
Alright so Render Silent has been put in, along with Plasm Capture. I realized that the previous version of this deck was way too open to a control deck with AEtherling, and cards like that that blink or they just counter the fog spells


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Game 1: I played an event deck and got an easy win 2-0. A lot of aggro, so Supreme Verdict worked well, along with cyclonic rift.

Game 2: Regular R/G Aggro, no Hellrider, he had never heard of it. But we ended up tying 1-1 because on my draw step about to activate door, he looked at my card as I drew it.

Game 3: Played a R/W/B weird deck, but it was easy, didn't need to change anything in my deck, a lot of burn, but when Witchbane Orb came in it was fine.

Game 4: This was the worst of them all. He was playing grixis control. He only had a couple creatures which were both aetherling. He got game 1 with ease. 2nd game he used Slaughter Games against me on door turn 4, along with Riot Control. I ended up milling him out with Otherworld Atlas. It was pretty funny actually. Game 3 went into the 5 turns and i ended up ending it one turn before he could kill me.

Game 5: Straight up Naya blitz. Just couldn't get mana going.


Date added 11 years
Last updated 11 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

26 - 2 Rares

3 - 5 Uncommons

14 - 8 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.95
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