Everyone gather round! It is time for a family reunion! Now, you are probably saying to yourself, "I don't want to go! Being with family is lame..." CAN IT, CUPCAKE. This isn't YOUR family reunion. No no, this is a family worth uniting. Why you might ask? Well, for starters...
It. Is. Huge.*
Anyone who knows anything about Kithkin knows that they reproduce like rabbits. Catholic rabbits. Catholic rabbits still riding the pride-boner of a successfully victorious transatlantic military campaign, freshly returned from their European slaughter-fest empowered by anti-Nazi righteousness and the spoils of unaccounted looting. I'm serious. Every single Kithkin you might meet is always eager to introduce you to their friends and family. From the postman(
Patrol Signaler
) to the preacher-man(
Order of Whiteclay
). Some go out of their way to call in the cousins(
Kithkin Harbinger
). Others only do it when you rile them up(
Militia's Pride
)...or worse, try and run them off(
Kinsbaile Borderguard
). Pretty soon, they will be everywhere. I mean...freaking EVERYWHERE. There will be more than you could ever expect to see. However, the family doesn't just come out for anyone or anything. It usually takes a party...a nice loud one. A feat easily accomplished with some big a** drums(Springleaf Drum).
Now. When the family is all out and about, it is pretty clear that they will be running the show. Any attempt to dislodge them will lead to some nasty revelations. Firstly, the family has values. Ancestors(
Wizened Cenn
), orders(Austere Command), and faith(Akroma's Memorial). Honestly, they are pretty good values to follow. Can see them safely out of most troubles. Values can't solve everything though. Sometimes it takes real sacrifice. When it comes to sacrifice, this family is willing to give everything for each other(Martyr's Cause). Doing something so noble for the sake of the family is great and all...but we know the real reason for it. To be known and remembered! The family could never forget those(
Kinsbaile Borderguard
) who give up their lives! No no no...they will be remember forever(Gift of Immortality). Forever inspiring more and more family members to step up with the need is great.
In the end, what you will find when you mess with this family...is that they don't take kindly to it. So maybe you should mind your manners when your swinging on down through the Goldmeadow. Keep you hostilities and opinions to your self, and wear your most polite smile. Don't make them break out the ol' whippin' kit(Veteran's Armament).
- My personal record is a family reunion of approximately 80 million. Extended families and 504th cousins and all...