
Standard Argy

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Darsul says... #5

January 22, 2018 11:33 a.m.

TepigAggro says... #6

I think it would be rather hard to get Ascend for ur Prophet. Maybe main in 1 Bontu's Reckoning and another Lightning Strike?

January 22, 2018 11:38 a.m.

Argy says... #7

Darsul you must not have read my Sideboard notes:

"I may end up putting Duress, Dispossess, Lost Legacy, or Doomfall in the Sideboard, based on my local meta."

January 22, 2018 11:39 a.m.

Argy says... #8

TepigAggro it's easy peasy getting the City's Blessing by the time Twilight Prophet hits the field in the late game.

I don't know if you have played around with Ascend, yet. Do you realise that lands count towards the permanent total? Metalspinner's Puzzleknot also helps.

Why would I Main Bontu's Last Reckoning? Unless my Opponent has gone wide I'd rather have almost any other spell in my hand.

I have gone back and forth with the ratio of Lightning Strike to Harnessed Lightning, and playtesting has shown that this is the right number of each.

It may change in future. It's something I'm keeping my eye on.

January 22, 2018 11:46 a.m.

AgentJackjohn says... #9

Maybe have a copy or two of Torment of Hailfire to add another wincon to your deck? If it doesn't just win you the game it helps your Ribbons plan by lowering their life and helps you win with an Angrath ultimate by putting more cards in their graveyard.

January 22, 2018 2:39 p.m.

Darsul says... #10

@ Argy

Ya, i just checked out Cards Already Considered tab and didn't c it but, i think Lost Legacy, or Doomfall are a must to fight Approach of the Second Sun decks.

January 22, 2018 3:03 p.m.

Argy says... #11

AgentJackjohn what would you take out for it?

It's a great card, but I'm not convinced that Control is the place for it.

The reason why Cut / Ribbons works so well is both halves.

January 22, 2018 3:04 p.m. Edited.

Argy says... #12

Darsul fair point. I have now added those cards to the considered pile.

In my very small meta at the moment no one is playing Approach of the Second Sun.

Things will shift around with the bans, but I won't know where people have landed until I start playing this season.

I will be using I Drink Your Milkshake to see the lay of the land, before I even begin to build this deck.

Once I see which decks are dominant I will adjust the Sideboard.

I'm not saying no to your suggestions. I'm saying that I need more information before implementing them.

January 22, 2018 3:12 p.m.

AgentJackjohn says... #13

I'd personally go down a copy of Shock and if you wanted to run two a Metalspinner's Puzzleknot. I understand that shock is helpful in controlling the early game, and the puzzleknot is your only source of card draw in the deck aside from prophet but from my perspective going down to 3 of either won't hurt your game plan very much. You have plenty of other ways to control the early game+ torment is better late game than a shock in most situations I can think of.

Plus killing someone with a massive torment feels pretty sweet.

January 22, 2018 4:04 p.m.

Argy says... #14

I'll try a one of instead of a Shock, and see what I think.

I had a massive conversation with a Wizard's employee once about Hangarback Walker.

I said to him that I just couldn't get it to work for me, and I wasn't sure why.

He said that some cards just don't suit a person's particular play style.

I think that is my biggest problem with Torment of Hailfire. I just don't get why it's supposed to be so good.

I am also concerned that one of the decks in my local meta goes very wide, so it wouldn't affect him at all.

As I said, I'll give it a go.

January 22, 2018 4:15 p.m.

Modern_Brews says... #15

4 Torment of Scarabs seems like it would be brutal here. Also I feel like Treasure Map  Flip provides more value than puzzle knot

January 22, 2018 6:21 p.m.

Argy says... #16

I've played with Torment of Scarabs in the past and have been unimpressed with it. What do you see it replacing? Four copies seems excessive. Three should do it.

Also, there is a problematic deck at my LGS that spits out Tokens, and wouldn't have any problem saccing them.

Treasure Map  Flip does seem worthwhile. I'll make that change.

January 22, 2018 8:42 p.m.

CorruptedJace says... #17

Why are you taking Angrath over Chandra? And why not Rekindling Phoenix?

I have a very similar deck:Glory Phoenix so I just want to know your thoughts!

