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Most people build Tatyova by playing huge creatures thanks to all the mana and value she generates. Other people try to swarm the field with tokens thanks to Landfall triggers. But me? My Tatyova deck focuses on making everyone's lives miserable.

The focus of this deck is to slow your opponents and disrupt them in any way you can. That includes counterspells, land disruption, boardwipes, removal, etc. Tatyova's early game is very slow due to the lack of mana rocks and dual lands. You want to fix this by playing cards like Cultivate or Sakura-Tribe Scout so you can cast her in Turn 3 or 4. Sure, we have Ancient Tomb and Mana Vault, but you want to focus on getting lots of lands out and playing Tats when it's safe.

When Tats is out, just sit back, draw cards, and pray that no one removes her from the field. The goal is to get out the infinite combo engines running or to swarm the field. One loop involves Sakura-Tribe Scout, Retreat to Coralhelm, and Simic Growth Chamber/Oboro, Palace in the Clouds to have unlimited landfall triggers. Just make sure not to mill yourself with Tats. Another loop involves Lore Weaver, Ley Weaver, and Maze of Ith to mill your opponents, but make sure they don't have mana up to cast instant speed removal. But my favorite way to win is using Strip Mine and Ramunap Excavator or Crucible of Worlds to destroy your opponents lands. With Azusa, Lost but Seeking and other cards like it, you can continuously do this until all of your opponent's lands are gone. Or you can always buyback Walk the Aeons. Another fun combo is to use Flood of Tears to cheat Omniscience onto the battlefield. When performing any of these combos, make sure to have a hand full of counterspells to prevent the combos from being disrupted. Or just counter anything that seems to be a big threat. With so many counterspells in the deck, you can go nuts.

Land disruption is the best way to ruin friendships. Storm Cauldron, Back to Basics, and Mana Breach used to be the stars of the deck, but only Back to Basics is in. This deck mostly contains basic lands. Basic lands is the name of the game and anyone who is unfortunate to deal with an active Back to Basics will regret not having basic lands or enchantment removal. But be careful when you play cards like Back to Basics. Doing so puts a huge target on your back. So the timing of Back to Basics is crucial.


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91% Competitive

Date added 6 years
Last updated 2 years

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

5 - 0 Mythic Rares

38 - 0 Rares

21 - 1 Uncommons

14 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.29
Tokens Bird 2/2 U, City's Blessing
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