For Boros!!!

Standard* toadily16


M15 —July 15, 2014

With M15 just around the corner i have constructed my old Boros deck to fit with the times here is what i got...

What do yall think????

hiii007 says... #1

Why so many mountains, and why no Akroan Hoplite , Banisher Priest or Ajani, Caller of the Pride ?

I think the hoplite especially will dramatically increase the clock when paired with Precinct Captain , Brimaz, King of Oreskos , and Cavalry Pegasus

February 2, 2014 5:37 a.m.

voltoth says... #2

May also want to consider Boros Reckoner , Firemane Avenger and probably Heliod, God of the Sun .

Looks fairly solid though.

February 2, 2014 7:29 a.m.

toadily16 says... #3

hiii007 Akroan Hoplite to easy to be picked off with removal and does not have any push through. Banisher Priest ability great but that is what Chained to the Rocks is for Ajani, Caller of the Pride actually a pretty good suggestion, but what would i remove for him.

voltoth Heliod, God of the Sun vigilance is not such a big priority Boros Reckoner is not bad but i want to try something different Firemane Avenger i'm not feeling the synergy with that one...

thank you for all your input and thoughts

February 4, 2014 3:31 a.m.