Fell Morphic Wolfir Master Pack's Hunt AVR Updated
Changes: I added 3 , and 3 . Both fit nicely into the deck. I could also put in Immerwolf, in place of the . that's also a tough choice, because of scorned villagers mana ramping ability.
I updated the Deck Breakdwon, in the Deck List Description. I changed, updated, the sideboard, maybeboard.
It's going to take awhile, before I get 3
So in the meantime, please help, comment, weigh in, on whether I should main deck, the maybeboard cards, and how I would fit them in, and any other suggestions.
Please explain any suggestions made, if want.
Please feel free to use, playtest deck, and if you do, please let me know how it does,etc.
Please feel free to post a link to a deck here, if you want, either as reference, or if you would like me to view, comment, help, etc, with your deck.
Thanks in advance, for taking the time to view my deck, the deck breakdown, deck description, these, and any other comments, and for helping, commenting, +1's, etc.
Mike DH
February 19, 2012 5:14 a.m.
Changes: Updated Sideboard, and maybe board, and updated Deck Breakdown, in the Deck Description
February 19, 2012 6:29 a.m.
Which of the maybe board cards, would any of ya all, put into the 2 main board card slots, that Green Sun's Zenith , is now currently occupying??
Tough choice, as Immerwolf , Parallel Lives , Slagstorm , Infernal Plunge , are all good fits for the deck
February 19, 2012 6:43 a.m.
Shrodinger says... #5
I'm pretty sure in actual playtests, you will never use your mana for .
Take a look at my deck, it might help you some more.
February 20, 2012 7:28 a.m.
Thanks for your comment
Actually mid game to late game, Elder of Laurels + a transformed Daybreak Ranger is great. By the time late mid game, to mid late game, turns 5,6,7,8, I have a lot of wolf tokens, and or werewolves out.
And I have 18 creature removal cards, that make it so that can use Laurels and Daybreak Ranger to fight, kill anything foe has. Also can make a 17/17 werewolf easily thru Laurels, pump(17 pump cards)
But early game, your right that I am not going to use Elder Laurels to pump stuff up, and is just a cheap 2 dam if unblocked, or a chump blocker. For that reason Elder of laurels is a good sideboard out slot card. But the card should be main decked for its effective mid to late game power.
If I had 5,6,7 cmc cards, where the 2.92 ave cmc was the ave, then your right, 21 lands, 3 ramp not enough.
But if your highest cmc cards, are 3,4 cmc, and you have a 2.92 ave cmc, then 21 lands, 3 mana ramp, that is enough
Your right about Kruin Outlaw, I noticed that I wasn't getting 2 red for it. Should I add 1,2 more mountains, or should I take out Kruin Outlaw?
If I do take it out, then Immerwolf might be a good replacment.
Thanks again for your comment
February 20, 2012 8:18 a.m.
Changes: After lots of Simulated playtest games, and sample hands, etc, and because of the good comment from Shrodinger, I took out, turned 1 . And can mulligan on rare, uncommon times if,when have less then 2,3 lands in opening hand.
Turned 3 , into 3 Immerwolf. It's just too hard to get Kruin out, unless I put in more mountains, which would screw up my mana draws for my green creatures.
Also altho Kruin's flip ability to make it so that werewolves, can only be blocked by 2 or more creatures, is nice, 18 creature removal cards, help get rid of blockers, which makes Kruin's flip ability almost redundant anyways.
Turning the 3 Kruin's into 3 immerwolfs, makes it so that I can get out immerwolf, fixes not enough mountains, red mana problem, because it only needs 1 red, instead of 2 red.
Also the 3 immerwolfs make it so that werewolves can't be transformed back, after werewolves have transformed. Also 3 immerwolfs gives me 19 pumpers, instead of 16 pumpers.
thanks to Shrodinger's suggestions, I am able to make these changes
February 20, 2012 10:21 a.m.
Changes: After long consideration, of playtesting, sample hands, etc, I am turning the 2 , and 1 more , as part of 17 pump cards, almost makes Elder of Laurels, redundant. And I can better use the 4 mana to activate Elder of laurels, somewhere else.
I added 1 more for 4 Scorned Villagers, to help with ramp.
I added 1 more, for 3 Green Sun, instead of just 2, because when chandra reverberates Green Sun, get to search, tutor, put 2 creatures, into play, for the cost of 1.
