Fell Morphic Wolfir Master Pack's Hunt AVR Updated
This new change scares me man not going to lie, it almost feels to congested with to many options now. Idk I could just be paranoid which might be the case but just sharing my thoughts. I really enjoyed how you had it right before this recent change I thought it flowed nicely. But we wont really know till FNM to see how the outcome is. Not wanting to be a downer at all just letting you know my thoughts. Anyways bud thanks for always coming up with new ideas.
March 29, 2012 1:26 a.m.
The ONLY difference between now and then H2o is that I am 62 cards, instead of 61(which doesn't mess up mana, and only have to mulligan 17 times out of 100 games, max), and 3 Full Moon's Rise, instead of 4 like before(a difference of 1 full moon's Rise)(also the 2 mana leaks, helps stop what Full Moon's Rise doesn't, and when don't draw a full Moon's Rise).
And adding 1 more Naturalize, and 1 more Mana Leak, for 4 of each, instead of 3 like before. Main boarding 2 of each of the 4 naturalizes, and 4 mana leaks, and side boarding 2 of each of them, instead of 3 of each in sideboard, instead of not main boarding them, like before.
And splitting the 4 2 or 3 cmc red burn cards, into a split of 2, 2 cmc Arc Trails, and 2, 3 cmc Brimstone Volleys.
It may seem like to many options, and 2 many 2 of's, and to congested. But that's not the case. Whether I run 4 Brimstones, or 4 Incinerates, or 2 incinerates, 2 Brimstones, or 2 Arc trails, and 2 Brimstones, or 2 Arc trails, and 2 incinerates, IT'S STILL 4 red 2 or 3 cmc red burn spells. Splitting the 4 of 1 red burn spell, into a split of 2 of each of 2 red burn spells, is not congesting things. I still have the SAME EXACT same card draw odds of drawing 1 of those 4 red burn spells, as I had before.
As for the Naturalizes, mana leaks, I am only running 2 of them, in game 1 of a 3 game match. Some to most of the time, I am going to be siding in 2 of each of them, and thus be running 4 naturalizes, and 4 Mana leaks. some to most of the time. Running 4 of each, doesn't congest things. It increases my card draw odds.
Also these are not just options. They are NEEDED to deal with Artifacts, Mirran Crusader, Swords, Obliterator, indestructible creatures, removal, board wipes, that target my werewolves,threats,etc, IF I don't make these changes, I will lose more, because I won't be able to deal with these things, and these things are very common right now.
As for the 2 Green Sun's, instead of 3 like before, I have 2 Garruks, and 2 Green Sun's for 4 tutor search cards.
Those are the only differences, changes. The changes help deal with stuff that MUST be dealt with. And the changes don't affect my drawing that much. I still get 1 or 2 red burn spells per game. I still get 1 or 2 cards per game, that deal with cards, that board wipe, remove my werewolves, whether that's a mana leak, or a full moon's rise. I still get 1 or 2 cards per game, that deal with artifacts, enchantments, whether its a mana leak, or Naturalize. I still draw 1 tutor card per game, etc.
So the changes really do help,and its not as congested as it seems.
March 29, 2012 2:28 a.m.
SwiftDeath says... #5
I like the changes but with all the targeted removal im wondering how well the deck does against delver blade and Geist of Saint Traft?
March 29, 2012 2:54 a.m.
Also I can get by with 2 Green Sun's, instead of 3, not only because Have 4 tutor cards, in 2 Garruks, 2 Green Sun's, but also because Green Sun, shuffles back into deck after use, so it's like having more of them.
Also forgot to list Elesh Norn to the list. There are just so many things right now that shut down my werewolf deck. They are D O J, RATCHET BOMB, Black Sun, Slagstorm, Blasphemous act, Divine Reckoning, Vapor Snag, Doomblade, Dismember, Go for the throat, Tragic Slip, O ring, Fiend Hunter, counterspells, Swords, Mirran Crusaders, Obliterators, Elesh Norns, indestructible creatures, Blight steel, Sheoldred, Geist of St Traft, Dungrove Elder, Titans, etc.
These thing MUST be dealt with effectively, better, or my werewolf deck will lose more.
So far I have been lucky that I have had good results, at FNM's. Yes I got unlucky, and got bad draws last FNM, that caused me to do horribly bad last FNM. But what happpened did open my eyes a bit.
And that was just at a FNM. IF I truly want to make my werewolf deck a unofficial borderline tier 1 power level deck that can compete outside of a FNM, at REGIONALS, STATES, GRAND PRIX, etc, my deck MUST be able to deal with the problems I listed above.
