Fell Morphic Wolfir Master Pack's Hunt AVR Updated
MagicBeast420 says... #2
my suggestion is lose the Chandra and volleys. Replace with 2 blasphemous act, 3 BoP, and 2 phyrexian metamorphs. Act/full moon is just op, metamorphs copy most everything and kill any legendary, and BoP simply because u need more 1 drops and more ramp is never bad with wolf run.
March 3, 2012 5:06 p.m.
Ok Here is the Official Copy pasted Errata Ruling from the Official Magic the Gathering.com/Gatherer site, page.
This is even more clearer then the 706.2 Rule, from the official rule book.
Here is the copy pasted ruling:
8/15/2010 If the spell Reverberate copies has an X whose value was determined as it was cast (like Earthquake does), the copy has the same value of X.
8/15/2010 You can't choose to pay any additional costs for the copy. However, effects based on any additional costs that were paid for the original spell are copied as though those same costs were paid for the copy too. For example, if a player sacrifices a 3/3 creature to cast Fling, and you copy it with Reverberate, the copy of Fling will also deal 3 damage to its target.
That's the OFFICIAL ruling, that judges are supposed to go by.
That makes it clear that Earthquake,(Fireball would have been a better example), Fireball, Green Sun, and any other instant,sorcery spell, with a X cost in casting cost, has it's Variable X cost copied, IF, IF, you paid the X cost, BEFORE, copying the spell.
So if you pay 10 mana into Fireball(9 into X for 9 damage) then if you then copy it, your going to then do 9 more damage.
The same is True for Green Sun's Zenith . If I pay 5 mana into Green Sun(4 mana into X, 1 green), and then if I then copy Green Sun after that, then I would then be able to search up any creature 4 cmc or lower into play.
My friend tho, who is soon going to be a amgic judge again, said that Green Sun's X Value can't be copied.
If other judges say the same, then I am going to have to print out this official ruling, to hand to a judge. And if the judge still rules against me on this, in a FNM tourney. Then I would have to file a Official Protest.
Not only that, but I wouldn't accept the judge's ruling, and would then tell, show everybody at the tourney the real official ruling, until the judge either agreed with me, or was forced to disqualify me. I would then have the judge fired, replaced.
I would do that, because I have getting tired of judges ruling against me, when I have been right, and the judge wrong.
This is the official ruling, no matter what, no ands, ifs, buts about it, period. Judges, Players really need to learn to know the rules.
That's why I am not only posting this here on my deck page, but will post this in the forums as well.
March 3, 2012 5:41 p.m.
Beast: Thanks for your response. I can see taking the Metamorph part of your advice. In fact I even have it maybeboarded. And it would help vs Blightsteel, and other nasty stuff.
But the rest of your advice seems questionable. Blasphemous Act cost 9 cmc. even tho it can be lowered by swarm decks, which is prevalent. That's CONDITIONAL, there would be some to a lot of times when I wouldn't be able to cast it.
Also I wouldn't be able to use it until I got Full Moon's Rise out, which altho have 4 of, doesn't come out sometimes. And if that happens, I wouldn't be able to B. Act until very late game anyways, and that would be to late anyways. Also 2 B. Acts/ burn removal spells, isn't enough to consistently get rid of stuff.
I am better off sideboarding Slagstorm/ B. Act. Brimstone can be reverberated to either kill 2 3/3 creatures, or 1 3/3, 1 5/5 creatures, or 1 6/6 creature, or 1 10/10 creature, or to do 6 to 10 damage to foe's face, for the win.
Also I have been able to destroy as many as 5 of foe's creatures in a row: Daybreak Ranger kill 1/1, 2/2, flier, flip Huntmaster kill another 2/2. Garruk kill a 3/3. And Reverberate Kill 2 creatures. That's 5 creat6ures in a row.
There is a reason why Brimstone Volley is in almost every werewolf deck, just like why Goblin Grenade is in almost every goblin deck. Also unlike B. Act Brimstone is not conditional. I can consistently use it turn 3 or later. Also Brimstone is a instant, while Slagstorm, and B. Act are sorceries. Which means I can use Brimstone during my foe's turn, and thus flip my werewolves. The same can't be said of slagstorm and B act. That's why they are sideboard cards.
