tl;dr: Kills by drawing cards, casual, suggestions welcome.
This deck is a slightly roundabout wincon, and in its very early trial stages, and as a disclaimer it is a deck for casual play with my friends, not a tournament level deck or anything.
Basically what the goal is here, is to force players to draw more cards then they can use, and then punish them for mandatory discards when their hand is overfull, and also start making them hurt for even drawing.
Lore Broker
is a fairy important card, because effectively he is a two drop that allows me to deal 2-5 damage per turn, and get rid of a useless card in hand for the chance at a card I want.
Underworld Dreams, Liliana's Caress and Bloodchief Ascension are where the damage comes from in the deck. When at least one copy of each hits the field, every discard is 4 damage, and every draw is 1 damage.
Sign in Blood is very nasty with Underworld Dreams out, because its BB for target player loses 4 life and draws 2 cards.
Lazav, Dimir Mastermind is a great card considering the amount of discards happening in general, and serves as an alternative set of wincons that include:
Liliana Vess's ultimate 10-12 turns in to reanimate a small army of things I put in your graveyard.
Jace Beleren + Consuming Aberration to just mill the opponent out if something very awkward happens to my damage wincon.
If anyone has any suggestions at all, I'd be glad to take a look. One thing that does concern me is the lack of control the deck tends to have. I have no way to protect my key cards for the combos, and since the deck generally isn't lethal until 8 turns in, if not a few more, I am concerned that control or burn may be too much to handle. Against aggro, cards like Consuming Aberration, Lazav, Dimir Mastermind and Psychosis Crawler generally deter all but the meanest angriest creatures.
The name is a reference to my friend who thinks flowers are the most morbid show of affection in history, and I'm basically using the draw cards (nice) to kill you (mean).