FNM Standard, Keep going 3-1 help me get to 4-0!

Standard Northside_Irish


You'll definitely want Sphinx's Revelation for life gain and card draw

January 15, 2014 2:46 p.m.

notamardybum says... #2

Archetype of Imagination might fit here when it is released. Holy Mantle makes your creatures unblockable/ultimate defender

January 15, 2014 2:49 p.m.

gyakuza says... #3

I would run 4 Brave the Elements instead of Gods Willing . I would also drop Thassa and Aqueous Form in favor of a two-drop creature, maybe Imposing Sovereign .

January 15, 2014 2:52 p.m.

almerican says... #4

I used to run a list like this, and I found Daxos of Meletis underwhelming, and in terms of enchanting a creature I'd have to say that Battlewise Hoplite is much better than Precinct Captain

January 15, 2014 2:54 p.m.

RyanJolliff says... #5

From perusing your list, I've noticed a great deal of evasion, which allows you to keep your threats alive, but I see no removal. I would suggest adding some removal, such as Celestial Flare and/or Detention Sphere . The D-Sphere would shut down a lot of decks.. Getting ris of a Planeswalker, exiling that giant creature they just played, or even just getting rid of a couple little weenies with the same name in an aggro deck. Also, Cyclonic Rift works wonders, especially if you are able to overload it with a stalled boardstate. I'm not sure what to remove, i would just say that the ratio of enchantments to creatures is a little high.

January 15, 2014 7:26 p.m.

4x Temple of Enlightenment when it's released. Definitely.

January 15, 2014 8:26 p.m.

Wow, thanks for the advice guys. I would ask then if/when you suggest a card if you could suggest what to replace it with that would be helpful too.

I'll start from the first and work my way down:

pingpongball120 - Sphinx's Revelation is a great card, I just couldn't think of what to add for it. Any thoughts? I was thinking I would only need 2 in the deck.

notamardybum. - Archetype of Imagination looks amazing. Can't wait. I've run with Holy Mantle before. It turned out be to expensive. My current path of evasion plays out much quicker.

gyakuza - With all of the SCRY I have I may be able to switch out Gods Willing for Brave the Elements but then I would also lose my Heroic Triggers.

Not removing Thassa, God of the Sea , just her ability alone is helping me to win games. People are very much underestimating SCRY. Same for Aqueous Form , I've run Blind Obedience and replaced it with the Aqueous Form and the deck has been much more competitive since then.

almerican - I've given a lot of thought here and while Daxos of Meletis has proven to be very helpful, I agree that at times he is underwhelming.. I've also been giving a ton of thought lately to replacing Precinct Captain with Battlewise Hoplite so I think that I may have to run a FNM with them switched out for each other and see how it goes.

RyanJolliff - Removal is my kryptonite! I've given a ton of thought of what to add and Detention Sphere is always at the top of my list. I just can't figure out what to give up for it! Also, I love Cyclonic Rift and wouldn't mind trying to find room as well, I just don't know if there is a spot for it.

PhageTheUnbeatable - will 100% be adding Temple of Enlightenment when its released.

After going through everything this is what I would most likely try: Switch out the Precinct Captain for Battlewise Hoplite OR leave the captains and remove Daxos of Meletis instead

Add 2x Sphinx's Revelation remove __?

Add 2x Detention Sphere remove __? (possibly sideboard)

January 16, 2014 10:40 a.m.

I'd delete the Bident and Thassa, they're kind of awkward 1 ofs

January 16, 2014 12:52 p.m.

I may remove the Bident of Thassa for a second Thassa, God of the Sea

January 17, 2014 12:08 a.m.

I think I'll replace the 2x Azorius Charm for either the Detention Sphere or Sphinx's Revelation ... Which do you think would be more competitive. I'm leaving toward the spheres myself

January 17, 2014 2:11 a.m.

RyanJolliff says... #11

I would suggest the spheres over Sphinx. Sphinx is an amazing card, but I don't think this isthe right kind of deck for it. Chances are you are gonna want to win before you have enough land to make it worthwhile.

January 17, 2014 5:45 p.m.

I agree completely. Going to get 2 spheres and replace the charms. I also bought 2 Supreme Justice and they'll be going sideboard after I lost to R-G AGAIN tonight

January 18, 2014 midnight
January 21, 2014 3:09 p.m.

P1NG4S says... #14

Replace the bident with a copy of Helios, this sounds odd until it hits that his ability makes enchantment clerics... ENCHANTMENT... Ethereal Armor 'Nuff said.

January 23, 2014 11:12 p.m.

P1NG4S says... #15

And yes I se u have 2 but 3 is easier to draw into. Then put a gift of orhzova on him and see the madness.

January 23, 2014 11:16 p.m.

Garboza says... #16

The easiest way to deal with G/R monsters is Chained to the Rocks or Cyclonic Rift . Since Chained to the Rocks won't really work for you, your best bet is the Rift.

Personally, I don't really like Daxos of Meletis because he's a 2/2 for 3 and won't hit as reliably as something like Nightveil Specter , which also makes me think you'd be better off dropping Heliod, God of the Sun since Thassa, God of the Sea 's effect is so much more powerful in your deck. Whether she's a creature or not (and if you ran Nightveil, she would be) the scry as well as unblockable winds up helping you more than vigilance. Also, look at Hidden Strings as a way to trigger heroic twice on the same creature with one spell.

January 28, 2014 9:29 a.m.

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