myr Galvanizer into play. While also having an Alloy Myr on the field, used Feldon of the Third Path's ability to make a copy of Myr Battlesphere. Managed to kill one opponent due to Myr Battlesphere's X ability, doing effectively infinite damage.

Even though the deck didn't win the game, there were many complaints that the deck had an infinite combo. Normally the players are complaining cause there is one mana rock with infect aka Plague Myr in the deck. Now there are complaints that there is a minute possibility that the deck can perform an infinite combo.

I have never won an EDH game with this deck, although I have won a few Duel Commander games with the deck. Even though this deck has never won a normal EDH game, there hasn't been a game where someone hasn't been pissed off at the end of the game. I was always under the impression that EDH was suppose to be the friendlier format but my experiences seem to shown me otherwise. Is this typical of EDH?

July 22, 2015 12:02 p.m.

Unfortunately, some groups are less friendly than others. In mine, we allow Infinite Combos, but reserve the right to, as a group, decide if a combo is too non-interactive (e.g. Sanguine-Bond combo). If we deem it thus, you are allowed to run the combo, but not use it in a casual game. This seems dumb to a lot of players, especially competitive ones, but we use it because we have a very small group and like to keep my brother from bitching (which he will do at the drop off a hatI'm not joking at all).

So, my suggestion would be to talk with your playgroup and decide what the group would like to do. A lot of groups ignore Infect rules, bump the required counter number up, or just ban Infect cards. A neat way to handle your situation would be to help each player find an infinite combo that player can run.

July 22, 2015 12:41 p.m.

gumgod says... #3

You know that the Battlesphere's ability is a triggered ability and will only go off once right? I mean if you made infinite myr, then sure you can do 'infinite' damage, but you can't tap the same myr to the same battlesphere more than once per combat. If you can get infinite mana, Myr Propagator can of course give you the infinite myr. That you CAN do with battlesphere and galvanizer is attack with all your myr, then untap them with the battlesphere's ability on the stack, then you get to tap them all giving you a sort of sudo vigilance/extra damage. Even if you untap them again with the second galvanizer, the battlesphere's ability will not trigger a second time.

Lodestone Myr on the other hand will allow you to keep tapping the same myr to power it up. You just need mana to use the galvanizers over and over...

July 22, 2015 1:02 p.m.

gumgod says... #4

People get real scared of Plague myr when I play it too. I just act like I'm going to win with infect and then let them blow removal on it. :D Generally if you're swinging with plague myr, something terrible has happened. :P If I actually want the possibility to win with infect I throw Grafted Exoskeleton in the deck. That card has killed people that I would not otherwise be able to kill. It also is risky, as killing the equipment kills whatever it's attached to.

July 22, 2015 1:10 p.m.

Ohthenoises says... #5

I see a severe lack of eldrazi in my opinion.

Pathrazer of Ulamog, Ulamog's Crusher, It That Betrays and others like them make feldon a true powerhouse.

Also, Gamble, Goblin Lore, Burning Inquiry, and Wheel of Fate/Wheel of Fortune are all amazing at drawing you into threats while possibly hosing other players (the wheels and inquiry).

Oddly enough feldon is the only commander I've ever found where Tibalt, the Fiend-Blooded is actually good. Draw discard is no problem since if you discard a fatty you can simply Reanimate it.

Lastly, Worldgorger Dragon is amazing with feldon as you can, with a Fervor effect, turn your entire battlefield into AEtherling. This comes with the risk that someone can, with correct timing, exile your battlefield using the Boomerang + Oblivion Ring trick (by putting the worldgorger's LTB on top of it's ETB on the stack) but it's a high risk high reward combo.

P.s. Mage-Ring Responder is also a great addition since if you are reanimating it you never have to worry about untapping it.

August 13, 2015 12:04 p.m. Edited.

CuteSnail says... #6

Rings of Brighthearth seem like an autoinclude.

October 6, 2015 10:42 a.m. Edited.

Lanzo493 says... #7

Clone Shell is pretty useful with Feldon in terms of card advantage.

October 15, 2015 11:32 a.m.