Flamespeaker Adept [Top 4 FNM]

Standard kevin916


cebo7590 says... #1

I would definitely take a look at Aqueous Form . It makes your attackers unblockable and it is a garienteed process forFlamespeaker Adept

January 17, 2014 5:32 a.m.

kevin916 says... #2

I had 4 in there, and i've just modified the deck, what do you think now!?

January 18, 2014 4:48 a.m.

kevin916 says... #3

Edits* -1 Goblin Electromancer -1 Melek, Izzet Paragon -2 Claustrophobia -1 Aqueous Form -1 Hidden Strings -1 Negate -1 Melek, Izzet Paragon -1 Prescient Chimera -1 Rubblebelt Maaka -1 Teleportal -1 Titan's Strength -1 Voyage's End -3 Triton Tactics Additions: +3 Akroan Crusader +2 Flamespeaker Adept +1 Spellheart Chimera +1 Izzet Charm +2 Lightning Strike +2 Cancel +2 Meletis Charlatan +1 Stormbreath Dragon (I realize this is an expensive card, but I had one so I thought I might as well use him) +1 Shipbreaker Kraken +4 Izzet Guildgate -Removed Sideboard Trash/ Maybeboard stuff

January 18, 2014 4:53 a.m.

FearLegion says... #4

sub out a Cancel for another Dissolve , i think Artisan of Forms is a weak card and could be subbed in for stronger cards such as more Spellheart Chimera , Magma Jet , or Lightning Strike

January 20, 2014 9:33 p.m.

kevin916 says... #5

when i am able to get another Dissolve i will sub it out for a Cancel . I think you are right with taking out artisan of forms and I think that adding in a Spellheart Chimera and Magma Jet in place of them will be a good move.

what do you think about subbing out Akroan Crusader for Young Pyromancer ??

January 22, 2014 8:38 p.m.

Dragonfish17 says... #6

I'd get some thassa going. Every turn your fflamespeaker will be 4/3. I've been rolling this idea around for awhile but never really put it together. Also eatherling would be great as a win con. And I'd make those betrayal into divination for that hand advantage

January 22, 2014 8:38 p.m.

Dragonfish17 says... #7

Young Pyromaster is better giving you chumps

January 22, 2014 8:39 p.m.

kevin916 says... #8

Thassa for sure, that would be great. Aetherling would be cool as well but i feel my Kraken is filling that spot. I think Aetherling's cmc is too expensive for what Im doing here. I feel like if i added him then he becomes a huge staple in the deck, whereas i want flamespeaker to be the "star" here. Divnation isnt a bad idea either... hmm

Also, I am trying to stick to theros cards more for the scry, and because it makes up most of my collection.

January 22, 2014 8:54 p.m.

Dragonfish17 says... #9

I think you'll find eatherling more valuable than the kraken. And just adding one in won't ruin your star. But ya ik what you mean I'm trying to think about some more ways for you to scry

January 22, 2014 9:34 p.m.

kevin916 says... #10

I'll try it out if i can get my hands on one, good point... just one shouldn't be so bad. unfortunately I thought more scry cards would come out in BNG but for whatever reason it doesn't look like it so far :( The Izzet scrylands in return to nyx would be great!

One other creature i did consider was Archaeomancer but other than that i cannot think of any. Im pretty sure once Thassa, A Aetherling and 3 or 4 Young pyromancers the deck will be pretty solid. Divnation after those 3 for sure.

January 23, 2014 4:07 a.m.

ManxBearxPig says... #11

I'd replace Akroan Crusader with Young Pyromancer . Akroan Crusader makes you target himself for tokens, which doesn't help you with Voyage's End , Dissolve , Magma Jet , Portent of Betrayal , etc. Definitely include Thassa, God of the Sea or 2, as she will pump that Flamespeaker Adept every turn. Maybe replace Artisan of Forms for Thassa.

I've made a deck similar Scry Me A River if you want to take a peak.

January 23, 2014 2:08 p.m.

