
In progress...

Evolving from my Faithless Budget Flayer deck this is more similar to Ken Yukuhiro reanimator for Avacyn Restored Pro Tour.

Flayer of the Hatebound combo - one on the board and another one coming from grave makes 20 damage. (both target themselves and return one by one with two 5 dmg triggers both)

Angel of Glory's Rise brings back Cathedral Sanctifiers, Borderland Rangers, Geist-Honored Monks and more.

Inifinite loop - reanimate Angel of Glory's Rise with Fiend Hunter and Cartel Aristocrat in graveyard. Fiend Hunter exiles Aangel of Glory's Rise and then you can sacrifice Fiend Hunter to Cartel Aristocrat. Angel comes back bringing Fiend Hunter back and you can do any number of times you want

Infinite health with Cathedral Sanctifiers, infinite lands with Borderland Ranger, infinite permament steal with zealous consripts, infinite tokens with any human that makes tokens, infinite exiling of opponents creatures with another Fiend Hunter (sac on etb trigger makes opponents creature never come back)

There are numerous answers but it does surprise players


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FNM Standard

  • Round 1 vs BW dudes 1-2 Game 1 I was stuck on one land (kept mountain with faithless). Game 2 I assembled the combo. Game 3 mull to 5

  • Round 2 vs Jund Aggro 1-2 Game 3 I managed to stabilized and had to block Dreg Mangler, I wanted to kill Huntmaster and only blocked with it at 4 life. Turns out she had a 3rd Gore Clan Rampager

  • Round 3 vs UBR Control 1-2 Same guy that I draw and won aginst with Esper Control. Game 3 I mulled to 4 and thats that.

  • Round 4 vs UBR Control 0-2 He was heavy on counterspells so I've lost game 1. Game 2 I mulled to 5 (like for the 6th time this evening) and he slammed Nicol Bolas so that.s that.

Tournament results: place 10 out of 10, 0-4 (3-8 in games)

The horror, the horror

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Date added 12 years
Last updated 11 years

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

3 - 0 Mythic Rares

13 - 4 Rares

12 - 2 Uncommons

20 - 9 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 3.42
Tokens Human 2/2 G, Spirit 1/1 W, Wolf 2/2 G
Folders decks modern to check, Standard - Reanimators
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