For The Nayan Horde!

Commander / EDH thewyzman


MindAblaze says... #1

Initial thoughts. The mana base needs work. With 33 of your 40 lands basic, you will have a hard time finding any consistency with your mana. Cards like City of Brass , Jungle Shrine , Mana Confluence , Reflecting Pool and other mana fixers will make a big difference. That being said ramp like Cultivate , Skyshroud Claim and Nature's Lore are great in this format. They let you use the basics you have if you're not planning to add shocks and duals.

After that, the goal is to find what fat creatures you like and play around them. Some people like token generators like Utvara Hellkite , some like etb creatures like Bogardan Hellkite . In general though, creatures that have ETB abilities and static abilities are better than vanilla creatures. You get more out of them for your mana. That being said, they tend to be more expensive monetarily, so your budget will play a role in your card choices.

May 27, 2014 2 p.m.

Osang says... #2

Armada Wurm nets you two 5/5s with a single Mayael activation, Craterhoof Behemoth wins you games, Urabrask the Hidden and Fires of Yavimaya give you a Time Walk -y feel with Haste. Green Sun's Zenith and Tooth and Nail help with fetching up creatures. Gisela, Blade of Goldnight and Spellbreaker Behemoth add some utility. Xenagos, God of Revels turns any topdeck creature into a threat, like Balefire Dragon .

Some wraths like Final Judgment and Bonfire of the Damned should be good additions. Take advantage of green ramp in Kodama's Reach and Cultivate (like previously mentioned).

More dual lands. Here's a link for a thread that organized them by color.

Utility like Oracle of Mul Daya and Courser of Kruphix to speed up some draws, maybe add in Drumhunter for more draws. Planeswalkers like the combination of Elspeth, Sun's Champion and Xenagos, The Reveler can get you explosively fast mana. Garruk, Primal Hunter can be a 5-drop "draw a lot" if you have big creatures.

Instants like Chaos Warp , Swords to Plowshares , Oblation are your best friends.

Mosswort Bridge is pretty easy to trigger with big creatures, Spinerock Knoll is also good since you don't have to deal the damage yourself to activate it.

Never forget about Sol Ring , it's the best card ever in EDH.

May 27, 2014 2:18 p.m.

Magiclover318 says... #3

I recommend Seedborn Muse , Elvish Piper , Burgeoning , Mana Reflection , Gilded Lotus , Chromatic Lantern , Hellkite Tyrant (one thing I have noticed is that artifacts are always used in edh in abundance)

May 27, 2014 2:20 p.m.

Aelenium says... #4

great deck! if you can afford it, i think Splinter Twin , and Sword of Feast and Famine (for land untapping) would be cool. but a really cool deck! +1

May 27, 2014 2:42 p.m.

thewyzman says... #5

Wow, I read through everything so far, and every item is a fantastic suggestion, but 90% of them are over $10! I would buy every card you all listed, if I had the money... IF... I had the money. I'm definitely making a Wish list!

For now, I'm just looking for some quick fixes, maybe suggestions from my own Sideboard as its shown? +This, -That, maybe a reasoning, etc.

I really wish I knew where my Jungle Shrine went... I swear I had it at one point. Almost all my nonbasic lands enter tapped, which really slows me down, which is why I threw a Fog in my SB.

May 27, 2014 2:50 p.m.

brokendwarf says... #6

Of your 32 creatures, only 18 of them meet Mayael's criteria, which means she'll be wif (not get anything) most of the time. Many cards in here could easily be replaced with other things that are better, so I'll start the suggestions:



May 27, 2014 3 p.m.

Aelenium says... #7

AHA! perfect solution to that problem. Amulet of Vigor is cheap, and useful.

May 27, 2014 3:05 p.m.

brokendwarf says... #9

May 27, 2014 3:11 p.m.

MindAblaze says... #10

Without a consistent way to get Amulet of Vigor its probably not worth the slot. You'll either have to live with the enters the battlefield tapped lands, or invest in stuff like brokendwarf suggested in the land section. Stuff like the painlands are a happy medium.

Epochalyptik has a list of staples to find just the right cards for your budget. He also has a budget list..

May 27, 2014 3:22 p.m.

