First 11 days in M.T.G.! Help me defeat my gf!

Standard* whisenhuntn

SCORE: 6 | 104 COMMENTS | 1239 VIEWS

Maverick_Titan says... #1

What are the Wastes for?

May 19, 2017 3:16 a.m.

whisenhuntn says... #2

@ titan... i have no idea now that i think about it... i have a hazoret the fervent and some other planeswalkers that only require like 1 mountain or one plains whats your suggestion?

May 19, 2017 3:20 a.m.

whisenhuntn says... #3

my planeswalkers and gods are....liliana of the dark realms x1bontu the glorified x1hazoret the fervent x1ob nixilis reignited x1

To the dude who p.m.'ed me i am going mono black because i give my gf the other 4 colorslike 60% of the cards i get out of boosters go to her <3

May 19, 2017 3:29 a.m.

Maverick_Titan says... #4

Well that isn't how colorless mana works. Colorless is essentially it's own color now as does not equal a Wastes will only produce in a mana cost. So you can probably just drop them and stick to your 22 swamps. Other than that you also don't need Prophetic Prism because you don't need any other color of mana. Other than that you wanna keep your deck to 60 cards to keep your odds on your side with drawing the cards you want.

I can tell you've probably just been cracking booster packs and creating a deck with whatever you get which is all well and good, but try and get more of a solid strategy for your deck other than just black cards. You will never get a reliable draw with so many 1-of's in your deck. I would be curious to hear how you are getting your cards and if you may happen to have multiple of any of the cards you feel strongly about for your deck.

Any idea what strategy your GF's deck is?

May 19, 2017 3:31 a.m.

whisenhuntn says... #5


colorless is essentially its own color -_-

i can bring my swamps up to 24 by subtracting the 2 wastes. Will do.

i was shooting for 65 cards. but im all ears on the whole "getting the cards you want thing"

i have 4 of every amonkhet swamp card (except the invocations/bontu the glorified of course)

(i lied i have an entomb invocations)

but try and get more of a solid strategy for your deck other than just black cards.

i have given my other 4 colors to my gf since day 1.... i wanted this...

i guess the idea of a mono black deck was too tasty to resist

plus... think of all the brownie points im getting..

in the past 11 days ive been given 3 fat packs and half a booster box and a deck builders toolkit

May 19, 2017 3:45 a.m.

Maverick_Titan says... #6

I don't think that there is an issue with going mono-black. There are a lot of strong black cards in Standard right now, particularly the Zombies. I would check out some Zombie standard decks and tweak them for the cards that you have (if you don't feel like buying singles). I don't think you need 24 lands in this deck, 22 at most. You shouldn't rely on getting your bug creatures out to win. 3x Nightmare is probably too many. I would pick some of the solid 3-drop/4-drop cards and put 4-of them in. Honestly the less different creatures the better. I struggled with wanting to keep similar but different cards in my decks when I first started, but the bottom line is that consistency is key in magic. The more consistent your draws can be the better you will do.

It sounds like you have collected more than enough cards to create a sweet mono-black deck, you just have to figure out what kind of strategy you want to go with and try to keep cards that are synergetic to that concept!

May 19, 2017 3:54 a.m.

Maverick_Titan says... #7

Don't get too hung up on combos that 'would be sick if...' because the odds of you getting that very specific circumstance at the right time are very slim. For example you have Syndicate Trafficker if your deck, and you only have 1 artifact in your deck. So the odds of triggering his ability in your deck are very slim.

May 19, 2017 3:57 a.m.

whisenhuntn says... #8

My gf plays mountain and forest and has nissa voice of zendicar as her planeswalker

check out zombie standard decks... will do thx.

22 at most. got it. im listening.

consistency is key in magic.(1st person to tell me this)

sweet mono-black deck (sweet enough to beat my gf?)

'would be sick if.. (made me lol irl)(i confess its true!)

any info is appreciated... what would you suggest for the nightmares... maybe 1?

any idea a person 12 days into magic can give me is greatly appreciated

May 19, 2017 4:07 a.m.

Maverick_Titan says... #9

Check out this deck Madness Sadness! It's simple, cheap, competitive. You probably have most of these cards.

May 19, 2017 4:12 a.m.

... Maybe not if you have only been collecting AMK

May 19, 2017 4:18 a.m.

whisenhuntn says... #11

i only have amonkhet swamps... i have no idea what set those are from... i get the general idea loud and clear....

once agin thanks for the helpful advice thats a crazy mana curve(learned that term literally yesterday) on that deck...

whats the purpose of a curve like my noob brain it seems in late game it would leave you with weaker creatures...

wait... they may be weaker... but you can spam them....

plz keep the info/ideas coming

May 19, 2017 4:20 a.m.

The idea of an aggressive (aggro) deck is that there is no late game. They are designed to win by turn 5 or 6 so that opponent doesn't have time to get to that point. Just keep countering their spells, getting creatures out and doing damage. Probably what I would recommend you do with your deck, honestly. Aggro decks are fun and easy to play, and usually pretty competitive.

