Hi, im a begginer player trying to make a Dragon deck. I wanted to play a red/black dragon with Kolaghan Storm's Fury and Sarkhan the dragonspeaker as main cards, but since the new standard will put both of them out, i don't know what to do.
Any help would be great.
PD: My intention is to still continue playing the new sarkhan and the thunderbreaks, but still, your comments can make a huge difference :)
PD2: Sorry for my bad english, i am from Chile, thank you.
Well, its funny, but i dont't have enough money to buy a deck with Khans of Tarkir and/or Fate Reforged cards, becouse they will left the Standard format too soon, and i can't afford a deck rebuild in that little time. So, i've got an idea "im gonna build a deck just with Dragons of Tarkir, Origins, Battle for Zendikar and Oath of the Gatewach cards, so, i can endure to April with my deck and when the new expansions come, i will just add cards that makes even stronger the deck.
So, that's why i will not put Atarka World Render, Sarkhan the Dragonspeaker, Wild Slash or ANY fetch land, even if those are awesome cards.
This deck depends a lot of the amount of lands on the first draw.
0 is useless
1 almost useless
2 relatively fine (if you get cards like Fiery Impulse, Dragon Roar or Clutch of Currents to keep you alive via trolling the first creatures of your oponent)
3 awesome
4 awesome!
5 enough, not more plz.
So as i've said, first turns depends heavily on endurance. Thus said, is really easy to endure with the aforementioned spells or with Dragonlord Servant (for a few turns).
Cards like Abbot of Keral Keep or Oath of Nissa (especialy this second one) in combo with Atarka's Command are GREAT to speed up your game, so with a realitvely good hand, you can have easily 5 lands on your third turn.
After you have enough mana to cast your Thunderbreak Regent or Sarkhan Unbroken, or maybe spam tokens with Dragonmaster Outcast, the rest is all fun. You can easily twist a 4 - 20 game.
Again, this deck needs and WAITS to be upgraded with the new expansion sets, but for now i just searching ways to be even more fast in summoning the mana-expensive creatures.
This is the first deck that i've made and, to be honest, the first one that i've played. I've made it reading just on Gatherer and some combos from this site, and then made the changes of my "poorplayer recipe" (no card from soon-outdated sets xd). I would be glad to get advices of players that knows lots and lots of cards that i don't even can spell.