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Foehn's U/G T2 DKA





Creature (1)

Copied last Standard deck; swapping red with green for similar tempo and mana curve.

This deck can be rather heavily aggressive, or controlling. Your opponent will need to waste their removal spells on your 1 drop Delvers or be quickly taken out.

The Invisible Stalkers are a method of putting your opponent on a clock, especially in conjunction with Runechanter's Pike.

Viridian Emissary acts as not only a decent aggressor, but a great chump blocker and a walking Rampant Growth.

If your opponent happens to be struggling to kill your creatures due to a bad hand or something of that sort, Mutagenic Growth can waste a Tragic Slip and give your creatures yet another turn to swing.

Plenty of control exists as well. Vapor Snag proves to be an excellent anti-aggro card. Leaks, Snapcaster, and Dissipate are standard for running U.

Gitaxian Probe is used in place of Ponder to drop a Delver or save for a Vapor Snag on turn 1 while still having card draw and allowing you to prepare for your opponent's open hand.

So your opponent happens to spot remove or boardwipe your early game threats. Fine. You're well on the way to casting one of two Garruks, Jace, or Consecrated Sphinx for lategame threats.

Garruk will keep your creature presence strong in the face of removal, and Jace may deck your opponent if the game happens to go for that long.

Phantasmal Image could either copy your early game threats, such as Insectile Aberration or Invisible Stalker, even. A quick kill of a Geist of Saint Taft or Olivia Voldaren or Thrun will leave your opponent frustrated.

Darkslick Shores are added to hardcast flashback on Forbidden Alchemy or cast Surgical Extraction/Dismember without paying life.


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Date added 13 years
Last updated 13 years

This deck is not Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

6 - 1 Mythic Rares

12 - 5 Rares

7 - 6 Uncommons

20 - 3 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.32
Tokens Beast 3/3 G, Wurm 6/6 G
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