Also using chandra to either kill off 1/1's, or reverberate Green Sun, or Brimstone, or sideboard Slagstorm, or sideboard B. Act, or do 6 damage to foe's face, and 6 damage to each of 6 of foe's creatures, is all just so good, for 4 mana.
The only slots that are questionable is the 2 Scorned Villager Slots. Whether to turn them into 1 Mayor, 1 Wolfbitten Captive, 2 BOP birds, 2 Metamorphs, or leave as is.
2 Birds, is the same as 2 villagers. there are different, but equal pros and cons to both, that make both equal. So really the only question is 1 more mayor?, or 1 more Captive?, or 2 Villagers?, or 2 metamorphs?
I am slightly leaning towards, the 2 Metamorphs. They would be so good to copy everything in my deck, and foe's threats. But they would add to the average cmc, and less chance to get out a werewolf on 1st 2 turns.
Guess I will have to try more online simulating, playtesting more sample hands, games, and FNM's
March 3, 2012 6:55 p.m.
Well to answer your comment ill break it down with pros for each. If you keep the scorned in, you have the ability to ramp obviously to get out creatures faster or more of them at once. Also it helps wolf run. Def a utility card. If you have the ability to put out another mayor you help out what ever is on the field thus pump up everything that much like a wolf run, also being able to put out tokens once he flips. As far as Wolf bitten, he is a good drop early to end game. With his pump ability to make him more of a threat or just the ability to be a chump blocker who you can afford to lose. Not like Scorned who you need for the mana pump ability. Plus with only 2 you cant afford to lose 1. So the dilemma will i have the mana to play what i need? In your case you would be replacing Scorned with 2 creatures with 2 and a 1 mana cost so in any case you could play them just as much as scorned and still be effective. But I believe play testing it will help you answer it that much more. Hope this helps or confirmed a decision for you.
PS When you have time can you give some input on two decks of mine side board included :) thanks.
here is the links to each
Vamp - http://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/vamps-in-the-night-1/
Zomb Mill - http://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/zombie-mill-98/
March 3, 2012 6:59 p.m.
The average cmc thing is inflating the average cmc of the deck, because Phyrexian Metamorph is technically a 4 cmc, instead of the 3 cmc, that it should be, because almost everybody pays 2 life, and 3 mana to cast it, instead of 4 mana.
So since that's the case, to find out what the true average cmc would be, I am going to have to temporarily turn the 2 metamorphs, into 2, 3 cmc creatures, to see what the average cmc thing would say.
So I am going to stick in 2, 3 cmc Kruin Outlaw, find out what the average cmc would be, then immediatly take out out, and put the Metamorphs back in.
Just wanted everybody to understand, that I am not making Kruin outlaws part of my deck.
March 4, 2012 2:39 a.m.
Ok the true non inflated average cmc, of putting Metamorph in, is 2.74, which is only a increase of .05, NOT the inflated 2.85, the thing says.
back to playtesting, and trying to figure out how, the best way, to add 1 more Metmorph, for 3 metamorphs, without messing up the deck, and or making the average cmc any higher then it is now.
March 4, 2012 2:51 a.m.
Ok the true non inflated average cmc, of putting Metamorph in, is 2.74, which is only a increase of .05, NOT the inflated 2.85, the thing says.
back to playtesting, and trying to figure out how, the best way, to add 1 more Metmorph, for 3 metamorphs, without messing up the deck, and or making the average cmc any higher then it is now.
March 4, 2012 2:51 a.m.
Is having 62 making it harder for you to draw into land?
March 4, 2012 4:49 a.m.
Done doing online, simulated, playtesting, of sample hands, games, of tweaks, changes to deck.
Changes Explanations, to answer H2o's, and others questions:
I only mulliganned 15 times, out of 100 sample hands, so that's only about 1 mulligan, every 6,7 hands, games. And the changes, make the just barely, slightly higher risk of mulliganning, and just barely, slightly less good card draw odds, worth making the changes to 62 cards, 22 lands.