The changes I made deal with those problems, headaches, etc, quite effectively, better, then before.
March 29, 2012 2:58 a.m.
What if you mainboarded 4 leaks and kept the naturalize in the side. Only because it has the possibility of being a dead card where leaks can always be put to something. Just a thought to pobder. And thanks for explaining the deck more. Also why the change on surgicals & Traiterous blood? Are they just optional side in?
March 29, 2012 3:16 a.m.
Swiftdeath, that's exactly 1 of the many reasons why I put in 2 surgical extractions, and max mana leaks in, split between the deck and sideboard.
2 to 4 Mana leaks, and 3 Phyrexian Metamorphs deals with Geist of St Traft just fine, assuming I draw 1 of them of course. The birds also act as chump blockers, to chump block the flying Geist of St Traft. or can pump birds, with Kessig Wolf Run, to block the flying Geist of St Traft, and thus kill it
As for how the deck does against Delver. The Mana Leaks will Mana leak the mana leaks, and Vapor Snags, of Delver, and then Surgical Extraction, will get rid of the rest. Also Grafdigger Cage will prevent Delver, snapcaster mage, from casting counterspells, Vapor Snags from the Graveyard.
The only thing I am unsure of, is in the past 3 sideboarded, slagstorms, or Blasphemous Act, has been effective against Delver. Now that I only have 2 Blasphemous Acts, in sideboard,instead of 3 like before. I am not sure how that will do, if that will be enough, or good enough.
2 Arc trails might be good enough, but only early game, before Delver flips. I also thought of main boarding 2 slagstorms, to help the 2 sideboarded B. Acts, deal with Delver, and other fast Aggro decks.
But the problem with that, is that while my werewolves will either probably be big enough to withstand slagstorm, and or can pop,sac Full Moon's Rise to regenerate werewolves, slagstorm, might still kill off my pumped 3/3 wolf tokens, and kill off my birds.
Also another problem with slagstorm, is it's 3 cmc cost, and 2 red mana cost. I sometimes don't have enough red mana to cast things like Kruin Outlaws, and Slagstorms, that cost 2 red mana in the cmc cost.
So what do you think Swiftdeath? So which of either the 2 Arc Yrails, or 2 slagstorms, would you run, and WHY?
thanks for the comments, H2o, and swiftdeath.
March 29, 2012 3:28 a.m.
H2o, yes there is the remote, and distant possibility that Naturalize will be a dead draw, either because no enchantments, artifacts, or because the other player doesn't draw and or play the enchantments, artifacts.
Yes, because of that I could put the Naturalizes in the sideboard, because of that. But the thing is tho, that there are a lot of artifacts,l and enchantments, in standard right now. Extremely few players, decks, don't use them. Even Super fast Aggro decks, like tempered steel, Goblins, Vamps, Humans, etc, use 2 to 6 enchantments, and or artifacts in their decks.
There is Honor of the Pure, Virtue, Curse of stalked prey, Ratchet Bomb, Swords, Batterskull, Swiftfoot boots, just to name a couple few of many.
By putting 2 of each of Mana leaks, and Naturalize, into my main deck, and then 2 more of each, into sideboard. I have a better chance to win a game 1, of a 3 game match, then I would if I sideboarded the Naturalizes. That's because altho yes the mana leaks can be used, instead of naturalize, mana leak is often used to deal with other things, instead of dealing with what naturalize deals with.
Also part of the effectiveness of the mana leaks in my deck, is the surprise factor. Running 2 of each of Naturalize, and Mana leaks, ensure, that I have chance to deal with the stuff that needs to be dealt with, and thus have a chance to win game 1, while not getting flooded with them game 1, and thus blowing the surprise on them games 2,3.
For example: If I run 2 of both of them, and then naturalize a threat, that's better then running 4 mana leaks, mana leaking that same threat, instead of being able to naturalize the threat, and not mana leaking, blowing the surprise.
But if I run 4 naturalizes, and sideboard the mana leaks, then I might not have the mana leaks, when I need them.Having 2 of each of both of them, not only helps to preserve the surprise for games 2,3, thus causing the other player, not to sideboard against the mana leaks, but also helps preserve the OPTION of either choosing either to not use mana leak, preserving the suprise, or of using the mana leaks, blowing the suprise, because its either I do that or lose.
Having the option, is better.
March 29, 2012 4:04 a.m.