SednoKier says... #12

Have you tried putting an Elite Arcanist or two into this deck? It has a nice synergy with Meletis Charlatan and has a ton of potential since you have so many instants!

Also, don't forget to consider your standard Guttersnipe 's and Young Pyromancer 's, they work especially nicely with Magma Jet and give you a lot of flexibility (such as if your Flamespeaker Adept is hindered from attacking in any way).

January 23, 2014 2:15 p.m.

Dragonfish17 says... #13

@manxbearxpig all of that was pretty much said already.

And I'd actually take out meletis for arcanist, meletis is cool but in order to make it work you have to pay 3 on top of the spells mana cost. Arcanist does what he does but a lot better.

January 23, 2014 3:11 p.m.

kevin916 says... #14

Could you explain how Elite Arcanist Works? i dont quite understand him.

January 23, 2014 3:16 p.m.

ManxBearxPig says... #15

@dragonfish17 I understand it's been said, I just gave reasoning for why Young Pyromancer is better than Akroan Crusader , instead of just saying "it's better".

I'd add more Izzet Charm over Divination as it gives you your card draw, it's more versatile, and it's cheaper.

January 23, 2014 3:19 p.m.

Dragonfish17 says... #16

Say you have magma jet in your hand. You play him and exile magma jet. Now as long as you have that arcanist out you pay 2 and tap him to cast it.

January 23, 2014 3:20 p.m.

kevin916 says... #17

@ sednokier Thank you! i will consider him for sure! oohhh and guttersnipe! thanks! @manxbearxpig even though one is draw two discard two vs just draw two?

@dragonfish17 If im dealing with Spellheart Chimera wouldnt he benefit less from Elite Arcanist ?

January 23, 2014 3:30 p.m.

ManxBearxPig says... #18

@kevin916 Yes it is draw 2 discard 2, but I usually have things I can do away with trying to find what's necessary. The biggest advantage is the mana cost and you can also use it to tame aggro or counter an early Doom Blade on your Adept. Honestly, you probably don't even need card draw with your scrying ability.

January 23, 2014 4:13 p.m.

kevin916 says... #19


Good Freaking point. :) thank you

January 23, 2014 4:34 p.m.

Dragonfish17 says... #20

I agree with discarding because you could just discard 2 instants or sorcery to pump your chimera. So I agree with bear on that. But scrying isn't the same as draw power. If you scry and see something that can save you but no way to draw it you'll hate yourself lol. And just a little drawing is good because you don't want to be top decking. Also I forgot about chimera sorry. But I think it'd okay if you exile something that can let you scry. Like you said you want the adept to be your star.

January 23, 2014 6:49 p.m.

kevin916 says... #21

@ Dragonfish17 then at best playtesting with 2 divination and sideboard 2 izzet charms (and or switching them out accordingly) wouldn't be the worst thing right now.

how many Elite Arcanist would you guys suggest? I figured out that i will be taking out the 3 crusaders, 2 Artisan of Forms , -1 Cancel and -1 Shipbreaker Kraken

I ordered the 4 young pyromancers, one Aetherling and one Dissolve to put in. so that gives me room for one more card without taking anything else out. should i take out the one cancel so id have 2 spots open to throw in say 2x arcanist?

I could also take out the Portent of betrayals as someone previously suggested. then throw in a magma jet, and im pretty sure 4 titans strength total would be good. (unless of course i copy titans strength with the arcanist...)

January 23, 2014 8:38 p.m.

Dragonfish17 says... #22

I could only suggest 2 arcanist cause they're 4 drops and they reduce the power given to your chimera.

January 23, 2014 9:14 p.m.

kevin916 says... #23

replacing The betrayals? or should i swap the 2 arcanist for the last cancel and free spot i have?

January 23, 2014 9:39 p.m.

Dragonfish17 says... #24

I'd do the cancel and free spot. The betrayal can be useful until you think of something better to replace it with.

January 23, 2014 10:32 p.m.

kevin916 says... #25

alright, Thanks! :)

January 23, 2014 10:42 p.m.

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