Fell Morphic Wolfir Master Pack's Hunt AVR Updated

Modern* mikedh1


mikedh1 says... #1

After a lot of online simulated playtesting and sample hands, I am making the changes permanent. The deck plays even better then how good, it already did.

The 4 Full Moon's Rises, instead of 3 like before, combined with the 4 Mayors, and 3 Immerwolfs, 3 Kessigs, 3 Garruks, all the 17 pump, makes it so that I consistently get 1,2 7/6 to 8/7 flipped Daybreak Rangers, and 1,2 7/6 to 8/7 flipped Huntmasters, and 1,2 flipped 9/8 to 10/9 Wolfbitten Captives, and 3 to 4 5/4 to 6/5 wolf tokens, out.

I get 2,2.5,3,3.5 lands in opening hands, and 4 land out, or 3 land, 1 mana wolf out, to semi consistently by turn 4 to Semi usually hit a 1 drop on turn 1, 2 drop on turn 2, 3 drop on turn 3, 4 drop on turn 4,etc. I usually don't get my mana base messed up by the colorless lands, and have enough red to usually cast out the red cards, that only cost 1 red. And the 3 Kessigs, and 3 inkmoths, win games. I also semi usually to usually don't have to Mulligan.

I usually get at least 1 planewalker out, either chandra or Garruk. I usually get 1 of the 6 search, tutor cards, either Green Sun, or Garruk out. I usually get out 4 removal cards, out of the 17 removal cards, in deck. 1 of them is usually a Daybreak Ranger. If I don't draw 1 of the 4 of him, I will usually get 1 of 3 Green Suns to search him up. Its rare not to get a Daybreak Ranger out.

There is just so much consistent synergy, and interchangeable combo's. I consistently do what the deck was designed to do. 1. get a lot of good werewolves out at least somewhere between semi fast to fast. 2. Pump them up super big. 3 remove whatever is in my way.

There is just so many cards, 7 to 17 cards, in each card task,function category, such as Removal(17), Pumpers(17), Token Generators(10), etc, that are 3,4 of each card, that despite the deck being 62 cards, 22 lands, instead of 60,61 cards, 22 lands, everything still comes out AWESOMELY OFTEN.

February 24, 2012 7:58 a.m.

mikedh1 says... #2


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February 24, 2012 8:19 a.m.

mikedh1 says... #3

In playtesting I found that I really need a extra Immerwolf for 4 Immerwolfs, instead of 3, to help make sure I get 1 out, to make sure players aren't able to flip my werewoloves back.

I bought the cards I needed at FNM to finish my deck. I made a payment of $80, and then owe $95 next month to T and M cards, in Spokane. In return the store owner agreed to let me use the cardes in my deck when I play the deck at FNM's

So I am here at a computer at the store. And I have been playtesting the deck vs FNM players,decks, between rounds.

The deck got a little bit unlucky in playtesting. Inn 1 match vs Humans, player put out 2 Angelic destinhy's and 2 Geist of St. Trafts.

In another game, a player got out 4 metamorph copies of wormcoil engine.

In both of those games, if the other players decks, had turned on 1 turn later, I would have won.

So I am going to turn 1 Scorned Villager into 1 Immerwolf. That should help me pump better, and not get my stuff transformed back, by having other player play 2 spells.

February 25, 2012 2:44 a.m.

h2opolo88 says... #4

I agree with your decision to make 4 immerwolf's I think that will help out the deck a lot. You having any trouble with land at all??? Also I don't know if you would have any interest at all, but of possibly putting at vamp deck together. Doesn't matter the colors, what ever you think would work out best. I like your theology on deck building so I thought Id throw the idea at you. Possibly maybe some kinda of proliferate vamp or just regular vamp doesnt matter. Anyways hope the days going good bud.


February 25, 2012 7:58 p.m.

mikedh1 says... #5

Here is what I would do if I was you, if I was gona do a vamp deck. I would make a red black vamp deck, with Olivia, and stromkirk noble, and strommkirk captain, with curse of the stalk prey, and assault strobes, and Volts.

With Srromkirk noble out early, and 1,2 Stromkirk Captains, 1,2 Curse of the stalked preys, 1,2 Volts, 1,2 Assault Strobes....