Only having 2 Elder of Laurels, instead of 3 or 4 of something else, and 2 Green Suns, instead of 3, was messing up the draw odds, of deck.
Also the changes, lowers my ave cmc cost, and makes my mana curve better
Thanks again for commenting Shrodinger , and linking back to your deck. Doing that helped me see the value of Scorned villager, and Green Sun, and lower cmc more, better.
February 20, 2012 9:32 p.m.
Updated Deck Breakdown in Deck Description. Changed Maybeboard.
Added a Cool Awesome combo's section to the Deck Description, that truly has some awesome, semi consistent combo's
This deck plays awesome, great, at least it does, in lots of online simulated, mock playtest games, against tier 1.5 to tier 2.5 decks, and decks you would find at local FNM, city, regional convention tournament meta,etc.
The Deck has had a lot of great awesome sample hands.
The Deck gets out great awesome werewolves, pumps them up using any of 3 to 5 of 17 great awesome pump cards, and then destroys, removes creatures with any 3 to 5 of any 18 creature removal cards
The deck has 4 rampers, 6 tutor search cards, 9 token Generators.
Seriously this deck is awesome, and semi consistently has answers to almost everything
I just don't get how the hell the deck isn't getting more comments, attention, help, +1's, etc
Seriously this deck should have 20 to 40 comments, 250 to 500 views, and 10 to 20 +1's, at mininum.
Seriously this deck would kick my standard Kuldotha Mono Red Goblin Deck's(which has 75 comments, 1500 views, 11 +1's), ass, and win about 39 to 49% of the time vs my RG land Destruction deck(145 comments, 2500 views, 17 +1's)
February 20, 2012 10:57 p.m.
Changes: Turned 1 , 3 , into 3 , and 1 more , for 4 of them, instead of just 3 of them.
Turned 1 mountain into a forest, and 1 forest into 1 more Kessig Wolf Run land, for 3 of them, and 7 colorless lands, instead of 2 of them, and 6 colorless lands.
I made the changes, to replace the pump cards, I lost by taking out the Instigator Gangs. So now at 16 pump cards, 1 less then the 17 pump cards, I had before the change. Also this change doesn't mess up my mana. I playtested it over a large sample hand size.
I took out the Instigator Gangs, because I can't search them up with Green Sun, and because I couldn't find a way to run either 3 Gangs, 3 Captives, or 3 Gangs, 2 Captives, or 2 Gangs, 3 captives, without messing everything else up.
Also by going with 4 Mayors, 3 Scorned Villagers, 3 Wolfbitten Captives, I lower my ave cmc to 2.60, down from 2.83, and while retaining, maintaing, increasing pump(since Captive pumps itself, and since adding 1 more Mayor, Kessig, are pump cards too.)
And running 4 mayors, instead of 3, helps me generate more wolf tokens. And putting the Captives in, gives me 1 mana drops, to be able to drop a werewolf on turn 1, instead of having to wait until turn 2.
I just would like to find a way to keep Instigator Gang, as well, as the changes, to have the pieces of cake, and be able to eat them too.
The deck plays even more, better now.
I updated the Deck Breakdown in the Deck Description.
I gave special thanks, and credit to Shrodinger and his Team Pavlov deck, as reference, in the Deck Description.
I am Changing the Deck Name to Fell Mayor the Hunt Master's Pack of Terror.
February 21, 2012 7:09 p.m.
Just curious to know which of my creatures, they, players, any of ya all, would run 4 of? I chose to run 4 , with the 1 slot I had left, and explained why.
But maybe some of ya would run 4 , 3 of everything else, or 4 , 3 of everything else, or 4 , 3 of everything else, or 4 3 of everything else.
So which creature would any of ya all run 4 of, over 3 of all the other creatures?
Please weigh in, comment, answer question, give 2 cents, explain answer, etc, if any of ya all want.
Thanks in advance for anyone who does that.
February 22, 2012 8:01 p.m.
Turned 3 for 4 of them, 1 more Forest for 22 lands, 1 more , a mana ramper, is a sideboard out slot. And the 22 lands, to go with 61 cards, gives me a .3606% land mana ratio, that works better then 61, cards, 22 lands, .344% land mana ratio.
