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Firedancers would like to FaceTime...

Modern Aggro Budget Burn Mono-Red Red Deck Wins



Sorcery (1)

Help wanted and suggestions welcome! especially with the sideboard! Don't forget to +1 if you like it.

A very fun mono-red burn deck with some solid creatures to better beat your opponent's face in with. Enter the unnecessarily long description:

Monastery Swiftspear- Quality one drop, already seeing use in modern and for a good reason. If you can get her down turn one, the game will probably go well for you, and Prowess helps her stay useful as the game goes on.

Spark Elemental- Another crazy good one drop, strong and only usable once, but usually thats all we need out of him

Satyr Firedancer- The star of the deck, he lets you burn your opponent's face all day and still kill their creatures at the same time. Having one out is dangerous, if you can get two out and your opponent is gonna have a real hard time keeping any sort of board presence.

Hell's Thunder- a strong one turn beater. I like him a little better than Ball Lightning because of flying and unearth; unearth can really help you out if the game runs longer than you expect it to, which is definitely a scenario to watch out for as a burn deck.

The rest of the deck is burn spells for you to hurl at your opponent's face and dispose of anything you need to along the way. They dont need much explanation, but notable ones include:

Magma Jet - the more I play test this deck, the more I like this card, more often than not the Scry 2 ends up being exactly what you need, and that 2 damage can go surprisingly far.

Searing Blood - works phenomenally well with Satyr Firedancer, kill a creature, burn their face, then burn another one of their creatures! basically free lightning bolts for everyone

Again I am always open to suggestions, feel free to recommend anything, especially burn spells and sideboard cards. I find this deck to be really fun to play, and can get pretty consistent turn 4/5 kills. Enjoy!


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Date added 9 years
Last updated 9 years

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

10 - 0 Rares

25 - 0 Uncommons

4 - 0 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 1.85
Folders Modern Online Budget, MustTryNext, cool decks
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