First EDH deck: Naya Cheat in Updated

Commander / EDH Lunar_Wing


eliakimras says... #1

Some hints I can give about your manabase:

August 12, 2019 9:37 p.m.

Lunar_Wing says... #2

Thanks eliakimras. Turns out I had a Command Tower laying around and I was just about to add it in. Took out Drownyard Temple . I will keep my eyes out for all your suggestions!

August 12, 2019 10:05 p.m.

eliakimras says... #3

August 13, 2019 4:33 a.m.

Free_Iona says... #4

I like the inclusion of Eidolon, as it slows the game down considerably, giving you time to set up. I think ramp, ramp, ramp is the order of the day, here. I'm not seeing Rampant Growth or Farseek the two premier ramps spells of the format. Pretty cheap to pick up, too. Kodama's Reach and Cultivate are also must-have, as is Tempt with Discovery if you can find one :) I also think you can find room for more targeted, cheap removal eventually.

What's great about Mayael is no two decks are the same; everyone has their own personal preferences and "favourite" creatures. As well as their own unique meta situations.

I have my own Mayael deck if you need inspiration: The Safari Zone {Primer}

Good luck with the deck! :)

August 14, 2019 5:40 p.m.

bushido_man96 says... #5

I agree with having more ramp. You can do this through spells, as Chhris suggested, which are good, or you can add some more mana rocks, like the Signets: Selesnya Signet , Gruul Signet , and Boros Signet , and/or the Talismans: Talisman of Conviction , Talisman of Impulse , and Talisman of Unity . I'd prefer to run one or more of these over a mana rock like Gilded Lotus . The Lotus is nice, but when ramp costs 5 CMC, you have to start to wonder if it's really ramp. I'd probably drop the Gruul Keyrune and Thran Dynamo to run some of these cheaper costed mana rocks. But that's my preference, and it would help drop the overall average CMC of your deck, which is pretty high with all the fatties you're running.

I'd look into cutting Warp World and Breath of Life , unless you just really like to mess with the table with Warp World. Breath of Life is a good reanimator spell, but it doesn't seem like it's what your plan with this deck is, and putting in another ramp spell or rock would probably be better served in that slot.

I think Anger would be a good cut, too, as it tends to run better with decks that can just throw it into the bin reliably, as opposed to just waiting for an opponent to kill it for you, or using it as sac fodder. eliakimras suggestion of Rhythm of the Wild is a good one, and if you are looking for another similar spell, Fires of Yavimaya is another budget option.

If you have the money to spend, getting cards like Sylvan Library and Mirri's Guile really work well with setting up for a big Mayeal play. If you can afford to find those, they're great.

It looks like a good start, so have fun with it!

August 22, 2019 10:42 p.m.

Free_Iona says... #6

I used to run Anger but cut it for ! Hammer of Purphoros and Rhythm of the Wild as their is no way to reliably get Anger to the graveyard in these colours :/ bushido_man96

August 22, 2019 10:55 p.m.

WUBRG87 says... #7

I like what you got going on here! +1! Mayeal's awesome. She too, was one of the first decks i ever built. I have a few suggestions for you though, if you don't mind.

I would replace the Lifespring Druid for Birds of Paradise . Hes does the exact same tning, he's just more efficient at one green. Also, with having only two mountains, take out Chained to the Rocks as I think that if you drew it and you don't have a mountain its a dead draw. I would replace it with a Swords to Plowshares or Path to Exile . Champion of Rhonas is a good card in the early game maybe your opponents don't have blockers or the blockers they do have are just small 1/1 mana dorks or something than hes great. But Quicksilver Amulet and Elvish Piper * are more efficient im my opinion. As you have no need to attack to get the effect and can do it anytime you have priority. (Even on your opponents turns)

Paleoloth and Spellbreaker Behemoth run great with Mayael because they care about anything power 5 or greater. Plus, Mayael's Aria is a fun and flavorful wincon for you! Hope at least a part of this was helpful. Again, +1! Great list for a first start especially! Oh, and Godsire is just a BEAST in Mayeal!