H2o the sideboarded 2 Traitorous Bloods, helps the 3 Phyrexian Metamorphs deal with creature threats. Nothing is better, then Metamorph copying their nasty creature threat, then stealing theirs, after you copy it with Metamorph,, with T Blood.
The 2 sideboarded Surgical Extractions, helps the 2 Grafdigger Cages, shut down Graveyard stuff. Also Surgical Extraction, helps to get rid of counterspell, vapor snags, dismember, etc, control, removal, threat, win con cards, after I have dealt with them, sent them to the Graveyard. That gets rid of ALL of a particular card, in a graveyard, hand, deck, etc. so that they can't be used against you again
March 29, 2012 4:26 a.m.
As the discussion between me, H2o, and Swiftdeath, have pointed out. I have made the following changes:
Running 2 Arc Trails, and 2 Brimstone Volleys.
Added 2 Traitorous Bloods, and 2 Surgical Extractions to the sideboard.
Changed, updated the sideboard out slot list.
Changed, updated the DECK BREAKDOWN, in the Deck Description
Updated, the update section.
everything in the deck is now current, semi permanent.
Might change the 2 Arc trails, into 2 Slagstorms, but I would please really like some input on that possible change, before I decide whether to make that change or not.
March 29, 2012 4:47 a.m.
SwiftDeath says... #12
slagstorm is nice against token aggro and other aggro decks unfortunetly it doesn't kill off delver if he has a sword equiped and a good spirit deck has the one land that exiles creatures from graveyard to make tokens so 9 times out of 10 that wont slow them down unless you manage to kill them and swing for leathal either in the same turn or by next turn and with intangible virtue and honor of the pure spirits live past slagstorm very quickly I like the blasphemous act more because of your ability to regen all your werewolfs and unless very lucky you probably won't get past all the buffs because your naturalizes wont be able to keep up by themselves but for the early game arc trail is a better choice because you can take out two threats early and with all the 1-2 toughness creatures that help set up decks it should be enough to slow down non-spirit aggro decks for it not to be that much of an issue and for spirits you can sideboard in blasphemous act however I would probably add a third otherwise you wont see it often enough for it to be any use when you actually need it. but as always you have to cater to your local meta.
March 29, 2012 9:14 a.m.
I agree with what you say about Arc Trail. I get, why you don't like slagstorm mainboarded. I think your overlooking that things that pump Aggro beyond slagstorm range, can easily be dealt with by the 2 to 4 mana leaks, and the 2 to 4 naturalizes. Yes that would only slow them down. But that's all I have to do, is slow them down just enough to slagstorm them, which can be easily done. Yes that only slows them down. Don't stop some aggro decks. But it slows them down, just enough, for 2,3 turns. That's all my deck needs anyways, is 2,3 turns, because its also fast. Altho my deck don't technically win by, on turn 3,4, that's about when my deck sets up game control to win later by, on turns 5,6,7,8. By turns 4,5,6 my deck spits out PUMPED 4/4,6/6 wolf tokens, crazy fast. I may get knocked down to low life, before I win, but my deck is going to win, its just that they don't know that yet, because of earlier game control. That's why I only need to delay, the other player for 1,2,3 turns. And 2 to 4 naturalizes, 2 to 4 mana leaks, 2 slagstorms, stall, for 2,3 turns, to allow my deck to catch up, win.
The reason why I am not sure I like Slagstorm, is not for what you said, but because slagstorm is 3 cmc, 2 red mana that can be harder to cast, and can kill off my wolf tokens, and my birds. If those concerns, problems of mine about slagstorm, weren't a problem, then I would run slagstorms.
And the same concerns, problems, I have with slagstorm, also applies to B. Act. B. Act is VERY costly unless enough creatures out. And unless I have 1 of 3 Full Moon's Rise out, my werewolves won't survive. And even if I do have 1 out, because FMR, only applies to werewolves, and not my wolf tokens. And So my wolf tokens would die to B Act. Only with Slagstorm would my wolf tokens might survive a slagstorm.
And your right, that 2 Arc trails, and 2 sided in B Acts, would not be enough. And so I would need 3 B. Acts. But I cant do that without losing either traitorous blood, or Surgical Extraction, from my sideboard. 2 slagstorms, and 2 sided in B Acts. would work tho, if not for the concerns and problems I have with Slagstorm, that I mentioned above.
Either way whether I run 2 Arc trails, and 2 sided in B Acts, or 2 slagstorms, and 2 sided in B Acts, I don't like it, because of the problems, and concerns I have with both ways.
I was really hoping you could show which was the best option, whether 2 Arc trails, 2 sided in B Acts, or 2 slagstorms, and 2 sided in B Acts. But either, and or both ways have problems, concerns, that we are both concerned about.