Also by running 4x of 3 different cards: 4 Daybreak Rangers, 4 Mayor of Avabruck, 4 Brimstone Volley, instead of just the 4 Mayors, like before, the deck runs better.
Also the changes, gave me a better 2.59 cmc average cmc. And Chandra has a better chance to reverberate Brimstone Volley.
And the all the good that comes from the changes, only costed me 1 less removal card, for 16 removal cards, after the changes, instead of 17 removal cards, before the changes.
Changed updated the DECK BREAKDOWN, in the Deck Description.
Added a SIDEBOARD IN, OUT SLOTS section in a SIDEBOARD section in the DECK BREAKDOWN in the Deck Description.
Changed Sideboard. Added 2 Naturalize, and 1 Mental Misstep
February 23, 2012 8:11 a.m.
Yea Go, I am sorry that Shrodinger falsely reported, accused me of disrespecting him, harrassing him.
I would like to give my side of the story of what happened. Then I will drop it and not say anything more about it.
I have been completely, Utterly respectful, nice, kind to him.
When he posted advice on my page, I respected him, listened to him, took his advice, and even gave him special thanks, credit, linked,promoted his deck page, on,in the Deck Description, of my deck page.
I gave logical,nice,kind,polite advice. I +1'ed his deck, said that I thought his deck was worth about 17 to 33 +1's, and that if he used even 1 of the changes I suggested to him, that I would rate his deck 50 to 85 +1's.
Then he acknowledged that some of the advice was good, and that he might use the advice.
Then he had a unlucky showing at a FNM, and that after that, he used some of my advice. I COMPLIMENTED, thanked him, agreed with him, that he just got unlucky, like he said.
Then I respectfully, nicely, kindly gave him some playing advice on how he could have used his Brimstone, Daybreak Ranger,pump, to kill the 6/6 flyers, that did him in.
Then I gave him POSITIVE ENCOURAGEMENT, and said I think his deck would do better next time, and that I hoped it did, and wish the best for him.
After that comment, he posted a comment telling me that I was being annoying, negative, disrespectful, and that he was going to delete all my comments.
I then responded to his lying, falsely accusing me of that. I said that earlier he had acted childishly, and was a Grammer Policeman, making fun of my grammar(he did that earlier btw), that I was telling my side of what happened, that I had not been annoying, negative, disrespectful, and that it was him that was being negative, disrespectful to me, and what I was going to do about it(tell my side of the story, encourage others not to post to him).
Then after that, he accused me of Harassing him. Then I said that I wasn't harrassing him, and what harrassment was, and that if he dropped it, moved on, so would I. Then he again accused me, reported me, told me that. Then I told him I was going to report him.
So you see Yea Go. I was just being DEFENSIVE, defending myself from him. Also he conveniently deleted all the evidence.
Again I am sorry that happened, and I assure you, I wont post anymore on his page. And could you warn him, not to talk about the crap anymore on his page? I will tell my side, on my page, then drop it.
February 23, 2012 1:17 p.m.
That was my side of the story of what happned on Shrodinger's page. Shrodinger conveniently deleted any and all evidence.
But as anyone can see from comments, I made on this page, that I have been totally,completely,utterly respectful to Shrodinger.
It's not consistent, that I would be respectful to Shrodinger, here on this page, and not on his page. That Backs up, how I said that I wasnt negative, annoying, disrespectful, harrassing him, etc.
And notice I didn't delete anything he Shrodinger said on my Page, like he deleted on his page to conveniently get rid of evidence.
Now that I have posted this, and told my side of the story, I am going to leave that up for about 4 to 7 days, and leave my special thanks, credit to the misbehaving, lying, false accusing Shrodinger, as evidence to back what I said up, in my side of the story.
Then I will remove my special credit,thanks, link to him, and his deck, after 4 to 7 days.
He doesn't deserve that special thanks,credit, link to him, and his deck anymore. His bad behavior, doesn't deserve any views, comments, +1's to his deck anymore.
So I encourage everybody, not to reward Shrodinger's bad behavior, not post on his deck page, not +1 his deck anymore.
Note, if he had not deleted my side of the story in response and defense to him, on his deck page, I wouldn't have to put my side of the story up here, and the matter could have been dropped earlier.
Now that I have posted my side of the story, I can, and will move on, drop it, and not talk about it any more.