August 22, 2019 11:23 p.m.

x12721 says... #8

I've found a few cards that may interest you, based on your description. There are a number of enchantments in your colors that function as good sac outlets: Weaponize the Monsters, Barrage of Expendables, and Goblin Bombardment all sacrifice creatures for direct damage, while Fanatical Devotion and Martyr's Cause both provide some sort of protection. If you'd like to stay in green, Evolutionary Leap is about as close as you'll get to Greater Good. As far as other good sac outlets, High Market is an excellent way to crack your eggs, and Spawning Pit is a decent budget Altar effect (as Ashnod's Altar may be a bit expensive. As far as other suggestions, I can't recommend Skullclamp enough (if your budget allows). Changelings are also something to look out for, as they also count as Eggs for your commander. Notably, Maskwood Nexus and Birthing Boughs are both sources of eggs (and the Nexus combos VERY well with your commander) and Mirror Entity is another combo piece for you.

March 24, 2022 4:18 p.m.

x12721 says... #9

Also, Garruk's Uprising is usually better than Colossal Majesty/Elemental Bond.

March 24, 2022 4:25 p.m. Edited.

Lunar_Wing says... #10

Thank you x12721 for the suggestions! I don't buy singles so its really what I get from trades with friends and what what I pull from packs. Yes I know pack are not the best way to get the cards you want but I enjoy the process of working with what I got.

Goblin Bombardment, High Market, and Ashnod's Altar I will put on my list of stuff to look out for! Im on the fence about the changelings currently. I do have a Mirror Entity laying around in another deck if I feel like giving it a try. Also why not Skullclamp? I did have this in this deck until like 3 days ago when I took it out for a different deck. But thinking back now, I think this deck might get more use out of it to be honest.

March 24, 2022 4:30 p.m.

x12721 says... #11

Skullclamp is amazing, as it not only turns your Eggs into two cards and a big creature for cheap, but can also help you rebuild after a boardwipe. On that note, do you have any issues with that? I like Heroic Intervention in decks like this to help protect all my stuff.

March 24, 2022 4:40 p.m.

Lunar_Wing says... #12

I've got a few things laying around like Flawless Maneuver in other decks but most of my protection are white spells. This is my latest change to this deck so I'm still testing it out to see where it lacks but that a good idea to add some protection in the mix.

March 24, 2022 4:45 p.m.

bushido_man96 says... #13

Slice in Twain could be replaced with any number of better removal spells that are cheaper to cast. Like Wilt. Instead of Greater Good, you could run something like Fanatical Devotion or Martyr's Cause, which can double up in protecting a creature on your board, like your commander. You can even sneak a sac outlet into the mana base with a card like High Market. Goblin Bombardment is good, too. Demonmail Hauberk is sneaky useful here too. If you are sacrificing creatures a lot, Fecundity can draw you a ton of cards.

It seems to me that you could use some more eggs in this deck. Changlings are a good way to fill that void, and having more eggs will speed things up and fill your board up faster.

March 25, 2022 11:21 a.m.

Lunar_Wing says... #14

Thanks! I will likely take out Slice in Twain for Return to Dust once I go threw my box of whites. Pretty sure I have another one somewhere. I left it in for now since it at least comes with a draw. Not so sure about Fecundity. Isn't that a bit of a double edged sword? I don't feel like helping others draw into an out for me. Also I just realized something yesterday during a match. I have very little to out powerful creature's with powerful ability's. I just got completely shut down by Stormtide Leviathan. Might need some more targeted destruction in here

March 25, 2022 1:31 p.m.

bushido_man96 says... #15

Targeted removal is a good thing. But I wouldn't run Return to Dust either. At 4 mana, you just as well go with a boardwipe. And being able to double it up by casting it as a sorcery is not a good trade off. Swords to Plowshares is a much better option. Beast Within and Lignify are good ways to isolate threatening creatures.

Fecundity can benefit your opponents, yes. But thought here is that if you have a deck that is focused on killing creatures for advantage, then you will probably benefit more than your opponents. I honestly think there are players that worry too much about other players benefiting from some of your own plays. Its an interactive game, and it makes it fun. Cards like that can help you gain some allies at the table at times. It's strictly your call, but I personally play the card and enjoy it.

I would say that you could probably look at cutting your planeswalkers for some things that will actually help your deck do what it wants to do. Yes, planeswalkers are cool, and the ones you are running do some generally good things, but I don't think they lend to your deck's focus. You can't hunt them out with Atla, and none of them produce anything that Atla can use.

Glancing over the list, it looks like you have a lot of precon hangover, with lots of creatures that make tokens when they come into play. You have several cards that populate, too. Those play more into Ghired's ability than Atla's. If you want to focus on Atla, then you want to go in on making Egg tokens, as opposed to any of the others. That's where some changelings can come in handy.

March 25, 2022 2:56 p.m.

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