Turn 1 drop Stromkirk. Turn 2 Drop Curse of stalked prey. Attack, Stromkirk now a 3/3. Turn 3 Curse of stalked prey, Assault strobe, Gutshot a Blocker, Attack, Stromkirk now a 9/9. Turn 4 Volt, burn remove blocker, proliferate Stromkirk, gutshot a blocker, Attack, Stromkirk noble a 16/16.

Yep I could get behind that lol. That might become my next project, but that would have to wait a long while.

Now back to my werewolf deck. My mana base is fine. I might have 1 of the 7 colorless lands hurt my opening hand, once in a great while, but hey thats what mulligans are for. In playtesting its been fine.

February 25, 2012 8:31 p.m.

h2opolo88 says... #6

Hey I created an idea like you suggested let me know your thoughts when you have time. Here is the link http://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/vamps-in-the-night-1/

February 26, 2012 2:32 p.m.

mikedh1 says... #7

lol the cost of magic is getting quite expensive. lol

I am having to swap,switch,take cards, out of, between decks.

So when I want to play either my land destruction deck, my werewolf deck, my Kuldotha Red Goblin Deck, I have to take cards, out of the other unused decks, to play the deck I want to play at the time. The cards I swap, switch, take out back and forth between the decks, is usually about $39 to $85, over a spread of 4 to 8 cards, that are getting swapped switched back and forth, between decks.

Heck my 3 decks are $365(werewolf) , $200(kuldotha Goblin Deck) and $228(RG land destruction)

After my werewolf deck, I am going to have to slowdown, save money.

Thanks for the views, comments, and +1's.

February 27, 2012 6:12 a.m.

h2opolo88 says... #8

I hear ya man, I'm glad the colors you choose are ones that can be inner chaned between the decks. Also I had tweaked the vampire deck around right after you made some comments. If you wouldn't mind checkin it out again that would be great.


February 27, 2012 4:15 p.m.

h2opolo88 says... #9

I hear ya man, I'm glad the colors you choose are ones that can be inner chaned between the decks. Also I had tweaked the vampire deck around right after you made some comments. If you wouldn't mind checkin it out again that would be great.


February 27, 2012 4:15 p.m.

mikedh1 says... #10

I noticed that only having 2 [Scorned Villager]], wasn't doing anything for me. that's why I temporarily experimentally took 1 out, turn 1 of them, into 1 [Wolfbitten Captive]], 61 cards, 22 lands.

The problem is,was, that 4 Wolfbitten captives is to much, and comes out to often, when I wanted something else instead. And when I had 2 Scorned Villagers, 62 cards, 22 lands, I also noticed that was getting just 2 lands, in opening hand to often(not that often, but to often for me), instead of 3, and either no scorned villagers, and or only 3 land, mana by turn 4 to often.(Not that often, but to often for me). Also noticed that need 20 creatures, instead of 19.

That's why I tried 3 scorned villagers again. And since I must have 4 , for creature removal.

That only left , which altho great, still had enough pump cards left(17), and enough token generators left(9), that altho don't want to take out Mayor, can afford to turn 1 mayor into 1 Scorned Villager, for a 3rd Villager.

And I can always search, tutor up Mayor Avabruck as well. So I turned 1 Wolfbitten Captive, and 1 Mayor Avabruck, and went back to 62 cards, 22 lands, instead of 61 cardsa, 22 lands, into 3 Scorned Villagers, instead of just only 2 of them.

After some to lots of simulated, online, playtesting, sample hands, everything seem to be consistent. 4 mana by turn 4 comes out more often then before, consistently, most of the time. I still get some to semi lots of wolf tokens out because of Mayor, and Huntmaster. I Still get plenty of pumpers out, as well.

So I am making the changes permanent. And I am going to update the DECK BREAKDOWN, in the Deck Description. And changing the deck name

February 29, 2012 8:37 a.m.

mikedh1 says... #11


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February 29, 2012 9:13 a.m.

mikedh1 says... #12

Oops copied pasted the old sideboard out slots list, instead of the new one.

So here is the new copy,pasted sideboard out list:


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February 29, 2012 9:25 a.m.

Demarge says... #13

While playtesting I had to mulligan almost every game (10-15 games) and most twice due to 1 land hands or no green hands.