Ok before I go on. I need to copy paste the following rule 711.3 ruling on Metamorph copying werewolves:
711.3. Except for determining whether or not a permanent can transform, a spell, ability, effect, or rule that needs information about a double-faced permanent sees only the information given by the face that's currently up.Example: A Clone enters the battlefield as a copy of Wildblood Pack (the back face of a double-faced card). The Clone will be a copy of the Wildblood Pack. Because the Clone is itself not a double-faced card, it can't transform.
That means that I can Metamorph copy a flipped Mayor, or flipped Daybreak Ranger, and not have it flipped back, by someone casting 2 spells, because it can't legally be flipped back.
Metamorph is so awesome in this deck. I can copy any creature that pumps, makes tokens, destroys other creatures, etc. that means that I have 19 creature destroyers, instead of 17 like before, and 20 pumpers, instead of 17 like before, and 13 token generators, instead of 9 like before all because of Metamorph's ability to copy be a creature destroyer, pumper, token generator,etc.
And I can copy, match, or get rid of nasty non legendary, and legendary creatures, artifact things, or I can copy foe's awesome equipment, mimic vats,etc
And because I added 1 more card slot, to goto 62 cards, 22 lands, instead of 61 cards, 22 lands, that I used to add 1 more Mayor for 4 Mayors, instead of 3, the deck now only has a 2.73 average cmc. Thats just a .04 increase in the average cmc.
Also the 4 Mayors, 4 Immerwolfs, 3 Wolfbitten Captives and 3 Metamorphs, and 3 Daybreak Rangers, and 3 Green Suns, means I can still at the very least, semi consistently get out stuff on turns 1,2,3, and then produce a lot of wolf tokens, and both pump stuff up ridiculously, awesomely big, and then remove whatever blockers there are in my way.
After I playested 100 hands, games to make sure the mana still comes out, and it does. Then I online, simulated,playtested about 35 more sample hands, games, to see how the deck does. And the deck did great.
And since the deck already did good, great the last FNM, these changes, SHOULD do even better in the next FNM.
SO the changes are now at least semi permanent.
Thanks for the help, comments, +1's H2o, Beast, guys.
Credit goes to Beast, for suggesting I put in the Metamorphs, even tho I had them maybe boarded.
March 4, 2012 5:43 a.m.
Changed updated DECK BREAKDOWN, in the Deck Description.
Changed Sideboard, maybeboard.
Changed, Updated Sideboard out slot list:
- 1
- 1
- 1 Phyrexian Metamorph
Going to change Deck name to Fell Morphic Master Pack's Hunt, to reflect deck changes.
March 4, 2012 6:58 a.m.
OMG this deck is so freaking amazing, incredible. I have run 2,3 metamorphs, in other decks, but I haven't been able to search for the metamorphs, and instead had to rely on drawing 1 of the 2,3 of them.
I didn't realize that allowed you to search up a non green creature, like Metamorph. I thought it worked like Green Sun, and only searched up green creatures.
Now between 3 Metamorphs, and 3 Garruks, I can almost put out a metamorph, on demand, almost whenever I want.
Because of that I have had playtested games, where I have 1,2 metamorphs, copying, 1,2 flipped mayors already out, and 1,2 flipped Daybreak rangers already out, and 1,2 Immerwolfs out. And 1 ulimate nasty creature, foe has out, and 1,2 Full Moon's Rise out.
Where all that gives me 4, 6/5 to 9/8 wolf tokens EACH TURN, on,by turns 5,6,7,8. And a 6/5 to 9/8 flipped Daybreak ranger, and a 6/5 to 9/8 metamorph flipped Daybreak ranger, on, by turns 5,6,7,8. And a 6/5 to 9/8 flipped Huntmaster on, by turns 5,6,7,8. and a 7/7 to 13/13 Metamorph copy of a foe's creature, on,by turns 5,6,7,8
OMG that's so freaking amazing, incredible. This werewolf deck build, puts the official, generic, standard, amateur, to semi professional, Kessig Wolf Run, Blue Delver, White Humans, White Spirits, RDW, Goblins, Tempered Steel, other top decks to shame.
