Flippin' Morphs

Standard* corran_the_jedi


weisemanjohn says... #1

I took a more creature heavy approach with my UG morph deck

UGh Morphs

I would suggest Ghostfire Blade as it can be equipped to face down creatures (who have no color) for the reduced cost

I'd also reccomend Temple of Mystery as its relatively cheap and scry really helps as opposed to the Thornwood Falls .

September 24, 2014 8:07 a.m.

Nice suggestions, thanks. Got Khans on the brain so completely forgot the scry lands; and ghostfire blade is a neat trick! I presume it stays equipped when the creature morphs...

September 24, 2014 8:37 p.m.

weisemanjohn says... #3

Yes, it stays on the creature

September 25, 2014 12:56 a.m.

Agreed that the maulers wreck, but I only want 1-2 at the top end of the mana curve; plus he doesn't provide anything extra from morphing, so he's not as much a win-con as Thousand Winds is.

September 28, 2014 3:32 a.m.

piebandit says... #5

I would replace Mortal's Resolve with Negate, you might be better off. I think you do need more Sagu Mauler, or a way to reliably fetch your win cons.

November 25, 2014 9 p.m.
December 26, 2014 10:08 p.m.

piebandit says... #7

Tomb of the Spirit Dragon is not worth it. You rarely keep morphs morphed for very long, you want that mana to flip them instead. I'd replace Pine Walker with Prophet of Kruphix

December 27, 2014 6:04 p.m.

It is true that it usually isn't much, but this deck has plenty of access to colored mana and it doesn't enter play taped. You'll fairly often probably end up with some mana to kill, and even gaining just 1-3 life is better than nothing.

December 27, 2014 7:35 p.m.

nice deck dude, I've built a similar deck that revolves around the new FRF's card: Temur Sabertooth!!

here it is: Is it a Morph? a Manifest? NO, it's BEATDOWN!!

January 19, 2015 7:07 a.m.

DukeSteele says... #10

I like this deck alot, +1 from me. How has Temur War Shaman been for you?

I am working on a manifest deck in a green devotion shell, would love to hear your opinions. Especially wondering if i should add Trail of Mystery.


March 16, 2015 1:21 a.m.

Temur War Shaman is pretty good for a win-con, especially when you have Trail of Mystery out as well, it'll take something out almost every time you flip.

March 19, 2015 6:10 a.m.

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