AzureVigil says... #2
Inspiring Call is on sideboard. I pretty much always put it in when I feel my draw going bad after the first game. If it went bad the first time around, I run for Inspiring Call to give me some hope.
Valorous Stance was a good add. Citadel Siege always came out late - though it wasn't horrible. I feel that this change is better as an overall aggro move. Thanks for the suggestion.
October 21, 2015 9:41 p.m.
scipionumantia says... #3
How about adding [Vastwood Hydra] Similar concept to the deck I'm currently building except I'm using artifact creatures to bounce and multiply tokens with bolster+modular. I had hydra in my deck but took him out because once the tokens got to him it was more or less a deadend. He could probably do work in your deck though
crexalbo says... #1
Inspiring Call is an amazing card draw and creature protection spell. Cast it on your opponent's attack step to draw massive amounts of cards and block their assault.
October 21, 2015 8:47 p.m.