"oh thats a nice Geist of ST. Traft ya got there, I think I will sac 1 of my MANY creatures, and search for a Metamorph, and put it into play copying your legend, getting rid of it".
"Oh ya got a nice Thrun Troll, Sheoldred, Blight Steel, Infernal Titan, Worm Coil, Prime Time, Frost Titan, Sun Titan, Snap caster,etc, good, I will make 1,2 copies of those myself, thanks."
Then after I make my copies, I will just cast Brimstone Volley, then either reverberate it, or copy that Sun Titan, or Snapcaster Mage of yours to flash cast Brimstone Volley again out of my Graveyard to finish killing off the Sun Titan, I just copied.
Or I will copy that nice mimic vat ya got there, and then kill, vat a metamorph, to pay 3,6 mana to copy 1,2 things,whatever I want EACH TURN.
Because of all that, I now rate this deck 39 to 50 +1's.
NOT the 4 +1's this deck has gotten so far. This deck is worth a HELL lot more then just 4 +1's,
OMG this deck is so freaking amazing, incredible.
March 4, 2012 8:05 a.m.
Changes: In a effort to get get both my 1 cmc drop cake, and my mana dude cake, that I wanted to have, and be able to eat it to. I finally figured out what to do: I turned the 3 s, into 3 , Immerwolf, Phyrexian Metamorph, out turn 2. So between the 3 birds, 4 mayors, the 3 cmc drops, 3 Green Suns, I now have a very good chance to play a creature on, by turn 2, unlike before.
Also I can drop a Huntmaster, Garruk, Chandra, almost semi consistently on turn 3, instead of on turn 4, which makes Huntmaster, Garruk, chandra, even more viable.
Example of just how good the change is:
Turn 1: Copperline, Bird. Turn 2. Forest. Daybreak Ranger. Turn 3. Rootbound Crag. Tap Daybreak ranger, kill flier. Mayor of Avabruck, Moonmist, flip Mayor, Daybreak Ranger. Get 2/2 wolf token. Turn 4. colorless land. Garruk 3 damage kill creature, flip Garruk. Drop Bird. Get 2/2 wolf token Turn 5: colorless land. Garruk sac creature to search for what want. drop Metamorph a flipped Daybreak Ranger. drop Immerwolf. Nightfall predator kill creature. get 2/2 wolf token. Turn 6. land. Garruk put out 1/1 deathtouch wolf token. Metamorph flipped Mayor. Huntmaster. Nightfall Predator kill creature. Get 3 2/2 wolf tokens. Turn 7. Land Chandra. moonmist, Full Moon's Rise. Get 2 2/2 wolf tokens Turn 8. Chandra Reverberate Brimstone Volley kill 2 creatures, or 10 damage to foe's face. Get 2 2/2 wolf tokens. Nightfall Predators kill 2 creatures
So going to update the DECK BREAKDOWN, in the Deck Description. Going to change the sideboard out slot list.
March 6, 2012 4:35 a.m.
Also forgot to add, that I can either use Birds as flying chumnp blockers, to block flier's buy me time. And or Kessig Wolf Run pump a bird, into a big flier that can finish off foe for the win, in addition to drawing hate away from other more important things, and tapping the birds for mana, and for mana washing.
Also the Birds will draw, cause hate to be misplaced on the Birds. If I drop a Bird on 1 of the 1st 2 turns. Opponents might think I am playing a Kessig Wolf Run deck, and might get rid of the Bird, and then might not have some things to get rid of my other nastier then birds stuff, later, because they already used it on the Bird instead.
I would much rather lose a Bird, then to lose a Daybreak Ranger, Mayor, Immerwolf, Huntmaster, etc.
Now of course that would only happen on a game 1 of a 3 game match. But if that allowed me to win game 1 because of that. Then I would have a better advantage chance to win game 2 or 3, and the whole match.
Any way one looks at it the 3 birds, are just so awesome in this deck, and so much better then the 3 Wolbitten Captives.
March 6, 2012 4:55 a.m.