January 23, 2018 4:58 a.m.

Argy says... #18

CorruptedJace Chandra, Torch of Defiance is my favourite Planeswalker of all time.

However Angrath, the Flame-Chained suits Control better, I believe.

His first ability is better than Chandra's first +1, in my opinion.

You deal the 2 damage regardless of the choice you make, plus you also force your Opponent to discard a card. That is NOT something you want to do when playing against Control.

Chandra's Emblem is great, but I am not playing , making it almost impossible for her to achieve it.

I have won games through using Angrath's +1 once.

His -3 can be used to untap Glorybringer Post-Combat, in a pinch.

Speaking of which, I tested with Rekindling Phoenix. You will see it listed under Cards Already Considered.

I found Glorybringer brought more value to the table, with its ability to pick off Opponent Creatures, and its initial Haste, which can stop a Planeswalker from hitting its ultimate.

Having a way to constantly deal 4 damage to Creatures is gold for Control.

I hope someone plays Rekindling Phoenix against me. Then they can say bye bye to it when I hit it with Vraska's Contempt, or Exile it from their Graveyard with Scavenger Grounds, in reponse to them trying to return it to the field.

I may change my mind, that frequently happens after I have played a few weeks in my local meta.

Those are my decisions at this stage.

There are no right ways to choose cards for a deck.

If those cards work for you in your build, that is great.

January 23, 2018 7:38 a.m.

CorruptedJace says... #19

Thanks for the feedback Argy,I think I'm going to test Angrath, your arguments make sense!

And I would also pick Glorybringer over Rekindling Phoenix, but why not both? A Vraska's Contempt not used on a planeswalker, is a good one!

January 23, 2018 8:16 a.m.

Argy says... #20

CorruptedJace you can have too many Creatures in a Control deck.

It's a common mistake.

After initially testing with Rekindling Phoenix I was unimpressed with it, compared with the other Creatures.

I probably shouldn't have Twilight Prophet in, but it seems to be working so far.

I may end up swapping them over. Or cutting my Creatures back to a solid 5.

You should play the cards that feel right for YOU.

Two reasons:

  1. They will suit your play style. That is important. The cards you click with are usually the ones that will help you win.

  2. You will have more fun playing a deck with cards in it that you love.

I was talking with clayperce the other day. We agreed that we'd rather win a few games with a deck that we love, then a tonne of games with a deck that we hate.

Then again, that is the life of a Jenny. If you're a Spike that will not be the case.

January 23, 2018 8:59 a.m.

CorruptedJace says... #21

Argy I fell in love with Rekindling Phoenix. It will go in all my red standard decks for sure! Glorybringer is too good not to play, so I have my 8 creatures.

January 23, 2018 10:02 a.m.

Modern_Brews says... #22

Id cut the Torment of Hailfire, youve already expressed your dislike for the card, and 1-2 removal spells (mix of shock, lightning strike and fatal push) and/or either one Twilight Prophet ( seems hard to ascend that often, depends on the meta) or a tetzimoc

January 23, 2018 2:13 p.m.

clayperce says... #23

So how are you liking Blood Sun? I've been super-intrigued by the card ever since it was spoiled ...

January 23, 2018 7:16 p.m.

Argy says... #24

CorruptedJace eight Creatures is a LOT for a Control deck.

I'd run two or three of each, or you'll weaken the actual Control aspects of your deck.

Modern_Brews you need to take into account that Ascend counts lands.

This is a Control deck. It's nothing to have nine lands on the field when Twilight Prophet comes down.

Counting itself, you get the City's Blessing right away.

I feel like I've explained that a few times now, so I'm not going to keep doing so.

I'm going to keep testing Torment of Hailfire, but at this stage I'm unimpressed with it, and missing one Shock is affecting both my early and late game.

clayperce I'm still in the early days of testing.

I'll get back to you on that.

January 24, 2018 2:17 a.m.

Bogle says... #25

I want to like this deck but i can't stop thinking that in a control match up you cannot win

Most of your main is creature removals, Tetzimoc, Primal Death could be counted as a semi-wrath, and all your sideboard is basically other creature removals.

So you wreck what is creature based and get wrecked by what is not

January 24, 2018 5:13 a.m.

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