With chapters of Flight Club all over the country, prospective members have been standing on our doorstep for days. It’s time we hand pick the latest batch of recruits and work on strengthening them through unification, working toward a common goal.
•Let’s start with our weak and feeble central character, The Narrator.
A 1/1 Flyer, he’s…pathetic. An overworked, underpaid Momma’s boy kept drowning in the waters of Corporate America, he does have a certain knack for seeing the big picture. Cast him for a single and scry 2 to help further the interests of our little club.
•Faerie Miscreant is about as vanilla a creature as they come, another lowly 1/1 for 1. The built in card draw has proven effective in playtesting, and as 1/1 will quickly snowball into a 2/2, 3/3 and beyond this little rogue can become quite potent—if she manages to stick around.
•Judge's Familiar is the easiest spell in the deck to cast, and makes a fine Turn 1 play. Ever faithful to the cause, it thinks nothing of sacrificing itself to disrupt the actions of those who would oppose our organization. Look no further, for we have found our Power Animal.
•Empyrean Eagle functions as one of our more useful creatures, instantly augmenting the strength of every other creature in the deck. Robust, effective, and worth every bit of its cost.
•Thunderclap Wyvern is a more specialized variation of the aforementioned creature. An extra gives us the ability to Flash it in for a group hug, which can be quite unexpected. Given our array of counterspells our opponent will most definitely be anticipating that we hold some untapped mana in reserve, but Flashing in a defensive blocker which pumps everything else we have in play may prove surprising.
•Tyler Durden is everything you wish you were and nothing that you are. Inspiring recruits with lifelink or bestowing a sense of immortality on all charter members of our little club, Tyler is the Alpha Male, one of “God’s own prototypes”.
Creative license aside, the anthem effects brought to the table by this creature make casting it our primary goal we need to work toward. Granting everything else we own immortality and offering the benefit of Lifelink makes this 7/7 our win con, and the ease with which it can be put into play cannot be understated. Keep some counter magic at the ready, as ensuring this one hits the table is an absolute must.