Changes Updates.
Changed Sideboard: Turned 2
Also I changed, updated the DECK BREAKDOWN, in the Deck Description
March 6, 2012 8:38 a.m.
The monetary cost of the deck is at about $385 to $393, not the $418 that is listed. The deck was listed at $375 with the in, before they were taken out and the Birds of Paradisereplacing the Wolfbitten Captive.
3 added Birds of Paradise, added to the deck, don't increase the deck monetary cost from $375, to $418. 3 Birds of Paradise Aren't Worth $43. Each 1 of the 3 birds of paradise, is only worth about $3.50.
So there is a error or glitch, falsely inflating the price of the deck up to $418, when the price should only be about $385
The Cost of Magic is getting absurd.
March 6, 2012 8:51 a.m.
Man I'm uneasy about the Birds instead of Captives, but if you think it will be more beneficial then I'm sure you're right. Also look at your wall on your page I've left some comments for you thanks.
March 6, 2012 7:32 p.m.
gladiator820 says... #19
Cool deck, very interesting how you can use the Phyrexian Metamorph in such a key way. Also I like what you said about the birds, drawing some attention of your opponent and allowing you to play your 4 drops a turn sooner. I will have to consider that for my deck as well. Overall I like it a lot (+1), I will definitely take some ideas from your deck for mine. If you get a chance let me know what you think of my werewolf deck (as I'm kinda new) and let me know what you think I could do to it. Wolf Pack Attack
March 7, 2012 12:48 a.m.
Thanks Gladiator for the comment, +1, compliment. Yep Phyrexian Metamorph is awesome. He really belongs in most tribal decks, but doesn't get the love he deserves, because players say he is not a werewolf, whatever tribe. I actually had a player tell me that I had to take him out of my Goblin deck, because he wasn't a goblin. Also he is a shapeshifter, like a werewolf, is, so he is a werewolf, but just doesn't know that yet. Its also great that he can't legally be flipped back, when he copies Nightfall Predator the flipped Daybreak Ranger
Yep Birds are great. altho the birds are only in, because the Metamorphs, are taking Scorned Villager's Slots. If Scorned Villagers were in deck., then I would probably have the wolfbitten captives in deck as 1 cmc drops.
In my RG land destruction deck, Blue Delver Vapor Snagged my Birds 3 times in a row, the 1st 3 turns. I am counting on opponents to waste their hate on birds in this deck.
Turn 1 Birds, gets vapor snagged. Turn 2 birds, gets vapor snagged. Turn 3. Daybreak Ranger. Turn 4.Tap Ranger, kill a flier. Mayor, Moonmist werewolves transform, get a 3/3 wolf token. Delver Gulps, says "I wish I hadn't wasted those vapor snags earlier".
So are you kind of new to magic, or just kind of new to this site, or both. I you are kind of new, then welcome to magic, and the site, and for being a kind of new player you seem to have a good grasp of things, and recognize good stuff, when you see it.
Whatever you do, don't get locked into the new school train of thought of must strictly follow theme, tribe, concept, and that must have exactly 60 cards, no more, and 4 of each card, no matter what, no exceptions. Its ok to have more thanh 60 cards, like 61,62. and it's ok to run a mix of 2,3,4 of's in deck. But I think you already know that.
I will check out your deck.
March 7, 2012 5:29 a.m.
2 7/6 Mayor's, 1 7/6 Metamorph flipped Mayor, 1 7/6 Immerwolf, 10 8/7 wolf tokens, 1 9/8 Huntmaster, all by,on turn 7. Thats 15 power 7 or higher creatures out by turn 7.
On turn 6 it was, 2 7/6 Mayors, 1 7/6 Metamorph Mayor, 1 7/6 Immerwolf, 7 7/7 wolf tokens, thats 11 power 7's by on turn 6.
On turn 5 it was 2 6/5 mayors. 1 6/5 Metamorph flipped Mayor, 4 6/5 wolf tokens. Thats 7 6/5's on turn 5.
March 7, 2012 9:38 a.m.
