Five Color God Stuff

Commander / EDH ElendVenture

SCORE: 550 | 271 COMMENTS | 175558 VIEWS | IN 366 FOLDERS

Mxyzptlk says... #1

I'm trying to work on my own version of a pantheon EDH deck, so I love this. First, using the demigods is a great move devotion-wise. Nice! Second, you might want to add Prismatic Omen as another way to help color fix your mana. If all your lands are every type all at once, you don't have to worry about color splits.

As far as the commander goes I'm a little wary of Karona, False God . True, she fits the flavor well, but she can turn into a liability, especially if your opponents are running a tribal deck. Meanwhile, I don't think Child of Alara would help you as a commander since it would never touch the graveyard. You could run Progenitus , which is godlike with its crazy protection. Granted, it's also crazy expensive to cast and you'd basically have to treat it as a win condition by itself. Just some things to think about.

Also, since I was too lazy to go through each card individually, do you have anything that makes Leyline of Singularity really helpful? Since there's only one of everything, I don't quite see it's usefulness for Commander.

Kudos on the build. +1

April 18, 2014 2:15 a.m.

ElendVenture says... #2

Prismatic Omen !! I think I will have to find a spot for this ASAP.

I considered Progenitus , and I am still considering him. With Karona, False God , there is no reason for my to bring her out unless I already have gods on the field. At that point, most threats won't make it through. As it is, I normally build my decks so that the commander never really matters in the long run, it's just there to help the deck win a little more when it needs to.

Leyline of Singularity would help with Heroes' Podium (I think), but I haven't decided what to take out for it yet. Heck, I may just take the leyline out all together.

Thanks for the input! :D

April 18, 2014 2:43 a.m.

gitruih says... #3

Nice deck. Here is my attempt of playing with the gods Pantheon descended I too Child of Alara as general and tried to play around all that indestructible thing.

April 18, 2014 6:42 a.m.

ElendVenture says... #4

@gitruih Thanks! :D If I decide to go more off the indestructibility thing, I'm going to go more extreme and throw every board wipe possible. :p

April 18, 2014 10:14 a.m.

Mxyzptlk says... #5

I think the indestructibility angle is a great thing to include, especially because Wrath of God . <= Flavor and synergy with the Therian gods.

Also, I was just making some updates to my deck, Temple Under Construction, and I noticed a couple snags with the Shadowmoor demigods. Half of Demigod of Revenge 's effect is dead weight since you can only have one of him. Not that he's not still a strong creature as a 5/4 with flying and haste, but if you ended up needing room for something else maybe he's your fall guy. And Godhead of Awe does NOT play nice with others. Unfortunately there's not a lot that can fill the U/W devotion slot in the same way. Maybe Isperia, Supreme Judge ? Plumeveil ? Idk. I personally don't like the idea of letting Godhead bring all my other creatures down to 1/1. She's kind of a narcissistic B.

April 18, 2014 11:42 p.m.

ElendVenture says... #6

@Mxyzptlk I've noticed the downfalls for Godhead of Awe over my last couple of playtests. But since you linked me to Temple Under Construction, I noticed you playing Anger of the Gods . The synergy between Godhead and Anger makes for a great late game boardwipe, considering that all of the Therian gods will not be affected. I unfortunately am not completely convinced to take my deck the sweeper route even though it would be hilarious, so I will be taking Godhead of Awe out for now. We'll see how this plays out against other decks after I make it though. :) Demigod of Revenge still makes for a great creature and devotion enabler even though his ability does nothing. Even so, I have also recently considered bringing in the Myojin from Kamigawa, or the Nephilim from Ravnica. If I move toward the Indestructible route though, it will most certainly be the Myojin.

April 20, 2014 5:38 p.m.

Wolfninja says... #7

Joiner Adept is another card that can help with mana fixing and if you're worried about having to sacrifice your Gods, you can always add in Sigarda, Host of Herons and Tajuru Preserver to prevent sacrificing, or even Aegis of the Gods or Witchbane Orb to prevent being targeted in the first place since most sacrifice cards say "target player", it will also prevent milling and various other effects as well.

April 29, 2014 2:45 a.m.

Wolfninja says... #8

Oh and Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx would be good in here as well.

April 29, 2014 2:46 a.m.

ElendVenture says... #9

@Wolfninja What would you recommend that I take out for your recommendations?

May 3, 2014 1:21 a.m.