After 3 to 7 days, I will delete this post and the post that contains what I said to Yea Go, and the special thanks, credit links to his name, deck.
the matter is now closed, dropped.
February 23, 2012 1:38 p.m.
Hey Mike if you want to look at my deck at all for any insight feel free, http://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/woof-woof-2/. I love and ] its a shame they didnt make the cut in your deck.
February 23, 2012 7:16 p.m.
Yeah Instigator Gang, and Kruin Outlaw, are good,great, but you have to run a lot more support red cards, around them, to be able to have enough mountains, to get Kruin outlaw, with its 2 red out, especially. And you have to take Green Sun out as well., because can't Green Sun a instigator Gang, and or a Kruin Outlaw.
Also you look at every creature in my deck:
Daybreak Ranger: Better then Gang, outlaw, because he can fight, kill,remove foe's creature. becomes a 4/4
Mayor: Pumps, gives all werewolf's +1's, cost 2 cmc, puts out lots of wolf tokens, then pumps those wolf tokens up. Becomes a 3/3 is better then Gang, outlaw
Huntmaster: Creates Wolf Tokens gives you 2 life, deal 2 damage to foe, and 1 of his creatures, become a 4/4 is better then Gang, outlaw
Immerwolf has intimidate, 2/2 gives all werewolves +1/+1, Transformed Werewolves, don't get flipped, untransformed, back, all for 3 mana. By itself its equal to not better then Gang, Outlaw. But when combined with other immerwolfs, and Mayors, and a Transformed Daybreak Ranger,other transformed werewolves out, it becomes better then Gang, Outlaw.
Scorned Villager: MANA RAMP. Mana ramp Trumps almost everything
WolfBitten Captive: A 1/1 that Pumps 2/+2 for 2 mana to a 3/3,untransformed, then after flipped, transformed, a 2/2 that pumps +4/+4, for 4 mana, when flipped, self pumped, then pumped with 1 immerwolf, 1 Full Moon's Rise, 1 Mayor, becomes a 9/8 by turns 4,5 all for at 1 cmc. 1 of best 1 drop creatures in standard, better then Gang, outlaw.
Also Instigator Gang when unflipped only gives +1 WHEN attacking, and when flipped ONLY give +3 WHEN attacking(sometimes you don't attack)
Also its not a permanent pump. 1 immerwolf, 2 mayors, 1 Full Moon's Rise, combined will have a permanent, better overall combined pump then Instigator Gang's Temporary, only when flipped and attacking pump
Also Instigator Gang's 4 cmc slows down the deck a bit. Also which 4 cmc would you rather have and get,have come out? Huntmaster, or Instigator Gang? that's easy. Huntmaster.
If I was to put Gang in, I would take out 1 Scorned Villager, 1 Mayor, 1 Daybreak Ranger, but then I would lose all the good Mayor does. Lose 1 creature remover in Daybreak Ranger. And lose 1 Mana Ramper down to 2 mana Rampers, and slow my deck down
Its all about 1.speed, get em out fast, 2.pump them up big, and 3. remove everything in your way. Instigator Gang makes it hard to do that, in today's aggro fast standard.
I wish Instigator could find a home here. Thanks for the comment H2o
February 23, 2012 8:39 p.m.
Valid points valid points, what are your thoughts on Pyreheart Wolf with the same ability as Kruin but not having to wait till flip??? Also i think having 4 each of Moonmist and Full Moon's Rise is kinda of a must. Moonmist is always guaranteed something dies or you do major damage to opponent. And with lots of board clear these days having those full moon's down especially more then 1 can help you. It sucks being double DOJ'd. Also what are your thoughts on Creeping Renaissance?
February 24, 2012 2:44 a.m.
Thanks for your comment H2o. Pyroheart is another great Wolf. And he only cost 1 red, instead of the 2 red of Kruin Outlaw. So again is he better then the other werewolves? just barely no. The only thing saving Scorned Villager from being replaced by pyroheart, is their mana ramping. And altho ramp is not needed to get anything out, it does help get lots of multiple werewolves out at same time in 1 turn.
But even that alone.is not enough to save Villager. If put Pryoheart wolf in, IF Full Moon's Rise also worked on Pyro Wolf(it doesn't, it only works on werewolves, and he is a wolf, not a werwolf), and if Pyro wolf could be searched up by Green Sun, then Scorned Villager would probably be replaced by Pyroheart Wolf.