If you or anybody else doesn't convince me otherwise. I think I will run the 2 slagstorms and 2 sided in B Acts, as the better option, and hate it when I don't have enough red to cast slagstorm, and or hate it,when slagstorm kills my wolf tokens, and my birds
Thanks for your comment Swiftdeath.
March 29, 2012 10:33 a.m.
Hey Mike on the side out list you have should you have the 2 naturalizes as an option if the person has nothing you can use them against?
March 30, 2012 12:42 p.m.
Good point. I just thought that was kind of obvious, so I didnt bother putting it in the sideboard out slot list. I will put it in, when I update things shortly.
March 30, 2012 2:07 p.m.
Playtesting showed that my concern about slagstorm killing my wolf toekns, and birds, wasn't a valid concern after all. My wolf tokens, are usually at least 4/4's by the time I cast Slagstorm. And by the time Slagstorm kills the Birds, I don't usually need it anymore by then anyways, usually.
And I can reverberate Slagstorm to deal 6 damage to clear foe's board, if my 2 to 4 Naturalizes, 2 to 4 mana leaks, 2 Brimstone Volleys, and other removal, fails to stop foe's creatures, from being pumped bigger then 3/3, slagstorm's range.
So because of that, I am making the change semi permanent.
So I am running 2 slagstroms, and 2 Brimstone Volleys, and 2 B. Acts, in sidebaord.
Changed, updated, the DECK BREAKDOWN in the Deck Description, and changed, updated the sideboard out slot list.
- 1
- 1
March 30, 2012 3:15 p.m.
So since you are playing the mana leaks more so now, do you think it wise to drop a bird as a side out spot giving you one less source to produce blue mana?? Or do you run into that problem at all?? Just a thought I had so wanted to see your thoughts on it.
March 30, 2012 5:25 p.m.
Well I would prefer not to side out birds at all, but I have to side them out, because they are a 4 of. Siding out 1 of a 2 of, or 3 of, is less desirable then siding out 1 of a 4 of.
And if I don't side out a bird, then I either won't be able to side in what I need to side in, or I will have to side out something, that is more important then a bird.
I have 6 blue mana sources(4 birds, and 2 Hinterland Harbors). That increases to 8, in a kind of way, if you throw in the 2 Green Sun's, which can search up a Bird. So I have 8 chances at drawing,getting a blue mana source, during a game. If I take out 1 bird, that would leave me with 7 chances to draw,get a blue mana source. That's still a pretty good chance at drawing,getting a blue mana source.
In playtesting. I usually find that I usually get 1 blue mana source per game.
Games 2,3, when, if I side out a bird, I still usually get 1 blue mana per game, just less often, at about 68 to 78% of the time
March 30, 2012 6:33 p.m.
Going to play my deck at FNM tonight. I hope I can get 1 more mana leak, since nobody seems to have them, or any spares, and since I haven't seen any of them at a store.
I will give a report.
March 30, 2012 6:47 p.m.
Changes: Turned 1 inkmoth, into 1 Hinterland Harbor, because the Kessig, inkmoth alternate win con combo, doesn't happen until turns 8,9,10,11,12.
Updated, edited the DECK BREAKDOWN, in the Deck Description.
Updated the sideboard out slot list.
April 2, 2012 2:10 a.m.
If it's ok with Yeago, I am going to do a desktop screen capture video breakdown of my werewolf deck on this deck page, on this site, on why this deck, and other werewolf decks, cards, can be a unofficial, borderline, tier 1.5 power level, competitive deck.
The video would be on Justin TV, a site kind of like You Tube.
Then I would post a link to the video, in a article I will post to the forums, on the same exact topic. That way a person could read the article, or watch the video, or both.
I am also doing the same kind of thing on my top rated land destruction deck on the site, and on land destruction decks in general.
April 2, 2012 7:08 a.m.
Hey Mike had a question for you, with putting another land that requires a forest to be in play to not come in tapped. Do you feel maybe just dropping the ink moth completely and making it a forest to increase your odds is a good idea? I've just run into sometimes drawing two lands that require a forest in my opening hand and not having one to do anything about. Just a suggestion let me know your thoughts.
April 2, 2012 11:05 p.m.
Also could you tell me any thoughts or suggestions on this Vamp deck I'm wanting to build. Here you go http://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/vamps-in-the-night-1/
Thanks for the help
April 2, 2012 11:14 p.m.
H20: Your again just looking at a small sample size, and looking at just the opening hand, and turn 1.