March 1, 2012 11:43 p.m.

mikedh1 says... #14

In over 75 to 150 online simulated playtest games, and sample hands, I have only had to mulligan like 7 to 13 times, and double mulligan, 2,3 times, and triple mulligan 1,2 times.

Out of every 5 to 7 games, or once every 2,3 matches, your probably going to have to mulligan at least once. That's normal for this deck, and most decks.

What happened to you is not normal, and is a statistical anomaly. The deck has 22lands, and a .3548 land mana ratio, and has plenty of red to cover the red cards. And if that were mot enough, it has 3 to mana ramp, during those times that only get 2 lands, and 1 land during 1st 4 turns. And if that were not enough. with a 2.67 average cmc, combined with everything above, there shouldn't be any problem getting enough mana, getting stuff out.

If you flip a coin 1 billion times, it can come up either heads, or tails, like 25,000 times in a row. In poker there are players who think its rigged because they had their AA, lose all in preflop like 35 times in a row.

Well since there has been zillions of poker hands, somebody was, is gona lose with AA all in preflop 35 times in a row eventually.

Same kind of thing is true in magic. I had a 21 land mono red Kuldotha red Goblin 60 card deck, with 3 Infernal PlungeMTG Card: Infernal Plunge, that had to mulligan, double mulligan, triple mulligan almost every game, during the 1st 3 matches of FNM.

what happened with your experience, playtesting this deck, was, is just like what happened with my Goblin deck, and is a statistical anomaly. If you doubt that or the logic, on why what happened to you shouldn't happen, or is a statistical anomaly, then playtest it over 100 to 200 games.

10 games, is a small sample size, and short term, bizzare, strange, weird, bad luck can happen over the short term, on a small sample size.

Now if my deck has 21 lands, instead of 22 lands, and no mana ramp dudes, etc, then your experience would probably be more accurate.

22 lands, .3548% land, mana ratio, 3 mana ramp dudes, and plenty red mana, and a 2.67 average cmc, should be just fine.

March 2, 2012 12:22 a.m.

mikedh1 says... #15

Also to further prove what I am saying, I am going to online simulate playtest 20 sample hands, where I keep track of mulligan's, or bad draws,etc.

I won't mulligan unless there is 1 or no land, or only 2 colorless lands, or 5,6 lands, or all red cards, 2 lands, no red mana etc, or no creatures, or 4 full moon's rise,etc.

Then I will report the results.

Thanks for your comment Demarge, and your concerm.

March 2, 2012 12:41 a.m.

mikedh1 says... #16

1st 5 hand, game, playtest results.

Hand, game 1. 3 land, no mulligan.

hand,game 2. 4 land, no mulligtan

hand,game 3. 4 land, no mulligan.

hand,game 4. 2 forest, 1 manadude., no mulligan

hand,game 5. 3 land, no mulligan

Now to do 5 more games, hands

March 2, 2012 12:48 a.m.

mikedh1 says... #17

2nd Set of 5 playtested games,hands, out of 20 that gona do, results.

Hand,game 6. 2 noncreatures, 5 lands, mulliganned, then had 3 lands.

Hand,game 7. 4 lands, no mulligan.

Hand,game 8. 1 forest, 1 Keesig, 1 mana dude, 1 Wolfbitten Captive, no mulligan.

Hand,game 9. 3 land, no mulligan.

Hand,game 10. 2 land, no mulligan

now to do next 5 games.

March 2, 2012 12:58 a.m.

mikedh1 says... #18

3rd set of 5 playtested hands,games, out of 20 that gona do, results.

Hand,game 11. 4 lands no mulligan.

Hand,game 12. 3 lands, no mulligan.

Hand,game 13. 1 land, Mulligan. then got 3 lands, after mulligan.

Hand,game 14. 3 lands, no mulligan.

Hand game 15. 2 lands, no mulligan.

Now to do final 5 gsmes,hands, out of the 20 games,hands, to playtest, sample.

March 2, 2012 1:06 a.m.

mikedh1 says... #19

Final Set of of 5 playtested sample hands,games, out of 20 that did, results.

Hand,game 16. 1 Copperline Gorge, 1 colorless land, for 2 lands, 1 mana dude, 1 Wolfbitten Captive, no mulligan.

Hand,game 17. 3 lands, no mulligan.