Your right about the needing 1 more full Moon's Rise. 3 moonmist is enough because don't need it to late game anyways. 4 of them is good, if you have the room. thats the problem.
The only thing that can be turned, converted into 1 of something is 1 Brimstone Volley, and 1 Scorned Villager. None of the other creatures are touchable, Garruk is at 3 of, to important to goto 2 of. Same with Chandra that reverberates Brimstone, and Green Sun(which has 3 of and is to good to take 1 out)
Also can't take out the Brimstones, Chandras, Garruks, because they are REMOVAL.
So what can be done? Well Scorned Villager can be turned into 1 Full Moons Rise. And then since 61 cards, 22 lands is 36% mana. And since if added 1 more card slot for 62 cards, 22 lands, would be a better .3548% land, mana ratio, I could add 1 more card slot to add 1 more Moonmist.
But doing that would be very debatable, because 1 more moonmist, might not even be needed, Wanted yes. Needed no.
I think what I need to do is first changes 1 Scorned Villager to 1 Full Moon's Rise. Then if that works, and 2 Scorned Villagers is enough, then playtest adding 1 more card slot to add 1 more moonmist.
If 2 Scorned Villagers doesn't work, then instead of changing 1 Scorned Villager into 1 Full Moon's Rise, I would need to add 1 more card slot to add 1 more Full Moon's Rise.
So now to experiment, try out, playtest these changes.
Thanks again for your comment H2o
February 24, 2012 4:02 a.m.
I like the changes, I notice something else that made me want to see your thoughts on buddy. What would you think of taking 1 and converting it into a ? Just to have a better guarantee 1 drop turn 1?? or turning it into 1 more ? Preferably I like the captive better.
February 24, 2012 4:16 a.m.
Getting to many moonmist at 2.5 moonmist per game. I thought that would happen. Also 3 moonmist is enough, because 4 moonmist isn't that needed because with 3 moonmist 1 usually comes out mid to late game, when I need it. Also even with 3 moonmist, I sometimes get 1 moonmist early game somewhat semi often. Also eith 3 moonmist I still sometimes get 2 of them. Also getting to many moonmist is killing my card, werewolf draws. So 3 moonmist should be enough.
I am going to try 4 Green Sun's Zenith, instead of 3 moonmist. That Chandra reverberate Green Sun, combo, is insanely broken, good. 2 creatures into play for the cost of 1 Green Sun.
Also can't have to many Green Sun's, because even if I get 3 Green Sun's early game, instead of other stuff, I can just Green Sun almost any creature I want into play, as long as have the mana for it.
February 24, 2012 4:23 a.m.
Yikes 4 Green Sun, that seems excessive but let me know if it works for you. I like the idea of another scorned villager or a captive if you could see that? But like then again I could be wrong wills see how the results turn out.
February 24, 2012 4:36 a.m.
I can't, won't turn a Daybreak Ranger, or a Mayor into a 3rd Scorneed Villager. Daybreak Ranger is a REMOVER. Remember, REMOVAL is extremely important. Mayor just does to many good things.
Only reason for 4 Green Suns, is that Chandra + Green Sun, is so awesome. 2 searched up creatures into play for the cost of 1 Green Sun. I am not sure if players get how truly awesome that is.
If I go with 3 Green Suns, then I might not get the combo to go off. And while 4 Green Suns, might seem like overkill, to many Green Suns, that's not really the case, since you can use Green Sun to search up a creature and put that creature directly into play.
That said, I can turn 1 Green Sun, into 1 more Scorned Villager, for 3 of them, instead of 2. the Garruks, and the Green Suns give me enough search, tutor cards, that I don't have to have 4 Green Sun's, just would be nice to have 4 to do the Chandra + Green Sun combo more consistently.
That said, I also want 3 Scorned Villager, Instead of 2. So I will change 1 Green Sun, into 1 more Scorned Villager
Thanks for your help H2o. You really cause me to think, and to make some really tough decisions
mikedh1 says... #1
The Deck Description, and the Deck Breakdown, in the Deck Description, pretty much says it all.
Also I was wondering if , which a person I know is going to let me borrow, use his(since he doesn't use them), in exchange for sharing prizes, or helping him to buy into FNM's and Drafts,etc.
February 19, 2012 3:07 a.m.