- Having a forest 1st turn is only important if you have a bird. And birds do come out turn 1 about 53 to 63% of the time turn 1.
- There was only 17 times out of 100, in playtesting, where a forest or a copperline gorge wasn't in opening hand,
- Statistically a Forest, or Copperline Gorge will be in opening hand about 69 to 85% of the time. This is because there are 6 forest, and 3 Copperline. For each of the 3 lands, on average that end up in opening hand, there is about a 29% chance to be a forest, or copperline. And there is about 13% chance every time you draw 1 of the 7 starting opening hand cards, it will be a forest,copperline. Because of that, you can't go by short term results, where it might SEEM your not getting a forest some to a lot of the time.
- Not getting a forest, or Copperline, turn 1, while not good, is not bad either. Most of the time you either: turn 1 forest or copperline, drop bird, or no drop bird, or turn 1: drop either a Hinterland harbor, or a Crag tapped. Turn 2: drop a forest or a copperline. It's extremely rare to not have mana to be able to cast something turn 2 if that something is in your hand, due to lands coming into play tapped. Most of the time you will be able to cast a 2 or 3 cmc something turn 2 if that something is in your hand.
- Inkmoth + Kessig, is a turn 8,9 10, 11, 12 alternate win con, that has won games, during those turns.
- Inkmoth can be used as a late game chump blocker.
- Even if you turned all the 5 colorless lands, into forest, you would still not gte a forest or a copperline, once in a while.
- You can also mulligan, if not having a forest or copperline gorge 1st turn, hurts you to much.
- if I had to add a extra forest I would turn 1 hinterland, into 1 forest, instead of taking out a possible alternate win con.
mikedh1 says... #1
Awesome Changes:
Turned 1 Full Moon's Rise, and 1 Green Sun, into 2 Mana Leaks. Reason: The running 3 mana leaks in sideboard idea was a great idea. But I wasn't draw them, so main decking 2 Mana leaks, and side boarding the other 2 mana leaks, helps draw them better, and helps stop threats, and helped make room for Traitorous Blood in sideboard.
Turned 1 red removal card, and added 1 card slot into 2 Naturalizes. Reason: I just wasn't drawing the 3 Naturalizes, when I needed 1. So main decking 2 of them, and side boarding the other 2 of them, helps me draw them better, and helped make room for 2 Traitorous Bloods.
Turned 1 Naturalize in side board, leaving 2 behind, and 1 Mana Leak, in side board, leaving 2 behind, into 2 Traitorous Blood, to help the 3 Phyrexian Metamorph deal with creature threats, like indestructibles.
These changes help deal with removal threats to my werewolves, and a wide variety of other threats, better.
The changes are worth the 1 extra card slot added to make the deck go from 61 cards, 22 lands, .3606% land, mana ratio, 4 Birds,mana dudes, 2.54 ave cmc, 3, 4 of's, 3, 2 of's, rest 3 of's, into 62 cards, 22 lands, .3548% land, mana ratio, 4 birds, mana dudes, 2, 4x, 4 of's, 7, 2x, 2 of's, and 6, 3x, 3 of's, a 2.52 ave cmc.
7, 2 of's might seem like to many, but 2 of those 2 of's have the other 2 in the sideboard, so because of that in a way, they are 3,4 of's in a way, altho they are technically 2 of's. Also the 2 Arc Trails, and 2 Brimstone Volley's are like having a 4 of 1 red burn card. As long as I get,draw 1 of the 4 red burn cards, that are split into 2 of's. So in a way I have a 4 of a red burn card, altho I technically don't have a 4 of 1 red burn card, and have 2, 2 of's of 2 red burn cards, instead.
Also running 62 cards, 22 lands, .3548% land, mana ratio, 4 Bird, mana dudes, a 2.52 ave cmc, 2 Hinterland Harbors, and 2 mana leaks, doesn't ruin my mana base, and doesn't cause me to mulligan. I only have to mulligan 14 to 17 times per every 100 games played. that's because my highest cmc card is 4 cmc, and I only have 7 4 cmc cards, and the 2.52 ave cmc of the deck is LOW, and the Mana Curve is great, and the Bird, mana dudes help me get out enough mana.
Running the changes I made at 62 cards, instead of 61, and more 2 of's, is a little tiny bit more riskier, but is worth it, because of how good the changes are.
Updated the DECK BREAKDOWN, Updates section, sideboard out slots list, sideboard,etc.
The deck TRULY has answers for almost everything
March 29, 2012 12:05 a.m.