Hand,game 18. double mulligan, then 2 lands, 1 forest, 1 colorless land, after that.

Hand,game 19. 2 lands, 1 forest, 1 colorless, 1 mana dude, 1 wolfbitten captiue, no mulligan.

Hand,game 20. 4 lands, no mulligan.

So out of 20 online simulated, playtested,hands,games, there was only 3 hands,games, out of 20, where there was a mulligan, and 1 of the 3 mulligans, was a double mulligan. And 1 of the mulligans, was due to a opening hand mana flood, of 5 lands.

Overall, there was about 2.75, to 2.85 lands, on average per opening hand.

So you see, Demarge, that the results really do hold up the logic, 22 lands, .3548% labd, mana ratio's, 3 mana dudes, 2.67 average cmc, of why there is, and should be no problem getting mana, and stuff out.

what happened to you was a anomaly.

But thanks for your comment, concern anyways

just please try no to panic, knee jerk in the future

my deck's mana and stuff, works, and comes out just fine.

March 2, 2012 1:32 a.m.

mikedh1 says... #20

Also altho I think 62 cards, 22 lands, .3548% land mana ratio, 3 mana dudes, 2.67 average cmc, etc, works fine, it could be dropped down 1 card slot to 61 cards, 22 lands, .3606% land mana ratio, 2 mana dudes, 2.67 average cmc, and that would probably work about the same, as 62, cards, 22 lands, 3 mana dudes. because of the 1 less mana dude, but with 1 less card.

Also only having 19 creatures, instead of a balanced 20 creatures, 20 noncreatures, might not work as well. But with the 3 Green Suns, to search up, put creatures directly into play, that hopefully wouldnt be that much of a problem.

Also 2 mana dudes, didn't work that well with the 62 card, 22 land build, that's why I changed it back to 3 mana dudes, in that build. So only having 2 mana dudes, in a 1 card slot less 61 card, 22 land build, instead of 62 cards, 22 lands, also still might not work as well.

But I suppose it won't hurt to try,take out 1 card slot, 1 mana dude, to try out 61 cards, 22 lands, .3606% land, mana ratio, 2 mana dudes, instead of 62 cards, 22 lands, 3 mana dudes.

If it doesn't work out I can always switch it back the way it was.

So I will try that out as a change. Demarge should definately not have any problems after that. If he does, then he is just the unluckiest murphy of magic ever.

March 2, 2012 2:07 a.m.

mikedh1 says... #21

ok did 100 online simulated, playtested, sample hands, on the new changes.

And there was only 11 mulligan's, and NO double,triple mulligans, out of the 100 hands,games.

The deck now averages 3 lands per 7 card opening hand, and 4 mana consistently by turn 4. deck doesnt hardly ever get 1 or no land, or 5,6 land, mana shortages, floods,etc.

Because of that deck only mulligans, about 1 time, every 8.5, 8,9 games,hands.

Deck's creatures, and the 2 mana dudes, still come out often enough with 19 creatures, 20 non creatures, 2 mana dudes.

So deck plays a little tiny bit better smoothly, then it did before.

So deck now has 61 cards, 22 lands, .3606% land,mana ratio, a 2.67 average cmc, 2 mana dudes, 1 card at 2x of, 4 cards, at 4x 4 of, the rest are 3x 3 of's.

If you still have mana problems, mulligan problems, getting stuff out problems, after these changes, Demarge, then your truly the unluckiest magic player ever at getting, bad draws, mulligans, etc.

So the changes are now permanent

March 2, 2012 3:09 a.m.

mikedh1 says... #22


Took out 1 card slot, 1 mana dude, for 2 mana dudes, left over, and to go down to 61 cards, 22 lands, .3606% land, mana, ratio, 2 mana dudes, 2.69 average cmc.

Updated DECK BREAKDOWN, in Deck Description, of Deck Page.

Updated,changed Sideboard Out Slots List.


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I got all of the cards for the deck, and will be playing this deck, at FNM friday. And will give a report

March 2, 2012 3:26 a.m.

mikedh1 says... #23

FNM REPORT: 60 players at T and M cards, against some of the better, to semi best players in Spokane, WA.6 round tourney.

Went 4-2 vs the field.

Match 1: Blue Shape AnewMTG Card: Shape Anew, Blight Steel.

