This deck is crazy. The philosophy of this deck is to use two cards to engine the entire deck, Bazaar of Baghdad and/or Anje Falkenrath. Every card in this deck will/should synergize with these two cards. Golos, Tireless Pilgrim might be the commander. But he is only there for color identity AND that he can tutor for Bazaar of Baghdad!

This means that the deck naturally becomes a graveyard deck. Running combos that utalize the grave somehow. Like Necrotic Ooze for example. With your high card draw power you can draw into your combo pieces and discard the ones that need to be in the grave.

But it is alos a really adaptiv deck and it can be built in a lot off different ways. There is infact a lot of different combos you could go for. So in this list I am showcasing different ides and combos you can go for. It is not a compleat deck that you can copy. But look at the list and and take ideas from it.

Dramatic Reversal and Isochron Scepter

This is a typical two card combo that gives us infinit mana. With infinit mana you cast your entier deck with Golos, Tireless Pilgrim. After that ... well. anything really. A big problem with this combo and why I don't really recommend it for Golos is that you need mana from your nonland pernaments. That isent always garantead. If you have a Birds of Paradise you get it.

Glint-Horn Buccaneer + Anje Falkenrath + a lot of MADNESS!

If you have a really high ratio of cards with the keyword MADNESS you can kill all your opponents by discarding your entire deck. Or maybe not the entier but high enough. This could fissle. but even if it fissle you still deal damage. If you have a Kozilek, Butcher of Truth in your deck you could go infinite looping your deck. For that to work, you might need a lot of madness cards.

What is good about this combo is that the mad vampire draws into the minatour. And both cards are in generall good inside the deck. So Anje Falkenrath more or less is a deck design one card combo that finds the rest of the combo.

Auriok Salvagers + Lion's Eye Diamond

Normally this is an all in combo where you discard your entire hand to gain infinite mana. But our grave is our hand so we don't always really care. With infinite mana we win with Golos, Tireless Pilgrim activated ability to cast the entire deck. From here you can win the game with something like Cut that is also a card that functions inside this deck. I made a youtube video on who Underworld Breach upgrades this combo.

The ratio of how many madness cards we should play is a really good discussion. It basically comes down to this. The more Madness cards you play the stronger your Glint-Horn Buccaneer + Anje Falkenrath combo gets. If you have a really high count the mad vampire truly becomes a one-card combo with really high consistency. But the more you play the weaker your deck becomes when you don't have Bazaar of Baghdad and/or Anje Falkenrath. Then again you get your commander land from your command zone for so we can quite consistently say that we will always have access too Bazaar of Baghdad. Still these mad cards will take up cards slots. Some are really great tho. My too personall favorites might be Fiery Temper and Circular Logic. They also have some really nice art these two cards. But if you cast them for thire madness cost and , only 1 mana! Then they are great.

This is also why I personally prefer putting Anje inside the 99 instead of having her as the commander. With all five color identitys, we get access to more and better madness cards. For example, did you know this card existed Frantic Purification. A white card with Madness, how crazy isn't that.

Sevinne, the Chronoclasm + Kess, Dissident Mage

It is a legendary jeskai creature. Quite expensive! 5 mana total is a lot. Instead of Anje Falkenrath and here crazy madness we could play this guy with all his flashbacks - aftermath - escape and more of the sort. I mean we fill the grave a lot. We might as well mention Kess, Dissident Mage here too.

Flashback cards are individually better than madness cards in general. The concept is also better. You have to cast your madness cards the moment you discard them. But with flashbacks, you cast them when you need to cast them.

But Anje Falkenrath is amazing at digging through the deck. Your deck would be better with flashback cards but the deck's synergy would be weaker.

Bone Miser

mana is a lot, but this card is a huge value engien. If you have this and your sudo-commander Anje Falkenrath your consistensy of discarding your entier deck is hugh. Considering we are discarding cards quite consistely this card will always be good inside this deck. but the five mana means its not always auto included.

Alesha, Who Smiles at Death

This is a small value engien for this deck. Discard creatures that Alesha can reanimat for only if she attacks. I ussally play a lot of mana dorks when I play this deck. So I can discard them and bring them back with this red creature. but Alesha can also bring back both Anje Falkenrath and Glint-Horn Buccaneer. So she is really good for my plan B, which is to rebuilding my plan A. So adding her will increas your decks resiliens and grind potential. But lower your speed and combo potential.