I like you play Mayael the Anima and In my deck I find it best to not use so much removal it is useless Boros Charm Is good becuase it gives you good options. I use Path to Exile and when you think about creatures and big ones they are bulky so I use Elvish Piper and Quicksilver Amulet they are great to use and then when you get them in the groove Vorinclex, Voice of Hunger is great to use to double up your mana. Since you have so many mana dork creatures I suggest you take them out. In EDH you want a good mana curve but since there are so many good decks that go after removal and killing off your creatures I suggest against Llanowar Elves , Knotvine Mystic and Somberwald Sage they just take up room in your deck and you wont need them if you have cards like Quicksilver Amulet and Elvish Piper Cards you want to use for mana in a Mayael deck are Chromatic Lantern , Sol Ring and Worn Powerstone they are the useful guys you wanna look for. Also I see bloodrush that is a very useless ability in EDH you are discarding cards that you could use for the better if you where in Jund it would be better but your not so I dont suggest em. Also you have Planar Cleansing just anothe tip take it out it is killing your guys. In Mayael your creatures are precious and if you have one add Avacyn, Angel of Hope and if you start adding all of the legendary creatures add Captain Sisay She is great to use and you will want one. These are my tips I hope they are usefull.

May 27, 2014 3:28 p.m.

Magiclover318 says... #12

I also put in Iroas, God of Victory I would say he is a necessity. Also Vorinclex, Voice of Hunger

May 27, 2014 3:56 p.m.

thewyzman says... #13

Wow guys, I want them all! Great suggestions! My wish list is a mile long now, I think I've got more cards on that than I do in the deck, haha.

Meanwhile, I only currently own the deck and the cards listed in the Sideboard, so are there any thoughts there?

Also, how many wrath cards should I have? I mean, if I'm winning it seems like a waste. The better this deck gets, the less I figure I'll need them, right? No?

I definitely gotta get a couple more cheat-in cards like Elvish Piper , especially if I add in even more fatties like 8+ drops. Vorinclex, Voice of Hunger is nuts, worth the eleven bucks I'm sure, but I'm not so sure he's on the Top Five Cards To Get Now Before I Play Another Game list?

May 27, 2014 8:42 p.m.

Magiclover318 says... #14

I suggest he is, more so for his second ability rather than giving you double mana per land. Not letting your opponents lands untap is key in edh

May 27, 2014 8:45 p.m.

MindAblaze says... #15

Vorinclex is amazing. He creates some feel bad moments for your opponents though so if you have a soul or compassion for your friends I'd consider waiting for him. Maybe. Your call.

May 27, 2014 9:08 p.m.

thewyzman says... #16

I'll be nabbing a Vorinclex as soon as one becomes available to me.....

In the meantime, is there anything in my Sideboard list that should be swapped in?

I also updated the sideboard (added in another 41 cards) with a bunch of cards I had laying around with various purposes.

Check out the description as I moved the entire Maybeboard into its own decklist.

May 29, 2014 4:14 p.m.

MindAblaze says... #17

Something like Spellbook is good if you have the right amount of draw (or other people do.) I use Reliquary Tower though for that purpose.

The only other things I would consider from the list are additional removal like Hull Breach and Condemn .

Beast Within is also really good.

May 29, 2014 5:11 p.m.

thewyzman says... #18

I've thought about using Spellbook since I don't have Reliquary Tower yet. I don't want to get land screwed (and if I do it's pretty much over anyways since this deck doesn't really start to matter until 5 mana are usable), but if I did find myself short on drawing lands, I'd hate to have to start discarding from a full hand.

May 30, 2014 6:59 a.m.

thewyzman says... #19

Updated with more tweaks (listed in the Updates section), feedback welcome, since I'm still learning game logic :)

I also intend to respond to each person who offered advice since yall took the time for me, so stay tuned.

June 2, 2014 1:01 p.m.

thewyzman says... #20

Emrys, I think I just realized Splinter Twin + Godsire = infinite 8/8 dudes = GG if I had a way to untap them before combat :)

June 10, 2014 9:03 a.m.

thewyzman says... #21

...or just fling them at an opponent's face.

June 10, 2014 9:05 a.m.

mathimus55 says... #22

I really really really like this deck. My only suggestion would be Worldspine Wurm just bc he's so fat, then you could Fling him, and get 3 more triggers for your enchantments that trigger with big creatures etb. Nice job. +1

June 26, 2014 9:36 a.m.

thewyzman says... #23

thanks mathimus55, i've got WSW on a short list of acquireboard items along with Thragtusk once i get my Feed The Hand That Bites (Thraximundar ) deck up to speed, and get some spare change.

June 26, 2014 11:32 a.m.

Didgeridooda says... #24

This deck needs some Greater Good with all them dragons you are talking about.

June 26, 2014 2:11 p.m.

thewyzman says... #25

Didgeridooda, It's a 1/99 chance I'll draw the dragon, but it would also work with Rampaging Baloths in steadily producing sackable tokens. I don't often have too much card toubles because I wind up holding a bunch of fatties and using Mayael the Anima to play creatures, but Greater Good is a nice feeling card in the right board state.

June 26, 2014 3:30 p.m.

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