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FNM Standard, Keep going 3-1 help me get to 4-0!

Standard Aggro FNM WU (Azorius)



Creature (2)

Artifact (2)


Use Fabled Hero and Precinct Captain to do the majority of the work. Both become true powerhouses when unblockable with the help of both Aqueous Form or Thassa, God of the Sea.

Fabled Hero is your main damage dealer, but if Precinct Captain is allowed to go un-answered you will soon find yourself with a small army of soldier tokens. I enjoy putting Gift of Immortality on to my hero so that he just keeps coming back.

Soldier of the Pantheon and Hopeful Eidolon add cheap, easy damage early on and both with added advantages.

Thassa, God of the Sea is key. I'm really thinking of adding a second. I don't even use her as a creature, just as the indestructible enchantment that allows for unblockable and a scry every turn. Only time I've ever had her as a creature was when I had Daxos of Meletis steal their blue creatures and use them against them.

Gods Willing adds for both protection from removal and as a way to get damage through.

Ethereal Armor turns Fabled Hero into a monster and also assures that I'm getting cards and life with Daxos of Meletis

Bident of Thassa is a great way to draw some extra cards later on after creatures are made unblockable or as a way to force your opp to attack and then you could swing in.

Ajani, Caller of the Pride helps to build up whoever is swinging in, and also is a great way to drop a flying/double-strike combo. That can give 2 soldiers from Precinct Captain or 2 cards from Daxos of Meletis.

Heliod, God of the Sun is a beast because he allows my team to remain untapped, plus he can pop off enchantment creatures which makes Ethereal Armor get bigger and bigger

Spear of Heliod is a must. Not only does it make everyone bigger, but it adds some removal to the deck.

Azorius Charm is great b/c of the options it provides. Need to gain some life? How about need to draw some cards? Or you can just use it to buy time if they swing with someone big or pesky.


Updates Add

I've removed a Precinct Captain for a third Gift of Immortality and it seemed to have paid off a bit. Also went ahead and updated the deck description, the old one was out of date.

Deck went 3-1 again, Not taking it all but at least its winning pretty consistently.

This week we went:

Match 1: Boros Aggro deck. Dropped game 1 after completely miss-playing an early round. Wasn't the deck's fault, just mine. Took games 2 and 3 very easily.

Match 2: Green-Red ramp My kryptonite! It seems that this is the one style of deck that I have the most problems with. Any advice on some sideboard would be great!

Match 3: Green Aggro Took this match in 2. He got land screwed and I took game 1 quickly enough. Game 2 was more of a battle, but my starting hand was to good and I was able to gain life faster than he was able to inflict it.

Match 4: Esper Control This was tough, but I took it in 3. He got game 1, but after I went to my side board I was able to win the next two.

Thanks again for all the advice and comments, lets keep this going and make this deck a real winner!

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Date added 11 years
Last updated 11 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

5 - 0 Mythic Rares

25 - 4 Rares

0 - 6 Uncommons

13 - 4 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.10
Tokens Cat 2/2 W, Enchantment Cleric 2/1 W, Soldier 1/1 W
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