Wolfninja says... #10

I don't play EDH, so i'm sure how good these recommendations would be, but personally I don't like cards that give all players a benefit. So I would take out Dictate of Karametra and Dictate of Kruphix right away (completely personal opinion though), Druidic Satchel is another one that i would take out, Ashiok, Nightmare Weaver doesn't really synergize with the rest of the deck, and I personally hate Braids, Conjurer Adept because then the game just becomes "Who has the biggest bombs in their hand", and while sometimes that will be you, other times it will be your opponent(s). Like I said though, i don't play EDH so i don't know much about it, and those are just how i personally would play the deck.

May 3, 2014 4:02 a.m.

electromancer says... #11

playing Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx can ramp and mana-fix. For example, you have one Deity of Scars on board and alot of green lands but you don't have the right mana to play Divinity of Pride , nykthos should fix this right up.

May 4, 2014 6:03 p.m.

ElendVenture says... #12

@Electromancer Thanks! I'll try that out. I also made a few other changes. Took out 4 planeswalkers that while good on their own, don't really help with the overall theme of this deck. Added Open the Vaults , Patriarch's Bidding , Darksteel Ingot , and Progenitus .

May 5, 2014 9:47 p.m.

jeffieog says... #13

May 6, 2014 10:22 p.m.

NOLAFrog says... #14

Door to Nothingness and Karona, the False God should have a home in this deck. Also, the Shards of Alara triple lands would be good in this deck.

May 7, 2014 3:23 p.m.

NOLAFrog says... #15

May 7, 2014 3:30 p.m.

apple41792 says... #16

Xenagos, The Reveler and Sylvan Caryatid can help with some of the mana issues

May 13, 2014 2:20 p.m.

Carnonos says... #17

I would throw in a Fist of Suns in there. It will make it much easier to cast those Spirit avatars and Nicol Bolas if you draw him.

May 15, 2014 4:36 p.m.

ElendVenture says... #18

@NOLAFrog Karona fits flavor wise, but I'm not a fan of the way she plays. It's hard enough getting the devotion for all of your gods, there's no need to throw her into the mix as well. As for the Door, it'll only work once if that. I am also not a fan of cheap wins.

@apple41792 I haven't really noticed any mana issues yet, I seem to get what I need by the time I need it.

@Carnonos Thanks! I will test that out and see how it goes.

May 16, 2014 3:36 a.m.

Amnesiac_ says... #19

See walkers' wake, has perfect 5 color mana base, just swap in your temples for flavor.

May 19, 2014 6:33 p.m.

ElendVenture says... #20

@essiga9 Thanks for the suggestion, but I don't want to drop money on the fetch lands, and I'm not sure if I want to run shock lands at the moment. I may revisit this if maze's end doesn't pay out as a mana search outlet, but the deck seems to play pretty well even without that function, so we'll see.

May 19, 2014 10:44 p.m.

electromancer says... #21

Looking back at this deck again I'd suggest Spear of Heliod over Dictate of Kruphix and/or Dictate of Karametra . With the spear you can discourage your opponents from attacking you (focusing their attacks elsewhere), where as the dictates just arm your opponents.
(4 person game = 3 extra cards drawn against your 1 extra card.)

May 20, 2014 2 a.m.

vroom918 says... #22

While Progenitus is a solid choice as a general, Child of Alara is also worth considering since your god creatures are all indestructible. If not for the general, then maybe somewhere in the deck.

May 21, 2014 11:02 a.m.

Mxyzptlk says... #23

@vroom918 the problem with Child of Alara as a commander is that it's basically a one-shot. You can either have it work ("when it's put into a graveyard from play") or you can get it back to the command zone. If you want to get it back and play it again, it would go to the command zone instead of the graveyard and its ability wouldn't trigger. Granted, you can use graveyard effects to get it back to your hand (and then not have to pay the extra command zone cost), but it won't go back to the command zone itself if you let it trigger. It's not bad for elsewhere in the deck, though, if ElendVenture wanted to put it back in.

May 21, 2014 3:47 p.m.

Sach_squatch says... #24

I would take out Kruphix, God of Horizons its controversially the most useless god unless you're drawing mad crazy. Which in this deck you are not.

May 25, 2014 12:44 a.m.

Sach_squatch says... #25

Also replace Vraska the Unseen with Liliana Vess Liliana's a better planes walker. plus if your short on good cards she can act as a tutor.

May 25, 2014 12:46 a.m.

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