

Golgari creature control that utilizes the destruction of permanent's, board states mean nothing when your aim is to maximize your graveyard's.

Technically this deck is considered over powered in group plays among people I've played against. Using various combos to inflict control on the board.

Merciless Executioner + Meren of Clan Nel Toth Bounce back kill combo.

Butcher of Malakir + Dictate of Erebos + Grave Pact with any sacking creatures such as Sakura-Tribe Elder , Awakening Zone , and From Beyond With the eldrazi tokens.

Awakening Zone + Butcher of Malakir your tiny mana dorks when sacrificed for mana will trigger other opponents to lose creatures. Gotta have that mana.

Short and simple, what you kill is now yours for the taking.

Grave Betrayal and It That Betrays any of the listed creature killing cards:

1. Archfiend of Depravity 2. Grave Pact 3. Dictate of Erebos 4. Decree of Pain 5. Plaguecrafter 6. Fleshbag Marauder 7. Butcher of Malakir

If there is a board wipe the usage of Grave Betrayal will ensure your reign is strong, as long as no enchantment destruction is performed.

Kill your tokens for either mana or as pawns to block incoming attackers. Ensure the slaughter continues. Spawnsire of Ulamog because why not, we already planned on making no friends with this deck. Especially when using his secondary to bring out our sideboard. Pawn of Ulamog + Sakura-Tribe Elder (works best when killing your own creatures) Killing your creatures with Pitiless Plunderer on the field will help with producing treasure tokens.
Half of the time there is a high probability of top decking and when that happens we are dead in the water. The obvious function is killing your own creatures to keep the game in a frustrating stalemate. Cards such as Catacomb Sifter , Harvester of Souls , Skullclamp , Ob Nixilis Reignited , and Phyrexian Arena help to ensure a plan.

Your commander Jarad, Golgari Lich Lord is key for the final blow for all enemies. Feed your creatures to his secondary ability to deal direct damage. Classic combo Jarad, Golgari Lich Lord + Lord of Extinction .

A secondary combo is Mikaeus, the Unhallowed + Triskelion for the infinite damage.

The deck is also designed to be switched with either Meren of Clan Nel Toth or Jarard, Golgari Lich Lord. Always a fun deck to play and one that I intend to keep for awhile.

"Let the sacrifice's be the demise of the enemy, let the blood spilled by your own taint their wounds, slaughter all for the Glory of the Kill."

A cleaner and more smoother version of deck: Sovereign Sacrifice.


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92% Competitive