Filibusta' Foxes | Endless Expedition
Commander / EDH
Cowed by Wisdom
is ok, but the issue is that it only targets one creature, I need things that keeps larger numbers of creatures under lock and key. Indestructible is actually something I'm looking for more of.
For what the fox may or may not say, the graphic on the bottom should have answered that.
October 6, 2013 3:02 a.m.
Aelorith2117 says... #4
well what about something like Ensnaring Bridge , Marble Titan or Meekstone ?
October 6, 2013 10:47 a.m.
Unfortunately those also effect me, and many of my creatures can and do get much much bigger than what they are.
I should add Glare of Heresy
October 6, 2013 1:56 p.m.
I love the fox tribal thing. More lands would do you a lot of good, 38-40 lands is a good average for EDH.
You would want more Artifact mana ramp and land searches:
Sol Ring is a must.Caged Sun is very good for mono colored decks.Solemn Simulacrum is a must in EDH.Expedition Map Armillary Sphere Wayfarer's Bauble Journeyer's Kite so you never miss a land drop.Eternal Dragon Land Tax depending on your budget.Lotus Bloom isn't that bad either.Gilded Lotus Darksteel Ingot and maybe even Gold Myr .
December 28, 2013 12:28 a.m.
I've thought about Ingot and Lotus, and Exped Map is almost a must, but thats why I want Tithe
, Gift of Estates
, and Endless Horizons
, they thin the deck more appropriately.
If I can edit the deck to the changes I want, it should open up to me more of, what is a dead draw and what isn't. Then your suggestions would be more likely as my next choice.
If only I had a Sol Ring, at all :(
December 28, 2013 12:39 a.m.
Gienah, I added a bunch of, at least temporary, Artifact mana ramp, and overall updated the deck... I underestimated the last time I updated this from the actual deck (I've had Caged Sun
in the deck forever, idk why it wasn't listed).
Still room for improvement after I play it a few more times. I think I'm going to enjoy Paradise Plume
, I used to play it when I first started and it was a good card, so it should be enjoyable here too.
December 28, 2013 4:04 a.m.
Dorotheus, yeah you have to make sure your mana is set in EDH, especially with such a low land count, or your opponents will wreck you. Not having lands is probably the most annoying thing in EDH. I run a Jund Dragons deck that has 34 lands and 14 ways to ramp so my mana is rarely low.
I used to run a mono-white equipment Kemba/8.5 Tails Deck. Ran 38 lands with some ramp and was still mana hungry even then (or maybe I just suck at shuffling). Your average cmc is pretty low so it may not affect you as much, but more lands never hurt. Through playing you can find out which cards probably won't have much use and you can replace with some more lands. Looking at Kitsune Diviner as a possible change unless you play against people that use spirit creatures.
December 28, 2013 6:18 p.m.
I want to keep my land count low, my better decks run about the same, and I'd like to get it to that point, but I mean... this isn't a green deck. I probably won't drop Kitsune Diviner since it only costs W. I always want to have at least 3 land by turn 3. 6 is optimum since it basically gives me 2 plays a turn. I've been playing EDH for a bit now, now, I know how it works, but white is the only color I've really stayed away from, as I find it weak and annoying. They've given it a little boost these past few blocks though, but still. But most of the time it just comes down to I don't have the trades that people want, or the money.
December 28, 2013 9:33 p.m.
I have Patron of the Kitsune but when I played it, it was never practical and usually caused people to start slinging spells at me because of my life-gain OR I just never had the mana. Its also slightly impractical because I can make use of the Offering as much as I'd like to. If it were also a Fox-type creature then it'd 100% be in here though, shame of WoTc for that... but I guess they are ascendant beings.
December 30, 2013 9:50 a.m.
+1 for your recommendations. Gonna steal some from here too
June 7, 2014 5:34 a.m.
Blisterdark says... #14
Land Tax for more consistent land drops and being able to thin the deck more?
June 12, 2014 4:05 p.m.
I actually don't really have mana issues anymore and I don't have a Land Tax nor can I get one. If anything, I get flooded now, and the deck lacks threats which is fine... I could take out 1/2 of the creatures and just put in better ones, but I want to keep it tribal-ish (self-imposed hindrance) . Also, Mind Grind is huge right now and I only have 33 lands, and I get at least 10-15 a game.
June 12, 2014 8:26 p.m.
NeoChrisOmega says... #17
I love what you did with the deck!My girlfriend loves foxes, so I thought of a commander deck with Rune-Tailas well :)
I like how you are trying to keep it themed around the foxesas much as possible. I wish the had more fox types haha
Gave you a thumb up :D
September 15, 2016 8:53 p.m.
Suggestions for fun stuff:
- Catastrophe is a super-fun board wipe, especially if you want to go the land destruction/threatened land destruction route. Play of the Game is also maybe a good idea in a multiplayer setting.
- To protect yourself from mean opponents who hate fun, I could suggest Spirit of the Hearth, Leyline of Sanctity, Seht's Tiger...
- More O-Ring effects could be fun, so maybe Admonition Angel could be worth a look.
- Also, in lieu of Moat, maybe Magus of the Moat and, in that same vein, Magus of the Tabernacle could help to ensure that people don't mess with you (too much).
- In terms of Planeswalkers, the only one I can think of that might be useful is Elspeth Tirel, largely because she resets the board quite a bit and provides protection (plus, she's not the huge target that Elspeth, Knight-Errant or Elspeth, Sun's Champion are).
Aelorith2117 says... #1
Cowed by Wisdom ?
October 6, 2013 12:12 a.m.