

Deck Tech: The deck is first and foremost a combo list. It has minimal protection in the form of counterspells like Arcane Denial and board wipes like Cyclonic Rift and AEtherize, but it's by no means a control list. The deck wants to ramp hard and fast to cast Niv on turn two, three, or four with a good draw while it gets one of the four win conditions into hand ( Curiosity, Ophidian Eye , Mind Over Matter, and Tandem Lookout ). Niv will then proceed to kill one to two opponents by drawing out the entire deck. The free artifacts pop out only the battlefield, allowing him to cast either Timetwister, Time Reversal , or times spiral to loop back and kill the rest of the table if necessary. If one or more opponents is running an effect that prevents them from dying to traditional damage, Laboratory Maniac can be boarded in for a more guaranteed win. Under normal circumstances though, he's a dead draw, thus unworthy of a mainboard position.


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Revision 1 See all

(8 years ago)

-1 Basalt Monolith main
-1 Blue Sun's Zenith maybe
-1 Braingeyser maybe
-1 Cavern of Souls main
-1 Cephalid Coliseum main
-1 Chaos Warp main
-1 Coalition Relic main
-1 Coldsteel Heart main
-1 Command Beacon main
+1 Compulsive Research maybe
-1 Consecrated Sphinx main
+1 Dispel main
+1 Dizzy Spell main
+1 Dramatic Reversal main
+1 Enter the Infinite main
-1 Fabricatefoil main
+1 Fact or Fiction main
+1 Future Sight main
-1 Generator Servant main
+1 Goblin Electromancer main
and 41 other change(s)
Date added 9 years
Last updated 6 years

This deck is not Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

10 - 0 Mythic Rares

40 - 0 Rares

17 - 1 Uncommons

16 - 1 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 2.38
Tokens Bird 2/2 U, Emblem Dack Fayden, Emblem Jace, Vryn's Prodigy
Folders Official Commander Decks, Duel EDH Zvone nemoj tu dodavat, Competitive Decks, Fun Stuff, decks i wanna build, decks, Comp. EDH, Competitive
Ignored suggestions
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