In Playtesting, I found,figured out, that with the 3 s, and the flipped Daybreak Ranger,
March 8, 2012 12:36 p.m.
Having 2 flipped Mayor's out, 1 flipped Daybreak Rangers, , puts my opponent in such a quandry.
Do they play 2 spells, and then flip my NON metamorph copies back, and thus also flip back the 2 Huntmasters? Or do they NOT flip them back. They are Screwed if they do, and Screwed if they don't.
And I can play 2 spells in a row in a turn, and flip the huntmasters back, because of the Metamorphs, that cant be flipped back.
And then I can fliped the huntmasters again, by moonmist, or not casting a spell. THen after I am top decking and can't flip Huntmaster back and forth anymore, then I drop Immerwolf. to protect my werewolves from being flipped back, because of the even more mayors that were put out, and flipped on the previous turns.
The Changes that I made that allow that to happen, is so awesome.
I think my deck is ready for FNM tomorrow, Friday, again.
Hopefully the deck doesn't get unlucky and go 4-2 vs the field, and goes 5-1, 6-0, like it should have done last time.
1st place is a Fat Pack boost pack Pox. 2nd is a Foil Promo card, with 3 packs. 3rd is is 3 packs. then the next prize spots 1 pack, a foil card. then the next prize spots is 1 pack. Then the next prize spots, is a foil card. about 23 spots will pay out a prize.
I will give another report on how the deck does again.
March 8, 2012 1:03 p.m.
Changes: Added 1 more deck slot to add 1 more Birds of Paradise Mana dude, for 4 of them , instead of 3 like before.
Deck now has 62 cards, 22 lands, 4 Mana Dude Birds, .3548% land mana ratio, 2.67 ave cmc, 4, 4x, 4 of's, and the rest is 3, 3x, 3 of's.
This changes give the deck a lower 2.67 ave cmc, instead of the higher 2.72 ave cmc of before. The change also helps a Mana Dude bird come out more consistently, often, on turns 1,2. And helps stuff like Daybreak Ranger, and immerwolf, more consistently come out turns 2,3, and 4 cmc, stuff like Huntmaster, Garruk, consistently more often on turns 3,4.
Also the 4 Birds won't over flood me with Mana dude Birds, in opening hand, because I will side out a bird, games 2,3 of a 3 game match. So adding the extra bird gives me a viable sideboard out slot.
And the extra card slot doesn't hurt the card draw odds, that are only lowered by .5 of 1% percentage point, per 3,4 of a card, in deck. And the extra card slot, and the slightly lower 62 card, 22 land, .3548% land,mana ratio, still works, and works barely,slightly better, because of the 4 Mana Dude Birds.
Before in the past, when I didnt have any mana dudes, and 62 cards, 22 lands, I only had to mulligan 15 times out of 100 sample hands. And so since the changes give the deck, the same amount of cards, lands, mana ratio, but with 4 mana dudes, as an improvement, over the time the deck only had 15 bmulligans, in 100 sample hands, games, then the deck should have even LESS mana problems then that, and almost no mana problems at all.
Heck the deck can now even work off of only 1 land, if have 2,3 1 cmc mana dude birds, in opening hand.
So the change makes the deck better.
Changed, updated the DECK BREAKDOWN, in the Deck Description.
March 9, 2012 9:42 a.m.
FNM REPORT at the Comic Book Shop
There was a slight change of plans. I was going to play the FNM at T and M cards, but a friend invited me to do hang out with them before and after FNM, and since they live close by the Comic Book Shop in the North Town Mall in Spokane WA, then thats where I played FNM at.
it was a 42 man 4 round tourney.
Round 1: 2-1 vs don't know what to call it.
It was a 75 card, not well built, blue, green deck that self milled itself, until it got EPICALLY BIG Blue, green creatures, based on the number of creatures in his graveyard.
Game 1. everybody finished game 3 of their 3 game matches while we were still on game 1. He Self milled, and then luckily got out 3 to 5 10/10 + non trample creatures. And I had out Mayors, and metamorph Mayors, huntmasters, and Nightfall predators,aand a LOT of wolf tokens out, and still couldnt kill his big creatures. It was a stand off. Finally when he made his 25/25's unblockable, and attacked, I lost.