May 19, 2017 4:24 a.m.

whisenhuntn says... #13

Hey whisenhuntn! any funny stories from your first 11 days?

Yes! i played 1x Cruel Reality and i forgot to remind my gf on her upkeep about the ability and i didnt want to say anything (because i read the card outloud)

she passes to me and i say okay whats your response to my cruel reality?

She gets flustered while on 11 life and her plainswalker on the battlefield and tells me that "ya know in a real game they wont remind you about your abilities"

I felt stupid and like some kind of injustice had happened and i just shutup...

untapped my cards... sighed... and moved on

May 19, 2017 4:32 a.m.

whisenhuntn says... #14

The idea of an aggressive (aggro) deck is that there is no late game.

thats a new and novel idea.. (google searching aggro amonkhet swamp deck)

Just keep countering their spells, getting creatures out and doing damage. Probably what I would recommend you do with your deck, honestly. Aggro decks are fun and easy to play, and usually pretty competitive.

counter spells

remove cards from hand

get creatures out and doing damage/defending

be aggro and consistently be aggro

a mono black B@!!s to the wall aggro deck.... Whats not to love?

Do you work in retail because you really sold the idea here...

P.S.- whats the rule on planeswalkers/ how many in a deck

if i want to end the game by turn 5/6 does that rule out plainswalkers from the deck

Keep messaging/ commenting i will type as fast as i can to respond!

May 19, 2017 4:45 a.m.

whisenhuntn says... #15

feel free to reference anything... stuff i shoud watch/read/listen to/websites to visit

Im 100% all ears

no rickrolls plz.

May 19, 2017 4:48 a.m.

A few basic tips: Stick to 60 cards. You might think more cards = more good stuff, but the main thing that makes good decks.... well... good, isn't the amount of good stuff but the consistency with which they draw good stuff. So it's about statistics basically. For a first deck, I'd go with an aggro strategy as it's easy to play, just like others have suggested. You'll want 3 or 4 copies of most cheap aggressive creatures and 2 or 3 copies of each spell, then maybe 1 or 2 bombs (Bomb = big creature or other large threat that will almost certainly win the game if it sticks around, e.g. cruel reality) with high converted mana cost (CMC). Having just 1 or 2 copies of each creature will make each game completely different and unpredictable. That's why you want maybe about 5 different creatures and 3 or 4 copies of each of those. Sorry that the advice isn't more focused on the deck as it stands, but i hope it helps anyway.

May 19, 2017 4:56 a.m.

Also, what kind of deck does your GF usually play? It might help people give you more targeted suggestions :)

May 19, 2017 5:01 a.m.

Spent a little time to 'optimize' your deck so to speak. Check it out and hope it helps! Beat Your Girlfriend... Not Physically

May 19, 2017 5:10 a.m.

Here is a quick rough draft improvement using cards you already have but you might need to get a few more copies of each. Hope it helps.

May 19, 2017 5:10 a.m.

whisenhuntn says... #20

A few basic tips: Stick to 60 cards.

Why? because consistency. got it.

aggro = good idea

is there some kind of "universal rule" on spells and creature cards in your deck?

i guess not because they vary in CMC

1 or 2 copies of each creature will make each game completely different and unpredictable.

5 different cheap and aggressive creatures x3/4 each

and variety in spells w/ same amount x3/4 each

and 1 or 2 bombs to warp the deck around them?

this advice is what im looking for! and im wanting more opinions/ ideas... everyone is saying mono black aggro... seems like a one way street.. any conflicting opinions out there?

It does help!i just learned bomb and cmc Thanks!

May 19, 2017 5:12 a.m.

PrismaticSparx Why Syndicate Trafficker with no artifacts?

whisenhuntn If you want to keep it standard you could easily switch some cards out. But I think you've got a good start now!

May 19, 2017 5:13 a.m.

whisenhuntn says... #22

@ prismaticsparxshe makes me die using her plainswalker ability which is a nissa from memory where the top card from her library cmc is the amount of life i lose...she takes my cards and turns them against me using act of treason....i had my nightmare at 7/7 And she beat me to death with going to look at your Rough draft and get back w/ you

@titan i havent got a chance too look yet im about to when i finish this comment

Keep the ideas flowing!

please be patient as i am doing my best to respond to everyone

May 19, 2017 5:19 a.m.

TitanofYAW My bad, I thought that was the "sacrifice an artifact or creature" card , aka, Defiant Salvager. Although Weaponcraft Enthusiast does give servos I suppose. Updated.

May 19, 2017 5:19 a.m.

No worries bro, I threw a little description in there for you. Good luck!

May 19, 2017 5:22 a.m.

FYI you can attack her Planeswalker so that it doesn't get to its final ability.

May 19, 2017 5:24 a.m.

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