Was a hard,bad draw, since nobody plays that deck,except him. And my deck doesn't have an answer for Blight Steel. Would Sideboard Traitorous Blood, if more played the deck.

Lost 0-2.

Match 2: Epic Battle against Blue Delver. Won 2-1.

Lost 1st game. Then sided Autumn's VeilMTG Card: Autumn's Veil, and Surgical ExtractionMTG Card: Surgical Extraction, which didn't do anything for me 2nd game. But still won anyways. Then I won game 3, where the sideboard cards, really helped a lot.

Match 3: A match up, I probably would have won, against Mono White Humans, if not for bad luck Lost 0-2

Game 1, foe got out all 4 Champions by turns 3. But despite foe getting ultimate christmas draw, I still just barely lost.

Game 2 Sideboarded 2 ratchet bombs, 2 Slagstorms, 2 Naturalizes, and didn't draw any of my sideboard cards, to deal with his swarming, and his angelic destinies. While opponent drew, got out, all 4 sideboarded in a human creature that has protection from werewolves. If not for opponents insane good drawing luck, I would have probably won both games.

Match 4: A easy 2-0 win vs a freshly purchased starter deck.

Match 5: Kessig Wolf Run. Won 2-1, in a battle til turn 4 of final turn 5 clock put on game 3 of the match.

I easily won game 1.

Foe easily won game 2.

Game 3 went to down to the wire. with 1 more turn left on the 5 turn clock, with 9 life compared to foe's 13 life, with a flipped Mayor, 1 token, 1 Immerwolf, 1 flipped Huntmaster, 1 flipped Daybreak Ranger, and with foe having 1 Prime Time, 1 3/3 creature, and with Wolf Run, and a sht load of mana, that was enough to pump Prime, trample kill me, Foe attacked, with everything, and I moonmisted, and then killed him on turn 5,of the 5 turn clock, for the win.

Match 6: Won 2-0 vs a monoblack Zombie deck. Kept on killing Foes zombies, until I won.

So went 4-2 overall vs the field. And 3-2 vs the better players, better decks.

If not for the really bad luck against the human deck, I probably would have won, gone 5-1 vs the field, and 4-1 vs the better players, better decks.

Overall I am happy with how the deck performed. For the Most Part, I didn't just win, or lose because of luck on either my part, or opponents part.

For the most part I didn't get mana screwed, and I never got less then 2 lands, 1 mana dude in my opening hands. Never had to Mulligan. And almost always had 5,6,7,8 land, mana per game. Only 1 game did I only have 3 land, entire game.

March 3, 2012 12:11 p.m.

MagicBeast420 says... #24

Definattely a better wolf deck than most +1 from me. But, you should know that Chandra and reverberate do not copy X in green sun, just the spell. Even so, green sun still holds its weight.

March 3, 2012 2:25 p.m.

mikedh1 says... #25

Thanks MagicBeast for the comment, + 1, and what you said about Chandra + Green Sun.

I and others have had questions about that. A player named Bruce something posted a comment about that, in response to that question, on the Q&A forum.

He Quoted Rule 706.2 from the official rule book. The Key words, Phrase from that rules says(paraphrased, not exact word for word, but close):

"Copies Value of X, and any, all Kicker, cost, effects"

It then even cited 1 example.

So according to that rule, if me and others are interpreting it right, you can copy the value of X in Fireball, Green Sun, etc.

But in case that interpretation is wrong. I am going to ask a friend, who used to be a magic judge, and is going to recertify, become a judge again after a long hiatus.

I will also ask the store judge as well. And just in case they both could be wrong, I am also going to ask for a semi official ruling, from the Magic's Official Site.

But until then, its legal to copy the value of X.

This is important. Because if Chandra doesn't Reverberate Green Sun, it will get cut, changed into something else.

Keeping Chandra to just reverberate Brimstone, is just not worth it. Must be able to semi max the number of cards, that Chandra can, will reverberate, or its just not worth it. Reverberating 7 cards(4 Brimstones, 3 Green Suns), and sideboard cards, is worthwhile. 4 cards(Brimstones), plus sideboard is not.

I also want to ask you and others advice on something about the deck. But not enough room, so will do so in another post below.


March 3, 2012 3:17 p.m.

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