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Fishing for wins




After playing the deck in Ixalan meta i updated it with the new Merfolks, which add a lot of consistency and speed to our aggro plan:_We drop River Sneak but we got a 1 drop with the same role, to chip in for damage if unanswered, we augment it with our shiny new lord, Merfolk Mistbinder and the new and updated metallic mimic, Deeproot Elite which allows us to be a lot more flexible with our attacks.

Kumena, Tyrant of Orazca works wonders to break open a stalled board, turning the waiting in card advantage and counter making, also providing an unblockable attacker in a pinch, 3 of them feel good to see it practically every game given our new found card draw engine Silvergill Adept, and i wanted to keep an over-performer of the last version of the deck in, so we have 2 copies of Herald of Secret Streams.We play 5 non creature spells in Blossoming Defense, Spell Pierce and Heroic Intervention, with the new round of bannings, i feel the meta is going to be forced to shift towards more sweepers so we may expect Sweltering Suns mainboard and some numbers of Hour of Devastation, so the numbers on spell pierce and intervention may vary going forward.

For our sideboard plan we keep the same philosophy of the last deck, we slow down considerably adding in Negates, Nissa, Steward of Elements which can become a Fireball with enough time and mana, and Essence Scatter to answer the usual suspects of standard: The Scarab God, Hazoret the Fervent and Torrential Gearhulk for all the control decks we will most certainly face with the new meta.The rest of the sideboard is pretty self-explainatory , with 3 copies of Skysovereign, Consul Flagship as an answer to the mirror, vampire matchups and whatever version of red comes now.

Thank you for the attention, all feedback is welcome and good luck in this new standard :)


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Date added 7 years
Last updated 7 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

3 - 5 Mythic Rares

11 - 2 Rares

26 - 3 Uncommons

7 - 5 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.00
Tokens Vizier of Many Faces 0/0 W
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