Flooded Pyromancing

Standard nbankee


Zacoly says... #1

I'd like to see Izzet Charm in there mostly because it's a very versatile card.

Another card I'd like to see is Artful Dodge because for the super low cost and flash back it synergizes well with both Young Pyromancer (for 2 chumps for the price of one) and Melek, Izzet Paragon (with the unblockable 5/1 two turns in a row)

I'm not a huge fan of Goblin Rally in this deck, it's really too slow to be very amazing unless you wanted to combo it with Dynacharge or Teleportal

AEtherize + Goblin Diplomats is brilliant! :D

Lastly Flames of the Firebrand is AMAZING with Pyromancer's Gauntlet I'd consider adding more... possibly of both

July 28, 2013 5:13 p.m.

nbankee says... #2

Zacoly, Thanks for the suggestions I will be dropping the 2x Goblin Rally and replacing with 2x Flames of the Firebrand as for Izzet Charm and Artful Dodge I am trying to figure out how I could if them in without losing the ability to burn the target player.. Might drop the 2x Mugging and replace with 2x Izzet Charm as for the Artful Dodge any suggestions on what it could replace ?

July 28, 2013 6:38 p.m.

Zacoly says... #3

1 - Why is "Flooded in the name of this deck?"

2 - Is this deck intending to be a super fast deck or a mid-range deck? Because it has the makings for a fast deck with token swarm but it also has big slow beefy guys like Water Servant and AEtherling

Going both ways is fine but I'd have more suggestions as to how to get this deck shaped up more for mid or early game.

Finally, IMO Pillar of Flame beats Annihilating Fire 19 times out of twenty. The difference in mana costs is amazing

July 28, 2013 7:01 p.m.

nbankee says... #4

Zacoly, the name really isn't relevant just there for lack of a better name.

2) I want it to be a little bit of both; I want it to revolve more around the token making then anything I have the Water Servant and AEtherling in the deck for heavy hits in later game if need be.

3) I can swap Annihilating Fire out for Pillar of Flame maine reason for having them in is I am trying to keep it standard and anything before the RTR block is going to be rotating out soon; so I mean I guess I could run pillars until the rotation happens then swap for Annihilating Fire. Also Annihilating Fire is instant..

July 28, 2013 7:25 p.m.

I totally agree with the the Pillar of Flame vs Annihilating Fire . Though it doesn't ping to the dome, Mugging in an early game can still create the token and allow for you to make up the loss of the face hit with the spell by swinging with an unblocked pyromancer or wierd. I feel its underated but Mugging provides creature control and if taken advantage of can provide damage to the points.

I love AEtherize +Goblin Diplomats

As for the mid-game early game debate, I feel its the downfall with deck building, the idea of any deck is to be able to work well against an array of magic players and their playing style, allowing for flexibility allows more options, which will hopefully lead to more wins.

Sorry for the long post, haven't been on for a while and guess I got carried away. Anywho that's my 2 cents, great deck +1 from me.

July 29, 2013 2:27 a.m.

P.S. isn't Shock standard legal now?

July 29, 2013 2:28 a.m.

nbankee says... #7

@mourningsage124 I had Mugging in but replaced it with Izzet Charm might side deck the Mugging . And I agree mid-game/early game building really depends on the meta you're playing around; mainly why I tossed the AEtherling and Water Servant in to have a little bit of a fall back plan. And thanks for your 2 cents, really appreciate the time you took to look and comment.

July 29, 2013 2:39 a.m.

nbankee says... #8

Yes Shock is legal now that's why I'm running 4 =).

July 29, 2013 2:40 a.m.

Idk how I missed that my bad lol

July 29, 2013 2:43 a.m.

nbankee says... #10

@mourningsage124 that's fine lol.

July 29, 2013 2:49 a.m.

nbankee says... #11

@ Zacoly Was out doing a morning jog; and was thinking about the deck. What do you think about removing Water Servant and 1x Blistercoil Weird or AEtherling and replacing with 2x Artful Dodge or maybe just Water Servant and putting only 1x Artful Dodge .

Also I am trying to obtain 4x Sulfur Falls and 4x Steam Vents to bring my lands to 4x Island 4x Mountain 4x Sulfur Falls 4x Steam Vents 4x Izzet Guildgate . I know Sulfur Falls will be rotating out here in a few months but I can use them until that happens.

July 29, 2013 12:23 p.m.

Zacoly says... #12

I like both ideas.

Take out big guys and replace with Artful Dodge for it's amazing synergy AND get as many duel lands as you can. They always help.

I had another fun idea for you! Try switching 4x Shock for x4 Inaction Injunction - Why? Because it is a very cheap, very useful spell that also replaces it'self in your hand with either another spell to cast or a land to help you play the bigger stuff in your deck a bit earlier.

I just don't like the idea of having 7 cards in a deck do basically the same thing. And we both agree that for now, most of the time Pillar of Flame is better than Shock .

You could try it out :)

Good luck!

July 29, 2013 9:11 p.m.

Zacoly says... #13

You also need a sideboard at some time.

3x Nivmagus Elemental should be in there! He makes use of any spells that get countered, and still synergizes well with Artful Dodge

July 29, 2013 9:13 p.m.

nbankee says... #14

@ Zacoly The main reason I have so many of cards like Shock and Pillar of Flame is cause I was trying to work this deck around burning down the opponents creatures and life; along with the help of Pyromancer's Gauntlet I'll get a few play test's in when possible with the 4x Shock in then run some play test's with 4x Inaction Injunction and see what the win to loss ratio is might not make it a huge difference but then again it might.

I had the Nivmagus Elemental in originally; are you saying I should side-deck three so if I play against a counter heavy deck I could swap them in and take out say 3x Blistercoil Weird I just don't want to main deck them cause I don't foresee myself eating my own spells unless they're countered which leaves me with the fear that Nivmagus Elemental would sit at 1/2.

Consider; AEtherling and Water Servant gone and 2x Artful Dodge in. Was thinking maybe even throwing in 1x Artful Dodge 1x Zephyr Charge there is a good amount of flying in my play group would help me with dodging/swinging past the ones who don't run flying. But may just settle for the 2x Artful Dodge for unblockable.

July 30, 2013 2:06 p.m.

Zacoly says... #15

Have you considered Elite Arcanist not an OP card in it'self but it's combo power is crazy! Casting an instant spell once per turn on command is a powerful ability!

July 30, 2013 9:48 p.m.

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