Flicker Thrag Money Honey (1st place FNM!)

Modern Raab8


Ashby says... #1

I would love to play a deck like this. I may consider taking apart my current deck to trade for the money cards. Zombies was fun at first, but playing nothing but creatures and kill spells gets old pretty fast.

December 1, 2012 9:39 p.m.

Raab8 says... #2

Give it a shot. It's fun to be able to have multiple ways to take care of different situations.

December 1, 2012 11:24 p.m.

Overlord844 says... #3

u couldn't destroy Stuffy Doll its indestructible... though looks like a preety good idea and deck though :)


December 3, 2012 9:57 p.m.

Raab8 says... #4

@Overlord844: Thanks for catching that type-o and for the +1:D

December 3, 2012 10:46 p.m.

BLEATH says... #5

I ran a bant flicker before RtR came out, Now you see me, now you dont.Might I suggest using Deadeye Navigator ? Bonded with a Thragtusk isn't even funny.

December 4, 2012 11:31 p.m.

Overlord844 says... #6


December 4, 2012 11:45 p.m.

Raab8 says... #7

@ bleath02 I've thought of that guy but never actually put him into practice...I'll have to give it a go.

December 5, 2012 1:59 a.m.

Raab8 says... #8

@bleath02 ah... If only Stonehorn Dignitary was still legal:(

December 5, 2012 2:02 a.m.

BLEATH says... #9

Ahh, yeah. That deck was before RtR came out.

December 5, 2012 9:46 a.m.

FredQC says... #10

December 7, 2012 1:02 a.m.

Raab8 says... #11

I'll throw those Terminus' in my sideboard for now. I have only one so I'll run a few rounds with it. My only worry is that they cost six to play and Verdict equals 4. When playing a Snapcaster Mage being able to pull from your graveyard and verdict the board would equal six mana. Your Terminus would equal 8.@ FredQC Do you have an explanation why you like the Terminus more?

December 7, 2012 8:01 a.m.

inevanable says... #12

Terminus deals with indestructable creatures and makes it so things which might be able to help from the graveyard don't have the opportunity i.e. scavenge cards or zombies. so if miracled it costs less and if not miracled does have some benefit try running a couple of each.

December 7, 2012 8:38 a.m.

Raab8 says... #13

@ Inevanable Okay thanks for the input. I only have one for right now so I'll throw it in the sideboard section and play test it for awhile.

December 7, 2012 8:49 a.m.

Raab8 says... #14

Let me know other sideboard cards please. I'd love to play around with this deck with other ideas on the table on the table.

December 7, 2012 8:54 a.m.

theonyc says... #15

i would play less Fiend Hunter and more o-rings/d-spheres. it will die to your own wipes, is susceptible to removal, harder to cast and can't target as much, also Augur of Bolas , Geist of Saint Traft and card:Runechanter's Pike are not sideboard cards, you either play them or you don't. for your sideboard i would play cards to help against your current meta, not just whats good but didn't make the cut, such as Centaur Healer for aggro or Rest in Peace for reanimator.

anyway, congrat's for first place

December 8, 2012 12:21 a.m.

Raab8 says... #16

@theonyc: Thanks man and I agree about the cards said above. I just picked them up so they are just chilling in the sideboard until I can play test them in this deck. Great cards and I think they'll fit right at home.

December 8, 2012 12:41 a.m.

theonyc says... #17

if u do play the pike, i would play it as a 2 of, though not sure about that because you aren't playing that many instants/sorcery's, same with auger, he probably isn't that good in this deck. giest is almost always good though

December 8, 2012 12:56 a.m.

Raab8 says... #18

How many instants and sorceries do you think is good to have in a deck with runchanter's pike? I have 18 in this thing, so I was thinking replace conjurors closets with runechanters pike and the acidic slime with Geist. I was thinking about your comment with the fiend hunters earlier. In the games I've played I always do wipe the boards, but I always get the Angel of Serenity out for replayability. The idea with them is to slow the opponents deck down enough and flicker the hunters to target a different creature if needed be. Get the mana-wipe the board, kick everyone's ass. I took on 3 people with this deck the other night and beat everyone at once. Controled the board with Cyclonic Rift and my other control cards. It was awesome.

December 8, 2012 12:18 p.m.

theonyc says... #19

i play 23ish (american control) and the pike sometimes only gives plus 3 (well i do have to keep counters in my hand though)

December 8, 2012 12:28 p.m.

blixna_waka says... #20

I don't think there's enough to put in your yard here to warrant a card:Runechanter's Pike, imo.

December 11, 2012 9:49 p.m.

Raab8 says... #21

Yeah, I'm going to leave them out.

December 12, 2012 12:14 a.m.

Aelorith2117 says... #22

December 14, 2012 9:31 a.m.

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