My take on the Fight Club deck which is rapidly gaining popularity. It's been a long time since I've ventured into a green build. I like the idea of the Fight Club deck and it seems like a fun deck to run. I chose to feild the standard playset of the Ulvenwald Tracker, Young Wolf, and Strangleroot Geist. I've considered Llanowar Elves, but I haven't playtested enough to know yet. The Young Wolf would be the swap for it. Nightshade Peddler was a no brainer as well, as being able to Deathtouch fight gives me some great removal options to set up for a big attack. Garruk Relentless gives me fodder to fight with, especially with Deathtouch, as well as being able to tutor for that needed creature, or set up for one last big attack. Mortarpod was an interesting idea, as it's harder to remove than the Ulvenwald Tracker in some cases, and when equipped to a creature with Deathtouch theme extends the theme of removal further into the deck.
Bramblecrush gives me a way to crack annoying lands, or Planeswalkers, and Revenge of the Hunted gives me utility to deal with mass tokens/creatures, lure in Delvers, or set up a lethal swing. Noxious Revival helps cycle key cards if it arises.
Sideboard:Acidic Slime gives me another creature with Deathtouch, and some more spot removal. As well as another copy of Bramblecrush.
Fog puts mass aggro off long enough to let me leak in some damage. As well as Gnaw to the Bone to prolong the game. Grafdigger's Cage shuts off Pod, and Reanimator.
This build remains untested, and I'll be updating the build as I get chances to play it.