Game 2. I won extremely easily.
Game 3 repeat of game 1, I won on turn 5 of a 5 turn clock. If I never play a deck like that again, it will be to soon.
Match 2 lost 0-2 to Mr Bad Draw, Mr ultimate christmas draw, Mr Double mulligan, Mr Mulligan, and Mono black Zombie's
Match 3: Beat Mr BYE 2-0
Match 4. won 2-0 vs your beating up my blue blighted Agent, proliferate, control deck game 1, so I am gona leave early and give you the whole match deck.
He actually did ok game 1. it's just that his infect, and removal(which was effective), couldn't keep up with me. First he got rid of my Birds. Then he got rid of a Mayor. Then I got out and flipped a Mayor, and then Metamorph copied it. Then get got rid of my Mayor. Then I got out and flipped Daybreak ranger. Then I Metamorph copied it. Then he got rid of the Nightfall predator. Then I metamorph copied the metamorph copy of Nightfall predator, then he got rid of 1 of the 2 metamorph copies of nightfall predator.
And during this time, I kept on killing his Blighted Agents, and Inkmoths. He quit when I had 1 4/3 metamorph copy of a flipped Mayor, 1 5/4 metamorph copy of Nightfall predator, 1 4/3 wolf token, 1 Full Moon's rise out, and him down to about 10 life, a 1/1 blocker, and me at 5 infect.
So went 3-1 vs the field. But altho I went 3-1 vs the field, It really didn't tell me that much.
I did see tho that there was 8 to 10 mono black Zombie decks, and a wide mix spread, range of other decks.
Also I frequently got a wow, amazing comments, and compliments about my werewolf deck. Many were amazed that I could both either win by turn 4,5, and or keep on trucking win on turn 19. Many were impressed by how big my werewolves got. Many were impressed by the metamorphs. Many were impressed with my deck chandra reverberate Green Sun getting out 2 huntmasters at the same time, and chandra reverberating 2 Brimstone Volleys,
mikedh1 says... #1
MagicBeast, H2o, and anybody else:
I noticed in playing the deck at FNM, that I was almost always siding out the s. I also noticed that 3 Mayor's, just doesn't seem to be enough, and that I was only semi consistently getting werewolves out turns 1 an 2, and that I sometimes, didn't get any werewolves out until turn 3.
I know I tried 4 Mayors, 4 Wolfbitten Captives, no Scorned Villagers in the past, and that when I did so that it seemed like I was getting too many Captives, when I wanted something else instead. But that was in online simulated playtesting, where don't play 3 game matches, and don't sideboard.
So I am wondering if I turn the 2 Scorned Villagers, into 1 more Mayor for 4 Mayors instead of 3, and 1 more Captive, for 4 Captives, instead of 3, if I will have enough land, mana? And that if I side out 1 Captive, leaving 3 behind, if that would work?
If I did that, then most of the time, since I would be siding out 1 Wolfbitten Captive games, 2,3, leaving 3 behind,I would probably not get stuck with to many Wolfbitten Captives. And since I would only side out 1 Mayor somewhere between once in a great while to sometimes, then I would have 3,4 Mayors, to 3,4 Captives, about half the games I play in matches at FNM.
That would allow me to have a better chance of Getting a Mayor. And a greater chance of getting a Captive out turn 1.And a Greater Chance of playing a werewolf on,by turn 1,2. And a less of a chance of having to wait until turn 3 to drop a werewolf. And less of a chance of getting stuck with too many Captives.
The Biggest concern tho is will I have enough land, mana, to get out a lot of werewolves out fast, without mana ramp dudes?
well during FNM, it sure seemed like siding out the 2 scorned Villagers, didnt slow me down much. But that may have just been short term luck.
I have been going back and forth on this. So what do you all think? Should I Change the 2 Scorned Villagers into 4 Mayors, and 4 Wolfbitten Captives? Why or Why not? Or Should I leave as is, since the deck did good at FNM? Why or Why not? What should I do? And why?
March 3, 2012 4:05 p.m.