Flickering Brago

Commander / EDH Etoilebane


IustitiaRex says... #1

A few suggestions.

Try Cathars' Crusade instead of Coat of Arms. It doesn't keep the P/T boost when you blink the creature but if you're running any tokens they'll all get bigger.

Two very inexpensive and underrated cards for Brago, Lightform and Cloudform. You can flicker the manifested permanent as well as the enchantment to cheat cards into play, including lands.

Instead of Riftwing Cloudskate, look into AEther Adept or the new Reflector Mage coming out in OGW. They're less expensive (with the same sized body) and doesn't need the suspend.

Containment Priest is a huge nonbo with your strategy.

Instead of things like Aqueous Form, look into playing Traveler's Cloak. The card draw is very useful (and abusable), and you can change the land type each time it flickers. Also look into Pentarch Ward / Unquestioned Authority for the same concept.

I'd just get rid of Favorable Winds. It doesn't really do anything for you? Same with Brave the Sands. You might benefit from upping your land count to 34 or 35. 32 Is very, very low without acceleration, which you don't seem to have a lot of.

January 12, 2016 3:18 p.m.

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