Anje's Ravager

I think this card is quite good actually. It has madness and that is great just what we need a lot off inside this deck. And it draws cards. Here is the thing. With Bazaar of Baghdadour hand size usually drops really low. I often have 1-2 cards in hand. That means that this vampire will increase our hand size. If I have zero cards in hand and is hellbent it will draw 3 cards! And if you have a huge hand size simply discard it and don't cast it for its madness cost, don't be mad bro.

also one more thing. It is a creature and we can get it into play in instant speed. Its really fun when creatures attack you and cast this and block the incomming attack. Sweet combat trick.

Squee, Goblin Nabob

A great card for this deck in my opinion. It makes the second looting effect you do into a pure carddrawing effect. This goblin will increas your handsize and trust me that is something you want with this deck. Looting isen't making your handsize bigger. Its making your grave bigger and your deck smaller. Squee, Goblin Nabob is fixing that perfectly. Without any mana spent!


I love that there are cards with effects we can utilize from our graveyard. it like casting we cast this card when we discard it. It's doing a similar thing to Squee, Goblin Nabobincreasing our hand size. Sure you have to pay in your upkeep. But if you return better cards to your hand then a 1/1 goblin. You can return a madness creature for example. Like Muck Drubb. And you can also return both Glint-Horn Buccaneer + Anje Falkenrath. So this card will help your plan B, which is to rebuild plan A. So adding this card will make your deck more resilient and more grindy. And in my opinion it dosen't really take up that much space considering we are always just going to discard it.

Irencrag Pyromancer

This is a red creature that bolts from time to time. It is really easy to get triggers with this creatutre from this deck. When you activat Bazaar of Baghdad you draw 2 cards. That means you can get triggers in instant speed whenever you want from only that.


Its a cute bordwhipe and sometimes your really need that. But its the Dawn aftermatch card that you can cast from your grave paying mana and return all creatures with power 2 or less back to your hand that we really like. Rebuilding your hand size. getting some madness creatures back to our hand (Nightshade Assassin and Big Game Hunter for example). This is a good card to help Anje Falkenrathdiscard your entier deck. But it can also be used to get both anje and Glint-Horn Buccaneer back from your grave into your hand. So its a good card that will make your combo more consistent and help with your plan B, which is to rebuilding my plan A.

Mirrodin Besieged

This cards goes into this decks gameplan quite well. It's doing exactly what we wanna do. Draw and discard. It will help us cast our madness cards and put cards into our grave couse we rather have them there. Going through our deck. Great. But it is also a wincon. A slow one but a functional one. It has a deck construction demand tho. 15 artifacts in your grave, that is quite a lot, it means we have to have a really high amount of artifacts inside the deck. This means we won't be able to play that many madness cards and utilize Anje that explosively.

Getting 15 artifacts inside your grave is not a big problem. Or well it will take some time to get there. But 3 cards from every Bazaar of Baghdad activation. you will get there.

All cEDH TV decks

I have a deck folder for all my decks I have made if you wanna look around for other ideas. I play close to every commander and strange gameplan. So there is a bunch of different decks in that folder. I have other more organized smaller folders of specific concepts too. But this folder simply contain everything I have ever made. Its a good place if you only wish to scroll around for inspiration.

Najeela decks

Five colored warrior boss! The blade lady is by fare my favorit commander. You can build so many different decks with here that I have a bunch. In this folder you will find all my Najeela decks I have. But you will also find my Najeela Primer. Wihch isen't a deck but an artical about her. Mostly what cards to play and not to play.



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33% Casual

67% Competitive

Date added 5 years
Last updated 3 years

This deck is Unknown legal.

Rarity (main - side)

9 - 0 Mythic Rares

42 - 0 Rares

19 - 0 Uncommons

22 - 0 Commons

Cards 184
Avg. CMC 3.39
Tokens Eldrazi Horror 3/2 C, Myr 1/1 C, Zombie 2/2 B
Folders All cEDH decks Folder, cEDH card list, General Decks of other People
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