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Fierce Faeries



Green/Blue Faeries beatdown

amass a quick small (4 or 5) "wimpy" faerie army and then when you have enough throw the faerie curve ball and pump them up like crazy with Faerie Noble tricks and a Scion of Oona or two and wham!

The faerie curve ball:

Scryb Ranger or Pestermite + Faerie Noble : tap +1/+0 , untap , tap again +2/+0, untap again, re-tap again +3/+0.

In an average game you should be able to pump at least +2 or +3, I've done it up to +5/+0 once or twice with the right combination of multiple copies of scryb rangers, pestermites, or nobles in play.

Other note worthy tricks:

Indigo Faerie + Scryb Ranger: invincible blocker from all creatures

Seal of Removal - save a faerie or bounce a blocker. I've also bounced my own Mistbind Clique to return a championed Spellstutter Sprite or Pestermite

Cloud of Faeries + Simic Growth Chamber

only hiccup is, that you just need to remember to cast your Scion of Oona AFTER, not BEFORE, you use the faerie noble untap and retap tricks ... because if you don't then you cant do them at all because of shroud... =(

if only hexproof was around back then,


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Revision 1 See all

(11 years ago)

-1 Faerie Conclave main
+3 Indigo Faerie main
-1 Peppersmoke main
-1 River of Tears main
-1 Swamp main
Date added 13 years
Last updated 10 years

This deck is Legacy legal.

Rarity (main - side)

12 - 0 Rares

14 - 0 Uncommons

22 - 0 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.29
Folders Built/Own
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